Chapter 13: Family Reunion

[December 22nd, 2005]

Getting out of the car I was in I smiled.

For my family was there, standing outside our home, waiting to greet me.

It feels like forever since I've seen them.

Even though I stopped by home a few months ago after my visit with the X-Men.

After which I set out to do what I originally told my family I was going to do and traveled the world for a bit.

Something I had always wanted to do in my previous life but never had the time or money to put it into action.

Here though in my new life, I don't have any of those issues to deal with.

Especially in regards to money.

Since my sister and I both have trusts fund, both with upwards to five million dollars in them.

Our fathers company makes a lot of money and he started saving right after the two of us were born.

Enough said.

Moving on.

The places I went included Japan, the United Kingdom, Germany, and finally Egypt.

All of which were amazing.

But none gave me the same warm emotions I am experiencing right now.

So I guess it's true what they say. There really is no place like home.

Walking up to my family I greeted them.

Giving my mother and sister hugs, while sharing quick manly handshakes with both my father and uncle.

Yeah, I have an uncle.

He's my father's younger brother, whose name is Joao Da Costa. But everyone usually just calls him Jo.

[A/N: Joao Da Costa is not an OC but a real character on the official Marvel wiki]

After greetings we're complete our group of five headed inside.

We then had a nice dinner before everyone headed to the living room.

After we arrived and got settled I cleared my throat, gaining everyone's attention.

"So I have two announcements to make." I spoke. "First off I applied to Columbia University in New York City in the US and was accepted. So starting in a few weeks yours truly will be a college student." I explained.

Where I will once again obtain my Ph.D, and quite easily this time I might add given the knowledge from my previous life and thanks to a little memory retention spell I learned during my training at Kamar-Taj.

Now this spell doesn't give me anything like a photographic memory where I instantly remember something by only seeing it once.

The spell simply makes it easier for my mind to retain information and understand it.

So a cheat code.

That I feel no shame in using.

Considering it took me ten years in my former life to earn my Ph.D and I don't have that kind of time her.

It's already 2005, which means I don't even have a full decade before canon shit starts popping off.

So I need to get things in place as quickly as possible.

Thus shortcuts.

Which are great.

Whoever says different just probably aren't using the right shortcuts.

"That's great bro." Beatriz said.

"Yes, wonderful news son." My dad spoke.

"I'm so proud." Mom spoke. Wiping a small tear away from her left eye.

"Good for you nephew." Uncle Jo said. "Make sure you show those Americans we Brazilians are not to be underestimated. In any category." He spoke. Raising his eyebrows at me in a suggestive motion.

Earning him a slap on the back of his head from my mother.

'Honestly Jo, that is the exact reason you can't find a good woman to settle down with." My mother told me.

"Ah, I'm fine Nina. Besides, you all are all the family I need." Jo replied.

"Thanks for that uncle Jo." Beatriz said.

"What my sister said." I added. "Now then, onto my second announcement." I put a serious expression on my face. "After thinking on this long and hard I have decided to take a more active role in using my powers."

My words surprised the entire family. Though uncle Jo remained the most calm.

Also yes, he too knows about mine and my sister's powers. He's family after all.

"Roberto, my baby boy, what do you mean?" My mother asked me in worry.

"The world is changing mom. People like me and Beatriz are becoming more commonplace. People with superhuman abilities. I saw it during my travels. I've also seen it in the media. The world is entering an entirely new era. I mean we have people like the Fantastic Four walking around. Things are never going to be the same again. And in that regard people with powers are going to be at the center of this coming age. But many, if not most of them don't have the same advantages Beatriz and I have. Money, status, and a family who both loves and supports us despite our abilities. Knowing that I want to help people like that who are less fortunate. As well as become an example they can look to and strive to become." I explained.

"What, are you saying you want to become a superhero bro?" Beatriz asked me.

"Something like that." I mused.

Since it's not like I can just come out and say I want to be an anti-hero like my guys Punisher and Deadpool.

Two people I definitely want to bring to my side.

DP in particular.

That way we can do team ups and make chimi-fucking-changas together.

The Adventures of Sunspot and Deadpool.

Has a nice ring to it.

"Roberto, no!" Mom exclaimed in worry. "It's too dangerous. Don't put your life at risk. Leave matters like that to the professionals, like SHIELD." She spoke.

Oh and just like in the mainstream comics in this Marvel universe SHIELD is a public organization known to the general public.

"SHIELD can only do so much mom. And like I said before, people with powers are likely going to look to someone like them for guidance. And I want to be that guidance. Otherwise why was I born with these powers in the first place?" I spoke.

Mom got ready to retort once more.

"Nina, enough."

Only for my dad to speak up before she could.

"The boy has made his decision. And seeing the look in his eyes he's not going to change it. Right?"

"Right." I replied.

"But Emmanuel our son is talking about risking his life." My mom spoke.

"And an eighteen year old adult he has the right to do so." My father countered. "Listen, I am going to be worried for him as well. But with or without our support he is going to do this. So let's be there for him instead of fighting him."

"I agree with my brother." Jo added.

"Me too." Beatriz said.

Leaving mom the only odd one out.

At this she sighed. "Fine. I understand." She spoke. Finally relenting.

"Thank you mom." I said. I then moved closer to her and hugged her.

Which she reciprocated.

We then stayed like that for a few seconds before breaking apart.

After we did I discussed a few of the plans I had already come up with with my family.

I also began warning them to take extra precautions.

Since groups I would be targeting would seek to use them to hurt me in retaliation for my actions.

All of them took my words to heart.

Making me realize once again there is nothing truly better than family.