Chapter 5

"That must be the sodas." Giovanna as she got up, "I'll get the door this time." she said as she opened the door and saw Sapphire standing at the door, holding two bags of chips. "Oh... Miss Stuart... Hey..." Giovanna said as she smiled. "Hey girls, I thought I would give you some snacks and check up on you." Sapphire said with a smile.

"Thanks... How thoughtful of you." Giovanna said as she took the chips from Sapphire, "So... what are you young ladies up to?" Sapphire asked.

"Eh. Nothing much now, having fun with my parents?" Giovanna asked, maintaining her smile. "Yeah. They're really... adventurous." Sapphire said, rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly.

Doris showed up and looked up at Sapphire, "Oh Sapphire so wonderful of you to bring something for the girls." She said as she looked at Giovanna "Nana, would you and Agatha like to join us downstairs? We're about to play a game." Doris asked as she gave Giovanna the sodas.

"I'll ask Agatha." she said as she looked at Agatha "Hey Aggie, do you want to play a game with our parents and guardian?" she asked. "That actually sounds fun, I'm in." Agatha said as she stood up. As Giovanna and Agatha left the bedroom, Agatha looked at Doris "How are teams going to go this time?" she asked , "Oh about that, Nana. Do you mind if you join William's team?" Doris asked with a wink.

"I always thought about what it would be like to be on his team." Giovanna answered.

"Uh I thought we agreed with our family against your family?" Sapphire said, "Oh we're so sorry. I guess you weren't listening, we agreed on switching our kids." Doris said. "Oh... but isn't it wrong of us to play a game without Helena?" Sapphire asked.

"It didn't seem Helena wanted to join us when we arrived." Doris answered, "Come along Nana and Agatha, we're about to begin." she said as she went to the stairs while the girls followed. As Doris and the girls walked away, Sapphire stood in the hall with her arms crossed in anger and in disgust "This game night is going to be ruined." she grumbled as she followed behind.

As the girls went downstairs, William and Eduardo looked up at them. "Ah Doris, you got Agatha to come and play." William said with a smile, "Is it wrong for me to do so? I figured if we're going to bring Giovanna down to play, we might as well ask Agatha too. We need an even number of people anyway." Doris said as she looked down sadly. Eduardo stood up and went over to Doris, "You did a good job asking Agatha. I didn't even think about asking but you did, I did mean to sound like it wasn't a good idea." he said as he rubbed his nose against hers. Doris smiled "Yay!" she cheered.

Sapphire came down and went over to William's side as everyone sat down in their teams: Giovanna, William and Sapphire v.s. Doris, Agatha and Eduardo

"What are we playing?" asked Giovanna.

"There's a website I use for my students called Bakoot. A beautiful series of trivia and questionnaires on different topics." answered Eduardo.

"Sounds like fun, let's play." said Agatha.

After two hours of playing Bakoot, it was time for the McKay family to go home. Giovanna and Agatha embraced each other while Eduardo and Doris were chatting it up with William and Sapphire.

"Well it was a pleasure meeting you, Sapphire~" said Doris with a small grin.

"Likewise. I hope we meet again." said Sapphire with a gentle smile, "In the next life." she mumbled under her breath.

"It was nice talking to you again, William. We should definitely do this again." said Eduardo.

"Absolutely! Just let us know the time and date and we'll plan something out." said William.

"Come on Giovanna. You have to study for your permit." Eduardo said as he ruffled Giovanna's hair, "Right! See ya later, Aggie." Giovanna said as she waved. While Eduardo and Giovanna walked towards their car, Doris stopped next to Agatha "You're always welcome to sleepover at our house, Agatha. It would be nice to have you visit from time to time." she said. Agatha smiled and nodded at Doris, Doris went through her bag and held out a piece of paper to Agatha "This is our home number. Call us anytime you want." she said sweetly. Agatha took the paper and looked up at Doris "I will. Thank you for coming over." she said.

"Doris, you coming?!" shouted Giovanna from the car.

"Coming!" Doris responded as she ran to the car.

The McKay family waved goodbye as they drove off.

'Please don't leave me with them!' Agatha thought as she smiled and waved, watching the McKay family leave. Agatha went back inside as she closed the door "Well that was fun... I'm gonna go shower." she said as she went upstairs while Sapphire and William watched her leave the room. William smiled "She finally admitted that she had fun. It's been so long since I've seen her smile like that." he said as he looked at the time, "Wow it's already nine thirty. Helena should be home by now." he said as he sat on the couch while heaving a sigh. Sapphire softly went over to the couch as she sat down next to William, "Willy... Am I a bad person?" she asked sadly.

"No, of course not. Who said that you are?" William asked as Sapphire's eyes started to tear up crocodile tears, "Oh no one said it to me I just had a feeling that your daughter and friends don't like me." she said.

"What makes you think that they hate you?" William asked as he wrapped his arms around Sapphire's shoulders while holding her close, Sapphire took a deep breath "Haven't you noticed that her attitude is different from our past family activities? Her smiling, laughing and getting along with the McKay's family not to mention she only participated because she got teamed up with the McKay family. Don't you think it's unfair to treat us differently?" Sapphire said as she wiped her eyes and sniffled.