122. What's Your Relationship With Him?

Marvin chuckled, shrugging his shoulders. "I've met her before and spent a few hours talking to her. Even though we're not very acquainted, at least I know her name. But secretary Natalie seems to have forgotten about me. It seems I'm the only one who remembers our meeting."

Marvin's answer ignited a fire of jealousy in Dimas' heart. The man knew nothing about the meeting between his lover and the man who was an investor in his project. I don't know when they met, from the look in Marvin's eyes, Dimas could tell that the man was interested in Natalie.

"Secretary Natalie, is that true?" Dimas tried to control his expression in order to remain restrained and not show the slightest gap that describes his current feelings.

Natalie was still with the same smile, trying to pull back the hand that was shaking Marvin's. Unfortunately, Natalie's hand was not easy to let go of Marvin's because the man actually tightened his grip on Natalie.