Chapter 6

"She probably just participated because they're guests..." William said as he planted a kiss on Sapphire's forehead, "Don't lose your head about the little stuff. This is just a coincidence, she didn't know about the McKay family coming over. That was Helena and Agatha's surprise, remember the babysitters I was talking about? That was the McKay's family." William explained.

Meanwhile, Agatha got out of the shower as she sat on her bed while drying her hair, she then looked at the piece of paper Doris gave her. She picked up the phone, she stared at it for a bit before dialing the number.

'I should check if they're home.' she thought as she held the phone against her ear.

"Hello McKay residence." said Doris.

"Hi Mrs. McKay, it's me, Agatha." she said

"Oh Agatha! What are you still up at this hour?" Doris asked.

"I wanted to call and check up on you before I go to bed." Agatha responded.

"That's so considerate of you. Yes, we got home safe and sound." Doris said with a giggle, "Thanks for calling to check in, Agatha. Giovanna told us you're going to work as a camp counselor. You're going to have a wonderful time at camp." said Doris.

"I hope so... anyway, have a good night." Agatha said with her finger hovering over the end call button, waiting for Doris' response.

"Have a good night, dear. Get some rest." said Doris.

Agatha hung up the phone as she heaved a small sigh, she laid down on her bed and smiled.

'Tomorrow's a new day...' she thought as she closed her eyes.

While Agatha drifted off to sleep, William and Sapphire were waiting for Helena to return home. An hour later, Helena walked through the door with a bag in her hand, "Welcome home, Helena. Do you have any idea what time it is?" asked William as he crossed his arms. Sapphire looked at the time "I know, I know. The buses were running slow, I'm sorry I didn't call and tell you that I was going to be late." she said as she sniffled, "I'm sorry Helena but you're grounded for the rest for two weeks." William said.

"Two weeks?!" Helena exclaimed.

"L-Listen to William, Helena. You've really disappointed us." Sapphire said as she looked away from Helena, Helena gasped and stormed up to her room while grumbling.

"I'm sorry that she was late, but isn't two weeks... a bit much?" Sapphire asked, "Maybe... but-" William said. "And this is her first time going out, are you going to let her stop seeing her friends too?" Sapphire asked, "Well no, I-" William stuttered. "You should make it up to Helena tomorrow, until then you sleep on the couch." Sapphire said as she went upstairs in a huff.

"I uh... huh..." William said as he sat down on the couch.

The next day, Sapphire, Helena and William gathered in the living room, having a little meeting.

"Your mother and I talked it over, and we have decided that you're only grounded for five days. Two weeks was kind of excessive and it was your first time going out to your friend's house by yourself." William explained.

"I understand..." Helena said as she looked over at Sapphire, "And we'll be planning out what we're going to do for the summer." Sapphire said as she smiled. "That sounds good." said Helena.

Agatha came downstairs, "Morning." she said as she went straight to the kitchen. She went through the fridge and took out a gallon of orange juice as she went through the cabinet for a cup. As she poured herself some orange juice, William's voice entered the kitchen, "Agatha, you submitted your application yesterday right?" he asked from the living room. After putting the gallon of orange juice in the fridge, she left as she looked at William. "Yeah, I did. You should get a phone call soon." Agatha answered, taking a sip of her orange juice.

"What do you want to do until you get a notification?" he asked, Agatha shrugged.

"I have an idea. How about you and Helena play together?" Sapphire suggested.

"As much as I'd LOVE to hangout with Helena. I was thinking about getting ahead of work supply preparation, better prepared than not at all, right?" Agatha said as she went upstairs.

"Wait right there, young lady." Sapphire said, Agatha stopped and turned around "Is there anything else you want to say?" she asked.

"Now that you mentioned preparations, why don't we go together? Let us help you prepare for your trip." Sapphire said with a smile, "That's a good idea. We can go shopping, there are plenty of things we'll need at home anyway." William said as he stood up. Agatha forced a smile "Wonderful." she said as she went to her room.

While everyone was getting ready for the trip to the mall, Agatha went down to the living room "I'm going to wait in the car!" she shouted before going to the garage. A few minutes later, William, Sapphire and Helena sat inside the car. William pressed the garage door while starting up the car, the garage door opened up and William drove out as he closed the garage door before driving to the mall.

When they got to the mall, Sapphire, Helena and Agatha went inside while William went to find parking. As they walked through the mall, Sapphire and Helena wandered from window to window checking out the displays while Agatha went to the fountain as she waited for William to enter the mall.

"Pretty~" Agatha whispered to herself as she watched the water spouting down from the tiers to the basin. She then watched the water flowing down on the fountain.

"Watching the water flow, huh?" a boyish voice said next to Agatha.

Agatha turned around and yelped as she saw a brown haired boy with his hair up, smiling at her.

"Sorry. Did I scare you?" he asked.

"N-No, you just surprised me that's all... May I help you?" Agatha asked, "Well no, I just got a little curious about why you were staring at the fountain like that?" the boy said as he put his hands in his pockets.

"Water's just memorizing to look at, you know..." Agatha said as she stared at the water again, the boy stood next to Agatha and looked at the water "Oh now I see it... I get it, it's calming." he said as he smiled.