Chapter 3: Nurse and First Day

Walking further into the room I sighed at the sight of her again, like my body was on autopilot I walked over and took the trash can away. She seemed to stir slightly but other then that she stayed in the position that she was in, moving outside the room I took the trash can all the way downstairs and outside to the bigger one.

When I went back inside I noticed how quiet it was, seems like no one was home at the moment but that couldn't be right since I saw some medicine prescribed by the doctor to her. Walking back into her room I started to clean up the tissues and everything else that was thrown around, I don't know why I was doing it but I just did.

"Nurse?" I heard her groggy voice ask as I was cleaning up a spot where she missed the trash can, the windows were open so some of the smell would leave.

"No I am not a nurse but I see that you made it to the doctor, what did they say?" I asked looking over at her since she was now lying on her back and looking over at me.

"Not a nurse?" She asked with a cute pout and confused expression, "They said I have a Stomach Flu, it hurts." she said curling herself into a ball while still watching me.

"Yeah not really a fun one to have, when was the last time you took your medicine? Or ate for that matter?" I asked taking off the gloves I found and putting them to the side. I should be leaving since it is easy to catch but there was no one else here taking care of her and it was hard to do some things when you are constantly vomiting and have Diarrhea.

She paused and thought it over looking at the medicine on her dresser, "I haven't eaten, I can't keep anything down at the moment. I had some medicine about thirty minutes ago when I got back from the doctor."

I sighed it was worse if she couldn't eat anything since it would just be dry heaving and hurting her throat to not actually throw anything up. I wasn't really a cook, I can make things but it is limited to all my favorites since I spent time on them but everything else is a hit and a miss.

Rubbing my head I looked back to her, "Well then how about I try and make you some chicken soup and get some crackers, you think you can keep that down?"

She looked me over before nodding, "Go ahead Nurse Beau. I am Brooke by the way."

Nodding I went downstairs and started to look through the kitchen, luckily everything was in there so it didn't take me long to find what I was looking for. She had chicken noodle soup in a can so I didn't need to try and maybe ruin it trying to make my own from scratch, cause that is not something that I have made before.

While I was waiting for the food to heat up I got a call from my grandpa and told him what was going on at the moment, he paused but then told me to be back before curfew. When the food was done I took it upstairs to see her coming out her bathroom, she slowly made her way back over to the bed before sitting down again.

"I thought cramps only came with my period but this crap sucks." She said as she got into bed and sat in it the normal way, she was sitting against the head board watching me.

I laughed a little hearing her before taking a seat right next to her and getting comfortable, she looked at me with a raised brow but I shrugged, I was use to just getting comfortable with people. I knew that I would have to let someone in eventually so I would start slow, maybe make some friends while I was here, I haven't heard from my old ones since I moved here.

Grabbing the spoon I blew on it gently before taking it to her lips, she stared at it a moment before taking a bite, she slowly chewed and swallowed before talking, "Are you sure you aren't a nurse, I mean why else would you be here? Better yet why are you here?"

I scratched the back of my head and looked away I was to embarrassed to tell her that I had a break down in front of her house and this was a spur of the moment thing, "Well I didn't start school today and you came to mind so I thought I would come see how you are doing."

Giving her a half truth was better since she was on my mind a little after I dropped her off, she looked at me with a raised brow but seemed to accept it. I put more food in front of her and she kept eating it, there were some times where we stopped since it seemed like she would throw up but after eating some crackers she calmed down again.

"You didn't have any ginger ale in your fridge when I looked, I am going to go out and grab some. It might be good to eat food but you need something that won't be to strong on your stomach also." I said while setting the bowl to the side and picking up my keys.

She watched me for a moment before talking, "You don't need to knock when you come back, just come inside."

Nodding with a smile I headed out the door.

When I came back thirty minute later....the closest store was that far.... Brooke was coming out the bathroom with a wry smile, she had clearly just thrown up if the little on her shirt said anything. Shaking my head I walked over to her and fixed the hair that was all over her face, she was kind of sweaty so at the moment it was sticking to her face making her look funny.

"Couldn't hold it down huh?" I said a little jokingly.

"No not really, what took you so long?"

"Sorry, I don't know the town that well yet the closet store was thirty minutes away, but I did get three different drinks incase you didn't like the ginger ale." I told her while setting the bag down, I also got disposable cups so that she wouldn't need to worry about washing to many dishes.

"Ahh well you know there is a store like right around the corner right?" she said with a quick chuckle when she saw my sheepish expression. "Well anyway just set it down right there then you can go, you must have better things to do then to take care of a sick girl. Thanks for the drinks."

She moved to go back to her bed and curled up inside the covers closing her eyes, I raised a brow and set the drinks down before taking off my shoes and sitting at the edge of her bed. I wasn't going to leave just yet, there was nothing else for me to really do and I didn't want to go home just yet and get sucked into memories.

Two hours passed like this I didn't even notice but I was watching TubeYou and ChillFlix the entire time, I didn't notice anything until she woke up complaining of it being to hot. Laughing lightly I walked over to her and took a cup of orange juice that I had made, she wouldn't need the ginger ale until she had a meal with it.

At first she was still dazed but then she snapped out of it realizing I was still there, she looked to where I was sitting and saw the pillows plus my shoes and only shook her head. "You stayed? I told you that you could leave though, there was no reason for you to stick around."

"Ahh I have nothing else to do anyway, why not accompany a pretty girl and make sure she gets better." I said with a smile after she finished her drink.

She looked me over before nodding, "What were you doing before I woke up?"

I showed her the show I was watching on ChillFlix and she wanted to join in, casting it to her TV we both settled into her bed and started watching it. Half way through the second episode though she fell asleep again since her medicine plus the sickness was making her sleepy.

At the moment she was leaning on my arm so I didn't move from where I was, she just looked to peaceful to actual disturb her from the place she was resting. After some time she finally moved on her own and I rolled my stiff shoulders and decided to go make her something to eat.

Getting up I went down to the kitchen and started to make some Spicy Ramen, I figured it was good to get something spicy in her since my mom always told me it was good to eat something spicy when sick. Smiling to myself lightly, I also took some tea and honey since that was something, right?

Going back up to her room I was surprised when I walked inside since there was someone else in there, it seemed she used the side door like me since I didn't hear her come in. "Umm Hi." I greeted awkwardly as I set down Brooke's food on the night table next to her bed.

"Who are you and why are you in my best friends house?!" She asked as she got on the defensive.

Her voice was pretty loud though and it ended up waking up Brooke who looked at both of us, "Peyton this is my Nurse Beau, Nurse Beau this is my best friend Peyton Sawyer. No can you stop talking so loud P. Sawyer I have a bit of a headache at the moment."

I chuckled and waved to the curly haired blonde who waved back at me, "Well it seems that you have a friend here for you now so I will get going. I just made some spicy ramen and tea with honey, make sure to eat and drink them both while they are still hot. Text me if you need anything else."

She stared at me and I thought I saw a hint of sadness in it but it passed just as fast, "Alright see you later."

I nodded at her after collecting my stuff, "Well it was nice to meet you Peyton, we will most likely see each other at school tomorrow so don't be a stranger. Brooke get better and remember not to skip meals even if you can't keep them all down at the moment."

After getting a nod from both I headed outside and decided to head home, there was nothing else that I wanted to do at the moment, well there was one thing. When I got home I asked my grandpa about the river court and he told me where to find it, getting the basketball I had packed away I changed clothes and took off there.

The place deserved it's name since a long river was right next to it, at the moment I was the only person there and I took advantage of that and started to shoot around. I will always keep myself fresh even if I didn't play competitively anymore, at least that was one thing I could keep doing.

After hours of shooting around I decided to head home I still had my first day tomorrow and needed to be well rested, it always sucked being the new kid.

The Net Day.....

Thankfully I wasn't woken by my grandpa this morning him telling me that I was being let off for my first day of school, it didn't take me long to get ready either. Heading out I called out to him when I saw him feeding his chickens this morning before taking off to school, it was time to go and face all the stares.

The drive only took ten minutes before I got there, by coincidence or some divine person when I pulled in I actually got a spot next to Peyton who was still sitting in her car. Hearing me pull in she looked over and was a little shocked but then nodded at me, I returned the gesture and got out it seemed she wasn't going to speak more to me.

Shrugging her off I made my way inside to my locker, along the way I got some curious stares from people who were probably wondering who the new kid was. Before I made it all the way there I happen to run it Haley who was standing at her own locker with a blonde haired kid, "Hey Beau over here." She said with a wide smile.

I figured there was still some time so I walked over to her with a smile, "Good morning Haley."

"Hey this is my friend Lucas, Lucas this is Beau he just moved here." She said introducing me to the kid who was standing there with her at the locker.

"Hey nice to meet you man, you look familiar though have I seen you before?" He looked at me with a curious gaze and I could see the moment that it clicked in his head, "No way! Dude aren't you the Beau Ryan, the high schooler who is on track to basically join the NBA after high school? Sure there are colleges looking at you but people are saying you are going straight to the NBA." He said some excitement in his voice.

Haley looked at me with wide eyes seeing him say that, I rubbed the back of my head nervous, this was a fact but I always promised my parents to at least do a year of college first. "That use to be me. I don't play on a team anymore." I told him a hint of sadness in my voice.

They must have heard it because Haley not so subtly elbowed him and he gave me a sheepish smile, I only shook my head at that. It wasn't weird he knew me since they did post a lot of my game footage online, it wasn't that hard for someone to actually find out if they actually looked for it.

"So what brings you to Tree Hill then?" He said changing the subject, he seem like a really nice guy.

"Ahh nothing much... I needed a change and decided to move on out here." I said off handedly, no one besides some teachers at the school and my grandpa knew the reason I was here. Not even the news in California got a hold of the information of my parents passing so they didn't portray me as some lost kid.

"That cool. Well since you are here that means you need to hang with the cool kids, aka Lucas and I." Haley said flashing me a disarming smile, she just seemed like the type of girl that you couldn't be mad at no even if you wanted to be.

"I don't see why not. I am going to be here for the rest of high school might as well hang out with the cool kids right." I said smiling back at her, Lucas laughed and patted me on the shoulder. There was only a little time left before class so we all split but not before they invited me to lunch, I agreed and rushed to my locker.

Time seemed to move slowly as I went from class to class, it was always the same thing too people asking for the reason I moved here and how I am liking Tree Hill so far. During a class I et this really funny kid named Antwon Taylor or as he liked to be called Skills, the guy was there for a good laugh so I was lucky it was a free study class.

After that class is when lunch hit, when I told him who I am sitting with he smiled and told me to follow him, apparently him, Lucas and Haley were all friends and ate together. We made our way outside and found them sitting at a round table with four other people with them, seeing us walk over Lucas waved along with Haley.

Sitting down I was introduced to them all there was; Marvin 'Mouth' McFadden, Ferguson 'Fergie' Thompson, John 'Junk' Moretti, and Jimmy Edwards. They all preferred to be called by their nicknames rather then their actual names, it seemed they all had one besides Jimmy, I wonder why?

Anyway I was introduced but it seemed that most of them knew me, well the basketball me, Skills finally realized where he knew me from and went into how he could beat me. It was refreshing to talk to them since they seemed to actually want to be my friends and didn't get close to me because I was a basketball star.

The rest of lunch was spent with us making jokes and Skills tried 'rapping' if what he did could even be considered that, I noticed though the only girl was Haley who was here. There didn't seem to be any girls who were going to join us either, I noticed she spoke friendly to some but she wasn't really friends with them, Lucas and them were her friends.

After lunch it was four more hours of boredom from classes before we were released, but I noticed all during my last period that a guy, whose name was Nathan Scott, Scott? Must be a cousin of Lucas or something, the guy was watching me like a hawk for some reason and it wasn't until we left class that I found out why.

I headed to my locker and right as I opened it he was standing there next to me staring me down, "Can I help you?" I asked, I knew he was the 'Hot' stuff around her cause he was the captain of the basketball team.

"You joining the team? Cause I will tell you now that no matter what I will still be the one running this team no matter what you do, don't get any ideas." He said but this time he was glaring trying to threaten me.

'Ahh so he was the douche, I was wondering when I would meet that guy.' I thought to myself looking him over, "No need to worry, I won't be joining I lost my passion for the game." I told him while dismissing him and getting my books out my bag for homework tonight, I had a ton I thought as the new kid I would be let off, but my grades betrayed me.

He was still there but before leaving he made one last cliché villain line, "Well it is good to know you place then, you might have everyone else thinking you are a god or whatever but to me you are nothing."

Who said I was a god? Shaking my head I walked away not wanting to think further on the matter, he was obviously insecure about the whole thing since he was scared of me getting his spot. Did no one realize that since I was new and since the season started that I couldn't play for three months, even if I wanted to join they would be in the playoffs.

Walking out the school I was headed for the parking lot when I saw Lucas and Haley waiting on the bus, I didn't see Skills and them around so they must have left already. Going to my car I started it and drove over to the two of them rolling down the window I smiled at them, "Get in losers were going shopping!........... God I love the movie mean girls." I told them as they both got in.

"Thanks for the ride man, can you take me to my uncles garage I have to work today." Lucas said after letting Haley into the back.

"And I need to go to Karen's Café this is a lot easier then going home first, more hours for me." Haley added in with a smile.

"Sure thing you two, I will take Lucas first since he is in front, address please." I took off with him giving me directions to the place.