Chapter 12

On the drive way home, William tried to make conversation with Agatha, but she didn't say a word. Agatha was lost in thought as she looked out the window as he drove, "I'm sorry that I couldn't get in touch with you, Agatha. I dropped my phone in a storm drain and it got waterlogged... I'm glad you called Eduardo, otherwise, I would've blamed myself for letting you go alone..." William said as he went through the driveway. Once William parked the car, Agatha took off her seatbelt and got out of the car, slamming the door. As Agatha stormed up to her room, Sapphire walked out of the bedroom and yawned "What's with all the noise?" she asked while rubbing her eyes.


William's POV

I really fucked up this time. Normally, I would tell Agatha if there was a change of plans or how long I was going to be late, but now... I wish I hadn't dropped my phone, I should've paid attention to where I was going... is what I WOULD say if my side wasn't justified.

It's not my fault that my phone got waterlogged or my phone got dropped in the drain. If only that kid watched where they were going, my phone wouldn't have gotten damaged.

As I thought that, I went into the living room and saw Sapphire in the kitchen cooking breakfast, "Good morning, Saph." I said as I walked over to Sapphire and hugged her from behind. "Hey William, Agatha seemed upset, is everything okay?" Sapphire said as she was serving up plates, "Oh I wouldn't worry about it. She just needs a little space, while we're on the topic of Agatha... You were right, Agatha was in McKay's house." I said as I chuckled. "Told you~ She's relying on the other family and that won't change unless you do something about it." said Sapphire while setting a plate in front of me, 'Maybe, but it's better this way.' I thought as I ate my breakfast.

Pretty soon, Helena came down and ate her breakfast. It's been a few hours since Agatha came home and she still hasn't left her room. I decided to leave her alone because teenagers, you know... Besides, I had more important matters at hand after all, a tropical trip with Sapphire and Helena.

Since then, the day of Agatha's departure to Camp Solitaire has been slowly getting near and I haven't heard a word from Agatha, I only see her when she gets food and stays in her room. Sapphire suggested that I leave her only for a while and that she'll come around, so far nothing happened.

On the day of Agatha's work departure, Agatha still hasn't talked to me or anyone at all. I drove Agatha to the campsite pick up area and dropped her off there, there were so little staff there.

'No wonder Agatha applied here...' I thought as I looked at Agatha, who was getting out of the car while carrying her suitcase, "Wait Agatha..." I said as I leaned over at the window. Agatha stopped on the spot, but she didn't turn around. "Um... Good luck at work... Have fun." I said as I watched her leave, 'Spiteful child...' I thought as I shifted the gears to drive. I looked over at Agatha one last time, I witnessed a goofy looking boy approaching up to Agatha and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

'What... the fuck...' I thought as I leaned over at the car window again, "GET AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER!" I shouted.

Both Agatha and the boy jerked from my scream, they both looked like they were having a conversation because the boy just looked at me and waved.

'That cocky little fuck...' I thought as I drove away.

Agatha's POV

I heard the car drive away as I looked up at Gideon "Is he gone?", Gideon nodded as he looked at me "Coast is clear." he said as he smiled. I sighed in relief as I looked around "Where is everyone?" I asked, "Not sure... I went inside to check but the security told me to wait out here until someone gets here." Gideon answered while crossing his arms.

We stood outside the building for what felt like an hour and everyone was confused and concerned about what to do, Emma looked around and groaned out of boredom. "If this is some kind of joke, I swear I'll start going back home." she said as she looked at Gideon, "Where do you want to go after this?" she asked flirtatiously while playfully messing with his hair. "I'm sure we're just early, I mean it's like what? Eight in the morning?" said Gideon as he looked at me. I looked at my phone and checked the time, "It's 8:15 right now." I said as I put my phone away.

"What are we waiting for anyway?" asked the one girl.

"The bus, I guess. I mean... There's no way they were expecting us to walk all the way to the campsite...right?" said the other girl, who was occupied with her game.

"Right... Since we have a little time on our hands, how about we introduce ourselves? I'll start. My name is Gideon Dain, it's nice to meet you." Gideon said with a smile.

"I guess I'm next... My name is Vincent Goodman." said the boy with red braided hair.

"Our turn~" said one girl wrapping her arm around the other girl's shoulders, "My name is Penny Cleur and this is my twin sister Jenny." said Penny. "Hey..." said Jenny, clicking and smashing buttons.

"You know, there's no power at the camp right? The moment your game dies, you won't have anything to do." said Vincent. "And that matters because? Are you going to entertain me when it happens?" asked Jenny as she kept looking at the screen, "Only if you're interested~" he said with a smile. Jenny's hands stopped for a moment before she shuddered and went back to playing "I think working would be my alternative entertainment before I even resort to that." she said as she continued playing.

'Woah... Better be careful not to piss her off.' I thought to myself before Emma spoked "I'm Emma Marx and I look forward to working with you guys." she said cheerfully as she smiled.

Everyone...well everyone but Jenny turned and faced my direction, I looked around nervously as I took a deep breath "My name is Agatha Gray..." I managed to say as I took out my phone, "It's 8:17 now... " I sighed.

It was then the bus arrived eighteen minutes later, everyone cheered as we sat in the bus.

"Sorry for being late, folks. The drive here took longer than I thought. The quartermaster is looking forward to meeting all of you, just sit back, relax and enjoy this two hour ride. My name is Hunter O'Malley and I'm your driver today." said the driver as he started to drive.

Everyone had their own way to occupy themselves.

Penny was talking to Jenny while Jenny was playing video games, Vincent was gazing out the window, and Gideon was talking to Emma. As for me, I was bored out of my mind, so I put on my earbuds and started to watch a movie on my phone for a while. Pretty soon, I fell asleep the rest of the way to the camp ground.