While running I was lost in thought it wasn't until my alarm went off that I started to head back, suddenly I bumped into someone looking down I was stunned for a moment looking at her. It wasn't that she was overly beautiful or anything but at the moment she looked like a zombie, I stepped back a moment and looked her over, her face was a little green and she was clutching her stomach.
"Hey are you okay?" I asked squatting down and moving the hair out of her face.
"H-hurts." she said in a raspy voice as she clutched her stomach more.
"Do you need me to call an ambulance?" I asked a little worry in my tone, I couldn't tell if it was from drinking or not so I didn't know what to do.
"No.... I need to get home." she said trying to stand but she was wobbly as she did so.
Sighing I walked closer and sniffed a little, there was no smell of alcohol, must be something else then. "Want me to take you home then?"
"Please...." she then told me and address before leaning into me.
At the moment she was wearing a yellow two piece swimsuit and all that was with her was a pair of flip-flops and her cell phone, it was dead though. Sighing I bent down a little and scooped her into my arms, there was no other cars on the beach so I had no clue how she even ended up here in the first place.
Walking back to my grandfather he was stunned but after I told him what was going on he nodded and made me sit in the back with her, she did look like she would puke any moment. If he knew her he made no face showing it but he did look a little upset seeing her in the state she was in, the only saving grace for her was that she wasn't drunk.
The drive was a short one before we reached the richer side of tree hill, her house was a beautiful white color with a red door in the front. "Go around back there is a door that leads right to my room, you can take me through there." she told me after I helped her down from the car, she might have thrown up twice in a bag that was inside.
"Alrighty then." Like before I scooped her up and took her there, after opening the gate on the side I took her up the stairs and stopped at the door, thankfully it was unlocked. Going inside the place was tasteful there was a giant mirror set up though that had a lot of make-up on it though, going to her bed I set her down gently.
"Do I need to get your parents or anything you don't look so good." I said after plugging her phone into the charger.
"No my parents are probably at work by now, just go I will be better later." She said shooing me with her arm but that was a mistake as she ran to her connected bathroom and started to vomit.
Sighing I didn't want to leave her alone like this but since my grandfather was waiting I had not choice, rubbing my hair I took a pen and paper from her backpack and left her a note before leaving.
Brooke Davis POV*
Groaning I came out the bathroom and the guy who helped me was gone, I didn't want to tell him my parents wouldn't even notice if I was sick or not so I was glad he left. Last night I didn't drink or anything I just went out with some friends for seafood and then to the beach, I fell asleep there and woke up in this state, luckily he was there to bring me home.
Before I made it to my bed I made sure my phone was on charge and thankfully he was nice enough to do that for me, it was already powered back on and I had ten messages from Peyton. They were asking where I was and seeing that school started ten minutes ago I knew why she was worried, after replying I went to move to my bed but saw his note.
[Dear Sick Girl- Sorry I don't know your name, I took off since my grandfather would kill me if I am late to my first day at Tree Hill High. Look you might not want to but here is my number call me if you need anything and I will bring it for you. Hopefully you are feeling better soon.---------Beau.]
I paused and chuckled a little after seeing it, I crumbled it and threw it into the trash bin, but not before putting his number in my phone. The guy was nice I might just end up calling him when I was all better, I was stunned that he saw me at my worse now since I didn't want anyone other then Peyton to see me like this.
Groaning I slowly crawled into bed and hoped that my day would somehow magically get better.
Beau POV*
After leaving the sick girl we rushed to the house before going to school, first period was just about to start as we got there, since I was new we went to the office for my schedule. The place was pretty big and after learning that all the high schoolers in town went here then it made sense, it took us about five minutes to reach the office.
Going inside the receptionist told us to wait a moment as she called out the principal, "Hey there Bill." A man in a suit said with a smile, it was the principal of the place Mr. Rushmore
"Hey Steve, this here is my grandson Beau, Beau this is your new principal St-- Mr. Rushmore." My grandpa said with a smile, it wasn't surprising that he knew his since it seemed almost everyone knew everyone in this town.
"Nice to meet you Beau. Heard a lot about your basketball skills, hopefully we will see you on the team." He said with a smile while shaking my hand.
"... I don't know about that only time will tell." I answered after a moment of hesitation, I wasn't really planning to join the school team. I would shoot around to keep my skills up but for competitive purposes I was done with the sport, it didn't seem the same anymore.
"Well hopefully then. Here is your schedule and while you don't have to start today you can at least go around and check the school out, we have someone to show you around if you are ready." He said with a smile, I let out a breath thankfully they didn't make me start today.
"Well then Beau you will start tomorrow then since the school is letting you, it will give you a chance to drive yourself since the bus doesn't come by the house." My grandpa said with a smile while patting me on the back.
"Alright let me take you to the girl who is going to show you around then." Leading us out the office he took us down the hall to a dead-end part of it. The sign outside of it said tutor center, going into the door he smiled and called out, "Haley! The one you are showing around is here come on."
One three people were in the room at the moment two teachers and a girl who was wearing a poncho, when she turned around it turned out to be the girl from the Café last night. She looked at all three of us and smiled when she saw me before coming over slinging her bag on.
"Hey there Bill, Mr. Rushmore, and good to see you again Beau." She said her smile was really bright.
"Hey." We all said before walking out the room.
"Beau, I will wait in the office for you come over when you two are done then we can head back to the house." My grandpa said before walking away with the principal.
After they were gone I turned to the bubbly girl who was looking at me, "So you aren't having your first day today?" She asked once they were gone.
"No I am just being shown around and will start tomorrow. Gives me a chance to drive myself to school so I don't have to wait on a ride." I said while handing her my schedule to look over, she was the one taking me around so she need to see it anyway.
"Oh," She looked over my schedule before smiling back at me, "Well would you look at that we have two classes together."
I smiled and then she took me on the tour, the place was like a giant half circle with the opening being the place where most kids ate lunch and was how you came into the school. She showed me everything from the art class to the gym, when she asked about elective I would take I told her I didn't have an interest in any at the moment.
"Well that is pretty much it really, other then showing you your locker then we have nothing else to see." She said as we were leaving the pool area heading back towards front of the school.
"So you a basketball fan?" I asked seeing that the school put big emphasis on that then any other sport that was in the school.
"It is fine I guess, my best friend plays but not for the team he does it with some of our friends at the river court. How about you? Are you a big fan of the sport?" She said with a smile as we got closer to where my locker was.
"I use to play. Now though I am looking for something else to do, didn't expect to end up at a school that took it religiously though like this one seems to do." I said with a chuckle.
"Tell me about it, I try to find literally anything else to do on those nights since it is the only thing people ever want to talk about." She said shaking her head.
"So what is there fun to do in this town then huh?" I asked.
"Well it depends what you are into really, there is the mall, some hangout spots around town. Really there isn't much for us to do unless we go to the next town over, that is where the closets college town is so there are more things to do there." She said with a shrug.
I noticed she seems to be a goodie-goodie type girl since she didn't mention anything about parties or sneaking into a bar or something, all things I have done in the past. Maybe I could corrupt her some and get her to go do something with me, she seems nice enough and I would need some friends in this town after all.
"Well this is it." she said bringing me out of my head and showing me locker 123, that was really the number and it made me laugh a little. "Go ahead and get use to the combination, do you still remember how to get to the office?"
"Yeah I do why?" I asked looking over at her.
"Well this period will let out soon and I still need to drop my things off at my locker so do you think you can find your way back yourself?" She asked with an embarrassed smile.
"Haha, yeah go ahead Haley. But I expect to see you soon okay? You are the first person that I have met in town who is my age, I hope we can be friends." I said with a smile letting her off.
"Of course, remember your words. Wouldn't want the popular people to snatch you up with your good looks and all." She said with a smile while walking backwards down the hall.
I laughed and let her walk away before I tried my lock a couple of times before heading back to the office, right when I walked inside the bell went off for the period to end. When I got inside the principal wasn't there but my grandpa was talking to someone who was dressed like a coach.
"Ahh there he is." My grandfather said with a smile while looking over at me as I walked in.
"So you are the big star player who is going to help us to get to state huh?" The coach said with a smile making me raise a brow.
"Umm no?" I said but more like asked since I was confused at the moment.
"Ahh Whitey I told you that he won't be playing anymore, and even if you aske him like that he is just going to be against it more." My grandfather said while shaking his head, "Beau this is Coach Durham he is the basketball coach we are good friends, he heard about you coming and was hoping you would join the team."
"Oh." Was my intelligent response, but what was I suppose to say, there was no way that I was joining the team.
"Look son I am sorry for your loss but you have talent, you are already be scouted by the big ten teams in the country. Why would you give all that up, wouldn't your parents be mad at that." Coach Durham said while patting my shoulder.
I know he was trying to consul me but really all that did was piss me off, I didn't want someone who didn't even know my parents to talk to me about what they would have want. They would have wanted to be alive and here with me! Rather then caring about a stupid game that has no point!
My grandfather must have seen my expression because he quickly spoke up, "Whitey maybe this isn't a good time to talk about this, I should get him home for now." He took my arm and started to lead me out the office, the coach saw that he said something wrong and was smart enough to keep his mouth shut.
"He is a good man, don't be to harsh towards him. Basketball is most his life now and he uses it to fill his own sadness since he lost his wife year ago." My grandpa said when we got into the car and started to head out.
I didn't say anything but hummed and let him drive, I was still mad hearing his words and it didn't matter what the excuse was he still had no right to say what he did. When we got back to the house he didn't let me go inside but led me to the garage, "Well this was suppose to be given to you on your birthday but seeing as you will need it sooner I am giving it to you now."
When he opened it up there was a 1968 Z28 Chevy Camaro sitting there, it was ice blue with a black stripe down the middle. I was stunned a moment before rushing over to it, looking inside it had a cream finish in it with a rebuilt stereo inside, it was a stick shift instead of automatic.
He might have been talking but I was already drooling over my dream car that was sitting there, the thing looked bran new even if I knew that it was rebuilt completely. "You still need to connect the transmission but after that then it will be ready to go." He said with a smile in his voice.
That is when I noticed that it wasn't on the ground and that the transmission was sitting right under it ready to be put in, smiling I would gladly do that. Not wasting any time I took off my jacket and got under there, I heard his chuckle before a light was turned on and then he was walking away leaving me alone.
I hardly noticed as I got under there and started to connect everything, this was one of my many dreams to rebuild this car and I was all to happy to do it at the moment. I have actually worked on some other cars and got knowledge about how to fix them since this was going to be the first thing I bought when I got my inheritance at eighteen.
Now though I already had it but I didn't touch a penny but my grandfather still came through and got me the car I wanted. It took me an hour but I was able to get it done, coming from under it I wiped the sweat away from my brow and opened the door excitedly.
Going inside I stopped and wiped the dirt off me and took off my grease stained shirt before putting on my hoodie, after I was 'clean' I finally sat behind the wheel. Smiling widely I rubbed my hands across the steering wheel until a small box caught my eye, it was a silver little box that was sitting right on the dash.
Opening it up I smiled seeing the key but there was also a little note under it, opening the note my smile gradually faded and I started to tear up some.
[Hey Beau! Yeah I know you thought something was going on but I bet you never thought that it was this huh? Well enjoy the open roads and all that fresh air, it took me two years but I was able to find one and have been going to your grandpa's almost every other weekend to get this finished. Remember no drinking and driving----------------Love Dad.]
I had to swallow hard to not choke up seeing that, it was obviously a gift that he was planning for me with how much was done he could have finished it by this weekend. That is when all the memories of him going on business trips over the last two years, it took everything in me not to break down.
With an unsteady hand I took the key and started the engine, since the garage door was still open I shifted into first and drove out. I saw my grandpa wave me off while wiping his own tear away, he must have knew that the note was in there and remembered it.
I was quickly out on the road trying to go as fast as possible, I was putting all my focus on driving so that the memories didn't drive me to tears. I saw their smile in my mind as I drove, looking next to me it was like he was sitting right there with his big goofy smile whooping as we flew down the street.
That was all it took and I hit the breaks stopping at the side of the road, I broke down right there crying. Why was life so unfair?
It took an hour for me to get back to normal, when I looked up again I noticed that I was back in the neighborhood of where we dropped off the girl from this morning. In fact I was in front of her house, with a crazy thought that just wouldn't leave me I got out of the car and walked up to the back gate like last time.
It was like my feet were on autopilot as they took me up the stairs leading to her room, when I got there I finally came back to myself. With a head scratch I decided to go ahead and knock on the front door, there was no answer for awhile so I turned to leave.
Right when I went to the first step I heard it, the noise was faint but it was there, it was her telling me to come inside. Pausing I turned back around and walked into the room, she was hanging off the side of her bed with a trash can sitting right next to it.
Frowning I crinkled my nose at the smell in the room, it looked like the bag in the trash can hadn't been emptied and it was making the room smell. At least when I looked at her it seemed that she found something to wear other then the swim suit since she was in sweats at the moment.