Chapter 7

While Agatha and the boy watched the fountain, "How weird of me to striked up a conversation without introducing myself," the boy said as he extended his hand towards Agatha "Name's Roddie." he said with a charming smile. Agatha smiled as she shook his hand "Nice to meet you, Roddie. My name is Agatha." Agatha introduced herself as she looked at the fountain again.

"That's an interesting name. What brings you here at the mall? Scoping hot guys here?" Roddie asked, jokingly. Agatha sarcastically laughed "Very funny, but no. I'm here with my family shopping for some things for my summer job, just waiting for my dad to find parking." Agatha explained, "Yikes... Must be embarrassing to be here with your dad, huh?" asked Roddie. "Well I came here with his girlfriend and her daughter. They're more embarrassing than my dad, bunch of 'try-hards' and 'pick me' girls." Agatha said as she crossed her arms.

"I take it back, Those types of people are embarrassing to be around." said Roddie while Agatha nodded in agreement.

William's POV

"God damn that took forever. I thought I was going to be searching forever." I said to myself as I walked inside the mall while looking around.

'This mall hasn't changed a bit...' I thought as something caught my eye.

What I saw next was every father with a teenager's worst nightmare.

My daughter was alone... TALKING TO A BOY!

"AGATHA!" I screamed.

Normal POV

"I came here with friends and got lost. I'm still trying to find-them-" Roddie explained as a loud voice echoed through the mall.

"AGATHA!" said the voice.

"What the hell was that?" Roddie asked as he looked around. "I know that voice... That would be my dad." sighed Agatha, "Nice knowing ya, Roddie." she said as she walked away.

"You too, Agatha." Roddie said as he waved at her before walking away.

As Agatha walked towards William, Sapphire and Helena started to show up next to William. 'Oh great, I wonder what cryptic bullshit they are going to make up.' she thought as she stood near William, "Hey dad, did you manage to find a parking space?" she asked.

"Yeah, I did. Uh, Agatha, quick question: who was that boy you were with just now?" asked William.

"No one special, just a guy enjoying the fountain with me. I mean, Sapphire and Helena wandered off somewhere up until now." said Agatha.

"We were nearby, it's you that wandered off." Helena said as she placed her hands on her hips, "We didn't know where you were. We got worried." added Sapphire.

"It's not just the fact you talked to a boy. It's just the fact you three got separated. Agatha, I know the only thing you love about the mall is the fountain, but just know that you're not by yourself. Sapphire, I know you're trying but you know that Agatha is your daughter too." William said as he sighed.

"What? Why are you going to blame me?" asked Sapphire, "I'm not blaming you, I'm telling you that Agatha is here too." said William.

Outraged about being told off, Sapphire screamed "This was supposed to be a family moment and I'm in trouble for not keeping track of your child? She's old even to know about the dangers of strangers, so why are you babying her?!". Before William could get a word into the conversation Sapphire stormed off in a huff, "I'm waiting in the car! Let me know when you're done shopping!" she shouted as she left the mall. William sighed as he looked at Helena and Agatha "I'm sorry that you had to see that. Let's just get the things we need and go." he said as he walked away.

"I hope you know this is your fault. Instead of flirting with guys, how about you put in effort in actually being part of the family?" Helena said as she followed William behind, Agatha kept quiet as she followed William and Helena.

After two and a half hours of shopping, William and the girls started heading over to the car with a handful of bags. "That was a fun shopping spree, thanks William." said Helena.

"You're welcome, Helena." William said as he opened the trunk while stuffing the bags in the trunk, Helena put the bags in the trunk while Agatha did the same.

"Now that we're done shopping, how about we pick up some dinner on the way home?" William asked, "That sounds good. What are you thinking about getting?" Agatha asked as she walked to the backseat door while Helena followed.

"It has to be something healthy, I'm trying to watch my figure." Helena said as she glanced at Agatha with a smirk, Agatha didn't think about it until William started suggesting restaurants.

"Hm... Massa Market? Railway? Whatever you think of getting? Just let me know." he said as he got into the car.

As Agatha was about to open the door, Helena started to laugh before speaking to Agatha "I'm sure by the end of the summer, you're going to become a whale and no boy would love you then." she said mockingly before pushing Agatha aside to open the door and she walked in smiling so innocently. Agatha looked down at her stomach before getting in the car.

"Did you girls have fun shopping?" Sapphire asked, "Yeah, we did." Agatha said with a slight smile. "Though it would've been more enjoyable if you were there, Mom." Helena said with a pout.

"I know but I kind of overreacted and was embarrassed to leave the car after making such a scene. Maybe next time when everything is better again." she said as she glared at William.

"Look, I'm sorry, okay? It wasn't just Agatha's fault in that situation, I mean... Nevermind..." William sighed as he stopped at the stop sign before driving up to the driveway, "I was going to say something but now that I'm hearing it out loud, I can hear myself putting the blame on you. I'm sorry Sapphy." he said, apologetically as he stopped the car.

"Are you really, Willy?" Sapphire asked as she looked at William with a little excitement in her eyes, William nodded as he held Sapphire's hand "Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" he asked.

"Hm... There is one thing..." said Sapphire.

"What is it?" asked William.

"I want to spend the summer in the bahamas." she requested with a cheeky smile.

"You sure that's what you want? I came back from camping in six weeks. If no one's home, then-" said Agatha.

"Agatha... As much as I want to agree with you, I have to disagree with you on this one." William said, "Why?" Agatha asked.

"Because Sapphire's right... I've been babying you lately and it's time for me to stop that. Moreover, you're going away for six weeks out of the whole summer. Why can't we travel around?" William asked. Agatha sat there silently without uttering another word.

"Wait, we're going to the Bahamas the whole summer?" Helena asked, excitedly. Sapphire nodded while Helena cheered, "I'm going to tell my friend about this! Thank you for thinking of the best summer ever~" Helena said as she unfastened her seatbelt while running out of the car.

"Oh Willy~ You're the best babe ever~" Sapphire said as she embraced William.

Disgusted, Agatha got out of the car "I'm not hungry anymore." she said while slamming the car door as she stormed up to her room.