Chapter 14

Normal POV

The staff started to gasp, "G-Gideon, surely you're joking right? You look like the joking type." Said a little girl with a pink bow. "I'm sorry, little lady. I can't get names so I have to get your phones to know your names." Gideon answered with a smile.

"Then how come Logan gets to keep his phone?" Said the little girl with a blue bow.

"Yeah. I don't think it's fair for the rest of us to give up our phones while Logan gets to keep his!" Shouted the little girl with a green bow.

"And it's not fair for Logan to participate if he already introduced himself right?" Gideon asked.

The three little girls with bows looked at each other before looking back at Gideon, "We're the Zelen sisters." the girls with bows said in unison.

"I'm Cindy," said the pink bow girl.

"I'm Mindy," said the blue bow girl.

"And I'm Mandy," said the green bow girl.

"We're 11 years old and we love music." They said in unison.

"Nice to meetcha Cindy, Mindy and Mandy. You get to keep your phones for telling us a little bit about yourselves." Gideon said with a grin. The triplets cheered as they hugged their phones.

Gideon moved on to a little boy dressed as a hunter, "Will you participate in the game? Put your phone in this box." he said while the boy scoffed in annoyance.

"Guess I have to take your phone." Gideon said, tauntingly.

"This is a stupid introduction game! Was it not clear that no one wants to introduce themselves?" the boy said as he gripped his phone, "Oh a hostile one huh? If the game is stupid why not introduce yourself and go onto fun activities the camp were planning. We are in the forest, you know, how would we know where you went?" Gideon asked.

"Well you just have to ask... Oh..." the boy sighed as he held his phone, "My name is Gunner Rockoff. I'm 13 years old and I like to play video games." the boy said. Gideon smiled and looked at the rest of the campers, "Are you going to tell us your names or do we have to start the introduction game?" Gideon asked.

It was then a little girl with glasses stood up, "M-M-My name is Tabitha Salvato, I'm 10 years old and I like poetry. Please don't take my phone away!" she said, frantically. "Well it's nice to meet you, Tabitha, looks like I don't need to take your phone. Now that leaves the remaining four, well..." said Gideon.

"I'm Carla Brewslaw, I'm 11 years old." said the girl with a baseball cap, "Anything you're interested in?" Gideon asked. Carla shook her head "Nothing in particular, hoping this camp can help me find something I like..." she said.

"That's what camps are for, the experience and memories! Thank you, Tabitha, for telling us this." Gideon said before another voice spoke up, "Lucas Marean's the name and video games are my, well, game. I'm 13 years old now!" the boy said proudly.

"Happy belated birthday then Lucas." Gideon smiled.

"Jake Cuno and this is Jack Fen. Jack doesn't talk much but he's really good at speaking his mind whenever he feels like it. I don't have any interesting information but we're 13 and 14 years old." the boy explained while pointing at the other.

"So Jake and Jack... brothers?" Gideon asked, "Half-siblings, now can we continue the next activity?" Jake asked.

Ace looked at Gideon and hummed, "Impressive, Gideon." he said. "It's a method I used on my little brother." Gideon said as he put the box down.

The staff applaud at Gideon, gawking in admirement.

"That was so cool, Gideon. I should've thought of that before, but I'm happy to meet each and everyone of you. I hope we can get along." Emma said with a smile.

"Now that we got the introduction out of the way. We can start the week with Freetime. You campers get to explore the campsite with the group. Care to take over the travel partners, Acey?~" asked Grace.

Ace flipped through his clipboard and looked at it, "Since we have ten campers, six summer youth staff and three staff members... I think we might split into groups by gender..." he said.

"I'll be working on the upcoming camp activities with Buck, so I won't help out with the tour." said Nancy, "So girls and boys group... that should do it." said Ace.

Grace squealed and looked at the summer youth staff members, "We'll be working together! I can't wait to give you gals the tour!" she said, excitedly.

"Will the tour take too long?" asked Jenny.

"I'll make sure the tour goes as smoothly and fast as possible. I know the ride here was a rough start for your employment and we are SO sorry for that!" said Grace.

"Oh about that..." said Buck, "For every late or delayed activity on our end, we'll give you an extra hour lunch break." he continued.

"Awe~ So generous of you Bucky~" said Grace.

"Now then shall we begin the tour?" Grace as she ran out the building. "Come on, Come on, Come on! Try to keep up!" she shouted.

"Er... I think she's forgetting something..." said Jenny.

"Okay! Tabitha, Carla, Cindy, Mindy and Mandy let's go catch up to Camp Master Pease." Penny said as she walked ahead of the group while exiting the building. The girls started walking behind Penny as Jenny, Emma and I followed. "Have fun girls! Bring back some souvenirs huh!" Vincent said, jokingly from afar.

"Find them yourself!" laughed Emma, "I'll show some pictures if we find anything interesting!" she shouted while waving.

It was around the two in the afternoon when the tour ended, the boy group were waiting for us at a picnic area. They looked exhausted, I mean that's understandable between the two hour ride here and the time we left the mess hall at eleven, I'm sure it would be exhausting to take a three hour walk around the campsite.

Buck and Nancy approached everyone with two coolers, a grill and coal. "Welcome back, everyone. I hope the tour went well..." said Nancy as she set down the cooler on the picnic table. "To finish up the day, I thought it would be better if we had a barbeque!" Buck cheered.

"We have hamburgers and hotdogs. If you want both, let us know. We also have a variety of drinks in the cooler. If you guys want to take a dip in the lake, you can change into your bathing suit and go nuts! The changing room is right next to the lake." said Nancy while taking out the frozen meat.