Chapter 11

When Giovanna and Agatha got to the room, Giovanna scrambled through her dresser, searching for clothes. "Aha! Found it!" Giovanna cheered as she held up a light blue pajama set, "I knew these would come and handy. I'm so glad that I've saved them. You can wear these when we get an update from dad." Giovanna said as she set the pajamas on her bed while leaving the room.

Giovanna's POV

As I walked to the lining closet, I heard my father and mother talking. I quietly went downstairs to hear what they're talking about, I took a peek and saw my mom and dad sitting on the couch.

"I swear William's life is going to go downhill from here. Did he forget he has a daughter?!" He shouted, "Eddy~ This is nothing to be upset over. Just think about it, if we keep supporting her, the more evidence we have against him~" my mom said as she rubbed his back. My dad sighed as he looked at his phone, "I'll try to call again." He sighed as he held up the phone to his ear. He then stood up and reeled his arm back, my mom stood up and grabbed dad's arm "Honey! Calm down... Breath..." she said softly as my dad slowly sat back down on the couch while heaving a sigh.

"You're right, you're right. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He said while my mom hugged him, she nuzzled his arms cutely "You really hate that Agatha is treated unfairly, huh?" she asked as she stroked his hair. "I just don't get what he sees in that woman... and that Helena ugh, not even worth thinking about." sighed my dad while my mom kissed his cheek, "How about I tell Giovanna to tell Agatha that she's spending the night? You're in no mood to tell her the news and I want to take care of my papa bear~..." my mom said as she giggled.

"Thanks mama bear~ What do I do to deserve a woman like you?" my dad said as he kissed my mom's forehead.

'Oh God, not the mama and papa bear talk.' I thought as I went downstairs, "Hey mom?" I asked in curiosity. My mom and dad blushed and moved away from each other while my mom looked at me "Oh Giovanna... P-Perfect timing. Um... Do you mind telling Agatha that she's spending the night? D-Dinner will be ready soon, so you girls wash up." she said, bashfully as she retreated to the kitchen. I looked over at my dad, "I should help your mother set up the table." he said as he ran to the kitchen, I giggled to myself as I went back upstairs and went through the lining closet, I gathered a bath towel, a washcloth and a toothbrush.

I went over to my room and stood in front of the door before opening the door to see Agatha sitting on my beanbag chair, "Having fun there?" I said. Agatha jumped and quickly stood up "Sorry, it looked comfortable to sit in." she said while looking down on the floor, "Oh it's fine, don't worry about it. Here, I brought you a towel and a toothbrush. My mom wanted me to tell you that you're spending the night, no luck contacting your dad I guess..." I said while Agatha was gathering bath utilities from me.

"What else is new?" she said as she took the pajamas and went to the bathroom.

I took some of my clothes and went to my parents' room and used their shower. As I turned on the faucet, I disrobed myself and stepped in the bathtub. After some time later, I got out of the bathtub and dried myself off before wearing my pajamas. I left my parents' room with my dirty clothes in hand as I headed to my room.

I opened the door and saw Agatha buttoning up her pajama top, she was blushing a little bit. "What's wrong Agatha? Do the clothes not fit?" I asked, "No, they fit, it just feels uncomfortable..." she said as she squirmed.

I didn't know what she was going on about until I realized what she meant. When I figured it out, I blushed and tried to change the subject, "M-My mom should be done with dinner by now. Let's go down and eat before going to bed." I said as I opened the door while Agatha walked through the door.

Normal POV

While going downstairs, Agatha and Giovanna went into the kitchen and sat down at the table, "Just in time girls~ I hope you're hungry, I made beef stir-fry." Doris said as she served everyone a bowl. Agatha smelled the food "Wow, this smells amazing." she said, "Thank you, Agatha. I've been trying out new recipes lately, do you know how to cook by any chance?" asked Doris. Agatha shook her head "I'd love to but I don't know if I'm ready to get behind the stove..." she answered. "I teach you how to cook, oh please let me teach you how. Just in case there's a chance, you'll be home alone." Doris begged as she clasped her hands together, giving Agatha her signature puppy dog eyes.

Agatha hesitated before glancing at Giovanna, Giovanna nodded and smiled. Agatha then looked at Doris and nodded, "Sure, I guess it'll be fun." she said. Doris cheered as she giggled "Oh now I'm excited. I get to teach cooking~" she said as she sat down at a table.

As Agatha and McKay's family enjoyed dinner, Doris and Eduardo were discussing plans for the weekend while Giovanna nodded in agreement and chimed into the conversation from time to time, Agatha just sat there while listening to the conversation. After everyone was finishing dinner, Doris took everyone's dishes and set them in the sink. Giovanna stood up and took the dishes from Doris "I'll get the dishes, Mom. Um... We have a clothing situation with Agatha." said Giovanna as Doris looked at Agatha.

"Agatha, you wouldn't mind if we walk and talk, right?" Doris asked as Agatha got up from her seat, "No, not at all. What's up?" Agatha asked as exited the kitchen while Doris followed.

"Giovanna told me about a clothing situation. Let's get your laundry done now. Go get your clothes and bring them down, I'll be waiting here." Doris said as Agatha nodded. Agatha went upstairs and went inside Giovanna's room. She took out her unwashed clothes from the bathroom and went back downstairs, where Doris was standing there waiting for her.

"Is this all your clothes?" Doris asked, Agatha nodded in response.

"Follow me, let me show you to the laundry room." Doris said as she went to another room while Agatha followed.

The laundry room was spacious enough to move around between two machines. Doris went to the washing machine, "Go ahead and dump your clothes in here. You put a little bit of laundry detergent and put one cup of fabric softener." Doris instructed as she turned on the washing machine. Agatha did everything as instructed while closing the lid, Doris smiled "Good job, Agatha. I'll put your clothes in the dryer once they've finished washing., I have to do laundry before bed anyway." Doris said as she went upstairs while Agatha followed behind her "I'm sorry for wasting your laundry detergent." said Agatha as she looked down ashamed.

Once Doris made it to the living room, she turned and faced Agatha "It's no big deal, Agatha. It's not your fault. Everything that happened today was... unexpected. None of us knew this was going to happen. If we did, I wish we had an activity for us to do." she giggled as she patted Agatha's head, "Now, you go on upstairs. My husband must be setting up your bed by now." she said as she went to the kitchen.

Agatha went upstairs and went to Giovanna's room, she saw Eduardo putting bed sheets on a spare mattress. Eduardo stood up and turned around, he jumped once he saw Agatha standing there "Oh! Agatha, I didn't hear you come in. I was just about to grab a blanket for you." he said. "No, no, you really don't have to trouble yourself. I can get my own blanket, I'm not even tired right now." Agatha said as she smiled.

"Oh. In that case, we keep the blanket in the lining closet down the hall." Eduardo said as he made his way to the door, "If you'll excuse me, I have to help Doris with some nightly chores. You girls have a good night." he said as he left the room.

"G-Good night, sir." Agatha said as she went and sat on the bed, she looked around the room and saw a yearbook. She got up and took the album 'Middle school, huh?' she thought as she opened it, she looked through the book until she saw a picture of Giovanna smiling proudly.

'That's Giovanna!? She didn't change a bit... She seems so happy.' she thought as she turned to the back of the book and saw signatures, wishes of luck and numerous farewell notes. 'She seems so popular... She has more signatures than I do...' she thought as she closed the yearbook, she lied down and tucked her legs to her chest as she sighed.

'Mr and Mrs. McKay treats me better than my other family... Dad... I hope you're okay...' Agatha thought as her eyes started to well up while she started to cry. It was then Giovanna walked in, Agatha quickly wiped her eyes as she smiled.

"Hey Aggie, I just finished with the dishes and..."Giovanna trailed off as she looked at Agatha suspiciously, "Agatha, were you just rubbing your eyes?" she asked. Agatha nodded "I guess I'm just tired. Blankets are in the lining closet right? I should go get a blanket." she said as she quickly made her way to the door.

"Freeze." said Giovanna as she blocked Agatha's way, "There's no need to rush to get a blanket. I think there's more than tiredness in those eyes." she said as she leaned on the doorframe.

"You were crying, weren't you?" asked Gioavnna.

Agatha stood quiet as she avoided eye contact with Giovanna, Giovanna sighed "The best blankets are on the second shelf." she said as she moved out of the way. Agatha nodded as she went to the lining closet and took out a blanket while going back to Giovanna's room, Giovanna closed the door as Agatha spread the blanket out while sitting down.

Giovanna went over to her bed and sat down "You still haven't answered my question... Were you crying?" she asked softly as she rubbed Agatha's back, Agatha sighed as she slowly nodded.

"Worried about your dad?" asked Giovanna, Agatha nodded.

"You'll get to see him in the morning..." said Giovanna. "I know but... I can't help but think about what happened to him. I don't know if he's in the police department o-or got himself mugged or worse killed." said Agatha as fresh tears started streaming down her cheeks while wiping her eyes, "Helena and Sapphire have something against me and I don't know why. I hate them and I don't want to think that I have to deal with them if dad died. I'm sorry... I didn't mean to complain." she said.

"It's fine, Aggie. You don't have to compress it anymore, you can talk to me. Come on, let out." said Giovanna as she invited Agatha to her bed, Agatha climbed on Giovanna's bed as she hugged her while crying on her shoulder.

After a while of crying, Agatha fell asleep in Giovanna's arms while Giovanna yawned as she slowly fell asleep, Giovanna helped Agatha close as she slept soundly.

The next day, Agatha woke up and looked up at the sleeping Giovanna, 'I cried myself to sleep...' she thought as she slowly got out of Giovanna's arms. She quietly left Giovanna's room and slowly went downstairs, she soon went face-to-face with Doris as she was cooking breakfast.

Doris looked at Agatha and smiled "Good morning, Agatha. You're up early, can you interest me in a berry and yogurt smoothie?" Doris asked as she set a glass of smoothie on the table, Agatha sat down and took a sip "This is delicious." she said as she took another sip. "For breakfast, I made some breakfast burritos. There's sausage, bacon and hashbrown. Which one do you want to eat?" Doris asked as she set down a plate with a pyramid of burritos, "Hashbrown sounds good." Agatha answered as Doris gave Agatha a burrito. Agatha took a bite of the burrito and smiled "I look forward to your cooking classes." she said, Doris smiled sweetly "I look forward to teaching you~" she cooed. "Oh, before I forget..." Doris said as she gave Agatha her dried clothes, Agatha nuzzled and sniffed her clothes "So fresh and soft~" she said as she smiled. Doris giggled "Do you know how to use...feminine products?" she asked, "Yeah, I had to watch a video on how to track and be prepared for the time of the month." Agatha answered.

"I see..." said Doris

Ding Dong

"Who could that be this early in the morning." Doris asked as she went to the door while Agatha started to finish up her burrito. 'I have to learn how to make this, this is so good~' Agatha said as she finished drinking her smoothie, she sighed happily as she woke up from her fantasy.

"Yes, Agatha's here. Come in, Agatha will be ready soon." said Doris from a distance.

Agatha walked out of the kitchen and saw William, standing at the door. William gasped and ran inside, he embraced Agatha "Thank god. You're okay, I was so worried about you." he said as he tightly hugged Agatha. "Dad...You're...choking... me..." said Agatha as William released her, "I'll be waiting in the car. Hurry up and get dressed, you start work soon right? It's better to pack up earlier than later." William said as he left the house.

With a sigh, Agatha went upstairs and got dressed in Giovanna's bathroom. As she finished getting dressed, she grabbed her bag as she went downstairs "Well, see you later, Mrs. McKay." she said with a slight smile while walking to the car.