Chapter 11: X-men

Standing outside the iconic X-mansion I mentally prepared myself.

Not only to meet Xavier again, and be ready if he tries anything, but also to meet the X-men.

One of my favorite superhero teams of all time.

I just hope they aren't the disappointing travesty version from the Fox films.

Once my mental preparations were complete I walked up to the intercom near the gate and pressed the button. "Hello. Roberto Da Costa here. I was invited by professor Xavier." I spoke. I then took my finger off the button.

A second after I did the gates in front of me automatically opened.

When they did I headed inside the property.

I then walked the trail until eventually I was in spitting distance of the mansion.

[Insert Image of X-mansion Here]

Taking in the sight of the place I continued onward to the front entrance. Where a small entourage was waiting for me.

Consisting of Xavier, Logan, and two others.

The first being the white-haired weather goddess, both in a literal and figurative sense, herself Ororo Munroe aka Storm. Who happens to be the spitting image of Halle Berry, so another plus in her book.

[Insert Image of Ororo Munroe/Storm Here]

The second person is the big blue furry himself, Dr. Henry "Hank" McCoy aka Beast.

[Insert Image of Hanky McCoy/Beast Here]

A perfect combination of both brains and brawn.

But due to Hanks appearance, and his status as a Mutant, most people only take notice of the brawn. The morons that they are. Hanky McCoy deserves much more respect than that. He's likely one of the smartest men of this time, and in the comics he was known as one of the eight smartest people on the entire planet.

The fact he's judged solely on his looks truly sickens and saddens me.

It's why I'm working to make sure people like Hank get the respect they deserve despite being an X-Rounder.

Reaching the professor's group I came to a stop.

"Mr. Da Costa. A pleasure to see you again." Charles spoke. "And I'm glad you took me up on my offer. Despite the fact you now too old to attend classes at my school." He said.

"A pleasure to see you again too professor Xavier." I said. "And although I am now too old to attend your school I am still grateful for you giving me the opportunity to see it for myself." I spoke.

Which is true.

Charles is giving me the perfect chance to see his school, assess it, and determine which of the X-men I can look to make my allies. Since with what I have planned I know Xavier will not be on board and likely try to stop me.

Well too bad for him I will not allow his inference to stand in my way.

Especially since I learned a certain hate group from the comics has been gaining traction over the past few years.

The Friends of Hummanity.

So if they exist here that means other groups like the U-men and the Purifiers might as well.

Groups I will stamp out like the cancer they are.

I hope all those fuckers are wearing their brown pants.

"It is my pleasure." Charles replied.

I nodded at his words. I then turned my attention to both Hank and Ororo. "Hello there. My name is Roberto Da Costa, and you two are?" I asked. Despite already knowing.

"Greetings young man, my name is Ororo Munroe." Storm spoke.

"While I young sir go by the moniker Henry McCoy. Though man choose to call me Hank." Beast said.

"Nice to meet you both." I said. "So then, shall we get this tour started?"

"Yes, let's." Charles said.

Right after he did the five us entered through the front doors into the mansion itself.

Upon doing so I saw numerous kids ranging from ages 10, to my own, 18. Some with visible mutations and some looking entirely normal. While some were using their powers others weren't.

The moment the kids spotted the five us they came up and began greeting us.

Well mostly me.

Though a few did greet Charles and the others. Which they reciprocated.

Even Logan.

Because I know despite how he acts most of the time the big bad Wolverine has a major soft spot when it comes to kids. He's likely a father figure to many of the children at the school, or that one fun and cool uncle you love hanging out with.

Which is a bit ironic considering Logan's history with his own father, and the numerous children he's had related to him by blood.

Save for Laura that is.

Speaking of I wonder if X-23 is a thing in this Marvel universe?

I'll definitely have to check.

Looks like I just added another thing to my to-do list.

That's why I seriously need to get some trustworthy allies fast. So I can delegate some tasks to them.

It's definitely not because I want to slack off while they handle any minor details and I only handle the big stuff.

Nope, definitely not.

Moving on. 

Soon the children began tapering off and going back to what they were doing before our group walked in.

Once this happened Xavier began the tour of the school in earnest. As we moved he talked about various things, and gave me facts.

I just smiled and nodded at his words.

While I made small talk with Logan, Ororo, and Hank whenever I got the chance. Since I want to bring the three of them to my side.

Sorry, not sorry Charles.

After some time the tour came to an end.

Of the upper levels that is.

For the moment we finished that Charles and his group took me down to the lower-levels where all of the X-men's good shit was.

I seriously questioned Charles' actions in doing this, but since he and the others were going to give me a free show of their goodies, then who am I to refuse?

When the elevator we were taking down to the mansion's underground levels came to a stop, and its doors opened, I stepped out first.

Finding myself in a pristine silver metal hallway.

Coming out behind me Charles and the others resumed the tour.

Showing me the hangar bay where the X-men famous jet the Blackbird was resting, Hanks' personal lab where I almost had an orgasm given all the advanced and high tech equipment I saw in it which was any true biologists wet dream, and then finally we arrived at the famous Danger Room.

Which made me remember to see if Danger was a thing in this world, and get her on my side if that was the case. Partly because I didn't want to developing into a female version of Ultron, and partly because having an AI on my side would boost my capabilities immensely.

I mean those things are awesome, but it's not like they grow on trees. I also have no idea where to start building one. So if you can't build then acquire as they say.

Stepping into the observation/control room of the Danger Room I walked right up to the window and saw the environment inside was a devastated city, the infamous Magneto floating above it.

While standing against him were the X-men.

Scott Summers aka Cyclops. The simp, tool, and maybe in the future an adulterer and bootleg Magneto.

[Insert Image of Scot Summers/Cyclops Here]

Jean Grey aka Marvel Girl. The current host of the Phoenix Force, who I aim to prevent having a Dark Phoenix Saga with everything I have.

[Insert Image of Jean Grey/Marvel Girl Here]

Katherine "Kitty" Pryde aka Shadowcat. A girl who has a thing for guys with the name Peter.

[Insert Image of Katherine Pryde/Shadowcat]

Kurt Wagner aka Nightcrawler. A guy who has quite the complex family history.

[Insert Image of Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler]

Anna Marie aka Rogue. Who is sporting the goth-look exactly like she did in the X-men Evolution television show I watched when I was a kid. Which is the reason I got into goth chicks in the first place.

[Insert Image of Anna Marie/Rogue Here]

Robert "Bobby" Drake aka Iceman. Who happens to share the same nickname as me, and is also an omega level mutant. I wonder if this version of him is gay? Not that I'm judging of course. He can do him.

[Insert Image of Robert Drake/Iceman]

The final member of their team is Warren Worthington III aka Angel. A guy who usually gets dealt a bad hand, especially by Apocalypse.

[Insert Image of Warren Worthington III/Angel Here]

As I watched the X-men battle the simulated version of Magneto I noted they were all about my age. Telling me my assumption when I met Jean years ago was right. The X-men in this universe are for the most part like their X-men Evolution television show counterparts.

Which leads me to another question.

Specifically about Wanda and Pietro Maximoff.

Are they more in line with their MCU versions, or their X-men Evolution versions? I also wonder if they are even Magneto's biological children in this world, or has that been retconned here like in the comics.

A choice I didn't agree with by the way.

But I don't make the comics I just read them.

Oh well.

"So, they look like they are preparing for war." I spoke.

"Of a sort." Charles spoke. "Roberto, those students of mine down there you see are a group I have put together to fight for the rights of Mutants like us, and protect us from danger. They are known as the X-men." He explained.

"I see." I mused.

Acting interested, but not really.

"That's certainly interesting." I said.

Just as I did the Danger Room simulation ended.

"If you think so, then how about meeting the students?" Hank asked.

"Oh, I would love too." I said.

Which was not a lie in the slightest.

I mean that's what I came here for in the first place.

So with my reply our group exited the Danger Room observation/control room and started making our way to meet the current team of X-men.

Time to make an impression.