(A/N: All character will look like their TV show counter part since I love this show, this is something that I have always thought of doing so here I am posting it to share. Don't comment on shit hatefully if you don't like it, just don't read I am putting this out there for fans like me who enjoyed the show. Quick note this is all taking place in 2010 so technology is a little more advanced. My guy looks like Sam Hunt.)
"Beau Ryan spins around the defender with excellent control, he splits the center who goes for the steal and lays up the ball!" The announcer said excitement in his voice as everyone watches the seventeen year old shoot the ball.
They all held their breath and time seemed to slow as the ball circled around the rim before it finally went in the buzzer going off at that moment, the team cheered and rushed Beau who had a huge smile. Sure it was the first game of the season but it was a big win since it was a rival school, Beau smiled and looked to the stands but still didn't see his parents.
Thinking that they missed it due to working late he shrugged it off, this wouldn't be the first time that they had missed one of his games and he was sure it wasn't going to be the last. He cheered with everyone else and laughed as the home crowd stomped their feet on the stands in excitement.
"That was awesome Beau! I knew passing to you was the right move." Damon his best friend said wrapping a sweaty arm around his shoulder when everyone else started to clear away.
"Of course, who else is going to make that shot with only eight seconds on the clock. I was born to handle things best under pressure." Beau boasted as he slapped him on the chest, the two of them started to make their way to the locker room seeing that their coach was heading there.
When they got inside the coach was already standing there with a wide smile, "Alright boys! That is how we start a season, the game might have been close but that is expected from a team that only tries to recruit the best from the entire state. Go out and enjoy yourselves tonight but don't do anything to crazy, get ready to get back in the gym tomorrow and push yourself harder."
With that he let them go and Beau went straight to the shower he hated the feeling of being sweaty and hot, plus he wasn't a fan of group showers hence why he was the only one to go in. The rest of the team was giving him first chance at showering since he was the player of the game.
First Person POV Beau*
I walked out with a towel around my waist and the others rushed in as I smiled, going to my locker I opened it up and took out my clothes that I was wearing to dinner tonight with my parents. Though I wanted to go to the party that I knew was going to be thrown it was my mothers birthday so we were having a big dinner for her, even my grandpa was coming into town.
Looking into the mirror I saw that my hair was just passed my eyebrows almost in my eyes, it looked like it was time for another hair cut. My hazel eyes were dilated from the adrenaline that was still in my system at the moment, closing the door I rushed to put on my clothes.
"SEE YOU GUYS LATER!!!!" I shouted to the team over the showers, they knew that I couldn't go to the party tonight so they just shouted back at me to have fun.
Leaving the locker room I passed my coaches office but stopped when he called out to me, "Son get in here." He said but there was something off about his voice that I couldn't place.
Going inside it wasn't just him also there were two police officers and my grandpa, I went to smile but something about the mood wouldn't let me, "What happen?" I asked seeing my grandpa trying to hold himself back. For the first time in my life that I can remember I saw him cry, my war veteran, tough eating nails grandfather was crying.
Before anyone spoke he rushed to me and grabbed me in a fierce hug, "I am so sorry Beau, they didn't make it. The Eight Wheeler came out of no where your mother was gone on impact...."
I didn't hear the rest, I was already fearing the worst but when he started talking all I heard was the death of my parents and suddenly I was under water. The next few hours were a blur to me something about a drunk driver and my grandfather suing him and the company for what has happened.
The world seemed to slow down for me but everything was moving so fast at the same time, I don't remember sleeping I must have slept but I can't remember it. When I came back to my senses I was sitting on my bed in my room looking out the window, the house seemed so empty at the moment with just me and my grandfather in it.
There was no smell of bacon this morning, that is what made my chest hurt remembering what I lost, there was always bacon in the morning. No matter how busy my mother was as a corporate lawyer she would take every morning to make sure that there was something for me to eat before leaving for work.
The sound of foot steps made me look at the door and when it opened my grandfather was there looking worse then me, "Hey kiddo, I know this is a lot but we need to talk about this and plan everything out. Today we are just going to pick them up at the morgue then we will have the funeral in a couple of days, I know you might not want to leave your friends so I was thinking of packing up my house and coming here."
"No!" I said stopping his speech, "That is grandma's house and I know that you don't want to stay anywhere else since you lost her that is why you moved back to Tree Hill to bury her. We can go there..... it will be tougher staying here." A tear escaped for the first time thinking of the actual lost and I couldn't stop them after it started.
I felt his arms wrap around me as he pulled me in close, he didn't say anything but just held me as everything came out, it was like a dam broke inside of me. We stayed like that for the next twenty minutes before he pulled back, his eyes were red and watery too.
"Alright we can do that then. Do you want to cremate them or bury them?"
Frozen I didn't think that he would actually ask my opinion but I decided to answer anyway, "Let's bury them together. I know dad wanted that rather then cremating, we can bury them here it is his home town and he was and Orphan so he should have that at least."
"Alright, well we don't need to go get them until noon. Go ahead and get some rest, I know you didn't sleep but mindlessly looked out the window all night."
"Yeah you might be right." I told him feeling the fatigue finally catching up to me.
A Week Later-------------
This week has been something else, we got my parents then buried them in the cemetery near the house, the funeral was packed with friends that they had. My whole team showed up in support but I have been out of it ever since the funeral so I didn't really notice anything.
When they found out I was moving they didn't say much, Damon was sad and he hung out with me the entire day but really I wasn't the same anymore. Basketball didn't even feel the same, the night we buried them I went back to visit and I told my dad that I was done with it too.
He was the one who worked with me every summer and trained with me during the season, without him here I didn't see the need to play, the fun in all of it was gone to me. I ended up falling asleep there that night, I woke up with a blanket across me and my grandfather on the bench nearby with a thermos in his hand.
Two days later we packed up my room and we headed to Tree Hill, we left everything else behind because it was my parents house and I wasn't going to sell it. I got that and much more in the will, but none of it mattered to me I would give it all away if they could just come back to me.
Looking out the window of my Grandfathers silver Humvee NXT 360, I watched the trees as we got deeper into North Caroline, it was a long drive from California but hated flying as did he. We finally passed the sign that welcomed people into Tree Hill, population a little over two thousand people it really was a small town place but had a home type feeling.
We passed through the town which was small in my opinion, there were some neighborhoods but a lot of the place was the 'downtown' and house where people owned large plots of land. "Welcome to Tree Hill Beau, you haven't been here since you were a baby but nothing really changed much. This place is always the same." my grandfather said with a smile.
"Looks nice." was all I said, I didn't really have much energy anymore and he was the only person I was really only willing to talk too.
"I have already called the school and they have signed you in from the information that was sent from your school. We will go there tomorrow to finish your registration and you might even be able to start tomorrow." He said with some cheerfulness in his voice.
I didn't comment but people watched as we sat at a red light, there was some teens walking around and the place was decorated with Tree Hill High banners for the basketball team. There was a game last night and it seemed they had one since everyone was in high spirits about it, looking away I sighed to myself.
"Can't wait." I said with little enthusiasm when I saw that he was looking at me with some expectance on his face, I could see that he wanted me to actually fit in here. I didn't know if I would be able to do it though.
When we made it to his---- our home it was a typical farm house that was two stories tall and there were some free range chicken walking around, the place was cozy. "Your bedroom is the same your gran kept clean for you all these years, go ahead and set up I am going to check on and feed the animals." He said while handing me my duffle-bag off the back seat of his Humvee.
I nodded and walked into the house after unlocking the door, the place looked old but it gave me a comfortable feeling that it had character, well at least that is what people on TV said. Going upstairs I found the door marked with my name on it, opening it up the place didn't change much the only difference was there was a King sized bed in the middle.
Smiling a little I was happy to see I had my own bathroom that was in the room, meaning I didn't need to leave the room in the middle of the night. Walking around I found a walk-in closet that was big enough to hold two California king sized beds and a car, it was almost the same size as my room.
Shaking my head I threw down the three duffle-bags I had been carrying with me, sure I had a lot of clothes but this closet was big enough to where mine wouldn't even take up half the room. Since I still had more then twenty boxes to carry about I went downstairs to get those.
Three hours later and I was only half done, for the moment I only set up my bed and put my clothes away I would set up my computer and things later. Flopping down onto my bed I sighed, my life had changed so much in a flash and I didn't have time to even realize what I wanted in life now.
My plan was always to go pro in basketball but without my dad here to see it... things seemed bleaker I didn't know if that is what I wanted anymore. My door opening had me sitting up and looking to see my grandpa walk in, he nodded seeing that most of my stuff was set up.
"She always did spoil you, seeing as you were going to be her only grandkid she thought you only deserved the best." He said smiling while setting a picture he was carrying down on my dresser, in it was my grandmother who had the brightest smile while she held me, "So there are a few house rules," he said again bringing himself back to the present after clearing his throat.
"Rule 1: No staying out past 12 without calling first, if you aren't through those doors by then that is two weeks grounding. Rule 2: No girls in the room with the door closed for any reason, that is a month. Rule 3: No underage drinking in the house, I can't stop you outside since I can't see you all the time but if you are caught that is two months. That is pretty much it if I think of anything else I will let you know." He said while nodding his head thinking things over.
"Sure, you don't need to worry about girls though, I actually have never dated anyone." I said while trying my hardest not to look him in the eye since he was staring at me wide eyed now.
"Beau, how have you never dated before? You were the star player and captain of your basketball team, how were there no girls who wanted to date you? Not to brag but you got mine and your dads good looks, though more mine so you are a handsome young man." He said sounding shocked that something could be like that.
"Ahhh," I started scratching the back of my head with a blush coming across my face, it was a little awkward to talk about things like this, "Well all the girls only wanted to date because of that so I didn't really accept them, it is hard being a basketball star and finding someone who isn't there only for the status."
He nodded hearing that, "Yeah I know what you mean, I was like that but with football. It wasn't until I joined the marines and met your grandmother that I found my girl who wanted me for me." There was a fond smile on his face as he talked about it, "Anyway I am not much of a cook so we will be going out for dinner grab a coat it is kind of cold out."
It was true the temperature difference between here and Cali was big, I thought we were in the freezer part of a refrigerator.
We pulled up to a café that read 'Karen's Café' it was where my grandpa wanted to go for dinner, saying she made the best cake and that is what he wanted for desert at the moment. Walking inside we took a seat and I noticed the place had a good environment but it wasn't really packed, there was a Burnette that looked my age taking everyone's order.
"Hey there Bill the usual? And who might this be?" The teenage girl asked walking over with a smile, she looked me over curiously and I stared right back.
"Haley, this is my grandson Beau. Beau this is Haley she is the waitress here and one of the smartest girls you will ever meet." My grandpa said with a smile that was really bright.
"Nice to meet you. Are you in town visiting or long term?" She said with a smile and to my surprise she took a seat with us leaning on her hands with her chin in them.
"Long term." I answered curtly then picked up a menu, I wasn't trying to be mean or anything but I was a little hungry.
"Oh cool. That means you are going to go to Tree Hill high too, when do you start?" She asked getting a little excited.
I raised a brow, "Tomorrow maybe if everything is ready. I will take the grilled cheese and basil tomato soup please."
That seemed to make her remember that she actually worked here, "Ahh right, let me go get those for you two." She rushed off after giving my grandpa a smile.
"You are going to love the food here, Karen there," He said point to a woman who was smiling and talking to a man at the counter, "She makes the best food here in town, though not a lot of people know it since they tend to go for the places that are more fancy."
"Mhmm." Was all I could say there was actually really nothing of interest to talk about, the place was cozy though. My eyes might have drifted over to the book case once or twice, I might be a basketball star (In high school) but that didn't mean I didn't enjoy a good book.
For the next hour we sat there eating and he was telling me a little of the expectations he had of me, other then helping a little on his farm and around the house it was fine. Haley ended up joining us again and she talked my ear off a little about California, which actually made me smile some she was a nice person.
After dinner he introduced me to Karen who wanted me to meet her son but he was playing basketball at the River court so I didn't get the chance, we went back home after leaving Haley a generous tip. When we got back to the house I took a long shower to get the smell of sweat off of me before going to be for the night, my last thought being how beautiful the stars looked compared to in the city.
I was woken up by cold ice water being thrown on me, like a fish that came out of water I struggled around until I heard laughter coming from the side, "Looks like that two weeks off of no training made you lazy, I have been trying to wake you for thirty minutes. Hurry and get dressed we are going to go for a morning run, no complaints."
There was nothing I could say as he walked out the door leaving me there with my bed soaked, looked like I needed to do laundry, luckily my bed somehow didn't get wet too. After quickly putting my cover and sheets in the washer he ushered me outside and to the Humvee, a ten minute drive later and we were at the beach.
When we got there he told me that I have to run for thirty minute but to hurry since we had to be at the school by seven, I rolled my eyes but still did it. Thankfully I brought my ear phones with me so I turned on some music and took off, the resistance of the sand made it harder to run but I was use to it.
While running I was lost in thought it wasn't until my alarm went off that I started to head back, suddenly I bumped into someone, looking down I was stunned for a moment looking at them.