Chapter 10: Power

Tandy and Tyrone looked at us with weary expressions.

While master Drumm and those following him did the same to the teenage pair.

A slight tension formed in the air.

Jericho and I being the only ones not involved in it.

"Okay. Everyone, let's just stay calm." I spoke.

Before the silence became too awkward.

"No one here wants to hurt anyone else, right?" I asked.

"Speak for yourself man." Tyrone said.

"Agreed." Tandy added.

Forming several light daggers in each hand.

"Stand down children, we mean you no harm." Master Drumm spoke.

But both Tandy and Tyrone didn't move an inch. Apprehension all over their faces.

Though considering they just took down some armed thugs who were after them and we suddenly show up I get where they are coming from.

However, just because I understand their actions doesn't mean I want to deal with them.

So with that I decided to make a move to resolve this pointless standoff.

I began walking over to Tandy and Tyrone.

The both of them getting shocked expressions at my actions.

While I could feel master Drumm glaring right back my back.

Though I don't care in the slightest.

"Stop, stay back." Tandy spoke as I got closer.

But I ignored her words and continued forward until I was simply a few inches from her person.

Where she then raised her light daggers toward me.

But I didn't even flinch.

"Okay. Stop. That's enough." I calmly spoke. "Look, my associates and I are not going to hurt you. Because if we wanted do we could've already done so. Now stop being so bullheaded and come with us, the both of you. If you do I can promise food, shelter, safety, and even training on how to master your powers." I said.

Though in regards to training I am not sure.

However I don't think the Ancient One will turn Tandy and Tyrone away.

Especially since they are connected to the light force and dark force dimensions respectively.

Even if their connection was induced by an experimental drug like in the comics.

The fact that both of them ended up connecting to another dimension means they have natural aptitude towards magic.

So if properly trained they would become a force to be reckoned with.

Not to mention learning magic could help Tyrone deal with the Predator in the part of the Dark Force dimension he is connected to.

That's why I can't just leave them to fiend for themselves.

It's also because I want them as my allies.

Tandy and Tyrone stared at me for several long seconds after I made my offer.

Until finally they stood down and de-activated their powers.

"Good. You both made the right choice." I said.

Once I did our entire group left the area through a portal.

But not before one of the master's wiped the minds of any of the gunmen who were still alive.

Gunmen who once I got a good look at realized belonged the the Maggia crime family.

And with taking Cloak and Dagger into account that means Mr. Negative might be running around as well.

Though I'll leave that matter to future me.

Since present me already had enough on his plate to deal with.

Arriving back at Kamar-Taj our little party was immediately met by the Ancient One and my man Wong.

[Insert Image of MCU Wong Here]

What followed was a quick re-telling of events.

Where both Tandy and Tyrone also told us how they ended up in the situation we found them in.

Their pasts following their Earth-616 origins, despite looking like the people who played them in their live action television show.

I simply rolled with it.

After hearing about everything that has transpired the Ancient One dismissed everyone.

While also accepting both Tandy and Tyrone as students of Kamar-Taj.


So with that came an end to a slightly eventful night.


Sitting Indian-style in a room in front of the Ancient One I was in deep concentration.

Working to strengthen my connection to the Dark Force dimension.

Another year has come and gone since I began my training at Kamar-Taj.

Boy two years sure have flown by.

But since I am having fun it really doesn't phase me.

Especially since I have gotten stronger.

Plus I've become rather good friends with Jericho.

Along with Tandy and Tyrone since they arrived at Kamar-Taj.

All of them are doing well by the way.

Especially Tyrone.

Once the Ancient One and the other masters used their magic to help him establish a new connection to the Dark Force dimension that didn't have the Predator lurking in it.

Now he can use his abilities without having to drain people or rely on Tandy to always be around him to keep him stable.

No, now Tyrone is choosing to be around Tandy all the time because he wants to.

The guy has got it bad.

I'm rooting for him.

Moving on.

My own studies have been progressing both smoothly and steadily.

I can now create eldtrich constructs without any trouble, use telepathy, invisibility, conjure the elements, but most importantly I can now use telepathy and have built up my mental defenses.

Now no one is getting inside my head unless I want them to.

Meaning if old Chuck tries anything on me during any other meeting we might have in the future I'll know, and then I'll promptly and swiftly retaliate by blowing up his head like a balloon.

Since unlike Thor I always aim for the head.

But back on topic.

Me and the Dark Force are quickly becoming good friends.

Turns out I have a natural affinity for that particular type of dimensional energy just like Tyrone.

So that's made it extremely easy for me to connect with and use it.

Which has allowed me to add intangibility to my arsenal. My presence now entirely vanishes when I am in a large enough shadow. I can also see perfectly in any type of darkness. Whether it be natural or artificial.

The more I learn about what I can do with the Dark Force the more I love it.

While my concentration deepened my connection to the Dark Force did as well.

"Excellent work Mr. Da Costa." The Ancient One spoke.

"Thank you." I replied.

Enjoying the power I was getting.

Yes, now I have the power!

And if feels good.


[September 3rd, 2005]

As I sat in the taxi heading towards my destination I couldn't believe three years had come and gone so quickly.

I am now eighteen again just like that.

Time sure does pass quickly.

But these three years were definitely not wasted.

Learning magic, making connections with Jericho, Tandy and Tyrone, becoming a recognized master of the mystic arts.

I wouldn't trade that for anything.

As my taxi reached its destination I got out and paid the driver.

While he drove off I looked at the place in front of me.

Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters.

Deciding to take Xavier up on his standing offer to visit his school I called him a few days ago after I completed my training at Kamar-Taj.

Now here I am.

Time to meet the X-Men.