123. So Cute (18+)

Warning! There is a more intimate 18+ scene in the middle of the chapter. You can skip that part if you're not comfortable with overly intimate scenes.


"You don't like me touching you? If you don't like it, why are you shaking, Sweetheart?" Natalie grinned widely. She slid her hand on Dimas' neck, while the other hand held Dimas' shoulder.

Dimas is caught off guard by Natalie, giving Natalie a chance to turn things around. Natalie squeezed the nape of Dimas's neck and put pressure on Dimas's shoulder, turning them around so that now Dimas was leaning against the door.

"Ugh, huh?" Dimas groaned for a moment, feeling the strong pressure from Natalie's hand. Even though Natalie's body was tall and slender, he didn't expect that the strength that the woman gave off could not be underestimated.

"Nata, what are you going to do?!" Dimas whispered frantically when his current position was not in his favor for further discussion.