Chapter 14: Fantastic Four

[New York City]

[Match 13th, 2006]

As I walked down the streets of New York I whistled a tune to myself.

Close to three months have passed since I returned to the city and began my studies at Columbia University.

Where I am aiming for a Ph.D in Biological Sciences.

A task which is going extremely well I might add.

Because ever since I stared at the university thanks to my cheats I've been easily breezing through any coursework and assignments I've been handed.

So by my calculations I should have a Ph.D, and doctor title, attached to my name again by the end of this spring semester.

Meaning I will have accomplished one of my set goals, and I can't wait.

Since I know the feeling I will get from doing so will be glorious.

I'll also be able to rub my progress in the face of the university professors who dismissed when I showed up at Columbia simply due to my name and the status it comes with.

Sucks to be them.

I thought people like them would know better. Considering all the geniuses living and breathing in Marvel. From Tony Stark, to Reed Richards, Hank Pym, etc.

But oh well.

Their arrogance has become their downfall.

While I am on the rise.



I continued to walk the streets of the Big Apple until I arrived at my destination.

The famous Baxter Building.

[Insert Image of the Baxter Building Here]

Home of the Fantastic Four.

Who I have come to meet, since I have a scheduled appointment with them today.

The appointment being so I can propose a business deal to the four.

See since my college coursework is so easy this time around it's given me a lot of free time.

Free time which I have been putting to good use.

Like coming up with ideas for inventions that were impossible in my previous life due to the limitations of technology and the like.

But here in a Marvel Universe that is not the case.

Thus this has allowed me to recreate the formula for Medi-gel from the Mass Effect series.

Which doesn't exist here. I checked. Neither does Halo for that matter.

But back to the point.

A formula which I am here to market to the F4 so they can produce the actual Medi-gel and sell it for me.

This way not only will I take my first steps to establishing myself amongst the scientific community of this world, but I'll be making money that's all my own, and establishing a connection with the F4. Which will hopefully net me some of Reed's Unstable Molecules in the future.

So multiple birds one very large ass stone.

Entering the building I told the doorman who I was here to meet.

When I did he picked up the phone next to him and made a call.

A few seconds later he told me to head to the elevator and enter it.

Which I did.

Once I did it started moving upwards and when it stopped the doors opened, at which I'm pretty sure was near the top of the Baxter Building.

The home of the four.

Exiting the elevator I found two individuals waiting for me.

A beautiful blonde female, who can only be Susan Storm-Richards, the Invisible Woman.

As for me adding Richards to her name she and Reed got married two years ago.

[Insert Image of Susan Storm/Invisible Woman Here]

While the second was a robot using rocket jets to float in the air. I knew this bot could only be HERBIE. The fours AI companion and Reed's lab assistant. As well as the personal nanny of the future Franklin and Valeria Richards.

Basically a love child of R2-D2 and C-3PO from Star Wars.

[Insert Image of H.E.R.B.I.E. here]

"Greetings Mr. Da Costa." Susan spoke.

"Yes, greetings sir." HERBIE added. Sounding exactly like he did in the F4 World's Greatest Hero cartoon I watched as a kid in my previous life.

Which was a way more accurate representation of the four than the Tim Story Films or that one based on the Earth-1610 version of the four.

"The same to both of you." I said to them.

Then right after I did I heard crashing sounds coming from behind Sue and HERBIE.

Looking past them I saw Johnny Storm laughing his ass off as Ben Grimm chased after him. An angry expression on his face.

[Insert Image of Jonathan Storm/Human Torch Here]

[Insert Image of Ben Grimm/The Thing Here]

"Get back here matchstick!" Ben shouted.

"Nope. Sorry big guy but I got other things to do today aside from pranking you." Johnny replied.

Which only enraged Ben even further.

As the two of them continued their antics I noticed Susans' eyebrow twitching and the smile on her face stopped reaching her eyes.

Seeing this I knew what was about to happen next and took a step back.

HERBIE joining me.

Right as he did Susan turned around and Ben and Johnny literally froze in place.

Definitely due to Susan's forcefield's.

Seeing this made me remember to never truly kiss this woman off.

Since if the Susan of this reality can do half the things she could in the comics making her upset might be the death of me.

"Ben, Johnny, didn't I ask you to keep it quiet this afternoon because Reed and I had a meeting?" Susan asked them in an eerily calm voice.

Which caused both Johnny and Ben to shiver.

Yet Susan didn't care.

She then started scolding them and HERBIE and I pretended not to see anything as it went on.

"Is it always like this?" I whispered to the robot.

"Yes." He replied.

Eventually Susan finished scolding the pair.

Once she did she released the forcefield's she had surrounding Johnny and Ben and turned back around to face me.

"Excuse me Mr. Da Costa. I'm sorry you had to see that. Now then, let's continue with the meeting."

"Sure." I replied. "And it's no problem. I have a little sister that causes me trouble as well. So I know exactly what you're going through Ms. Storm-Richards." I spoke.

Then with that Susan, HERBIE, and I left Ben and Johnny to their own devices and proceeded onward.

Until eventually we arrived at one of the most advanced labs I had ever seen, and working in the thick of it was Reed Richards aka Mr. Fantastic himself.

[Insert Image of Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic Here]

I really hope this version doesn't go to shit like the others I've seen. Especially the Earth-1610 version which turned into one of the most deranged beings in the Marvel multiverse, The Maker.

Just thinking of that bastard sends a shiver racing across my entire body.

It also reminds me to keep an eye on Reed to make sure he doesn't follow that path.

Because if he does I'm going scorched Earth on his ass without any hesitation.

"Reed!" Susan shouted at the top of her lungs.

This caused Reed to stop working on whatever he was working on and turn in our direction.

He then walked towards us in only two steps, thanks to his powers, and then gave Susan a kiss.

"Yes, dear?" Reed asked.

"You forgot about the meeting today didn't you?" Susan asked.

"No." Reed said.

Earning him a deadpan stare from Susan in return.

"Okay. I did." Reed admitted.

Susan sighed at this and shook her head. "Honestly, what would you do without me?"

"He would rely on me Ms. Susan." HERBIE spoke. Adding his own two cents.

I just calmly watched the family comedy sketch take place in front of me.

Until finally Susan and HERBIE remembered they had brought me along.

Even Reed turned in my direction.

When he did I offered my hand to him. "Greetings Dr. Richards. My name is Roberto Da Costa and I am a huge fan of your work." I told him.

Which is true. I love Reed's scientific endeavors.

Though his personality...

Reed shook my hand. "Yes. Nice to meet you then Roberto. So you scheduled this meeting today?"

"I did. Because I have a business proposition to present to the F4 today." I spoke.

I then reached into my coat pocket and showed Reed, Susan, and HERBIE my formula for the Medi-gel.

Me seeing recognition in each of their eyes when they looked at it.

Even Susan who is an accomplished biologist and geneticist in her own right.

"Amazing." Reed said.

"I'll say." Sue echoed. "You've developed a hydrogel formulae that's better than anything current on the market." She spoke. Looking at me. "Mr. Da Costa, do you know what you have here?"

"Oh Dr. Storm trust me, I do." I replied.

"If that is the case then why come to us, and not go through your family company Da Costa International to produce and sell this?" HERBIE asked.

A question I knew would likely come up.

"Two reasons HERBIE." I told him. "The first is that Da Costa International has no interests in the medical field."

The family business focuses are communication, manufacturing, transportation, infrastructure, and import/export.

"If I brought this formula to my family's company that means we would have to purchase a medical affiliated business and begin working to make the Medi-gel from scratch. Which might take years even with our resources. So instead of doing all that I decided to come to you all, the F4 who are already well reputed in the scientific and medical community. To make the Medi-gel I have developed a reality sooner. The second reason is that I am currently enrolled at Columbia University and working on my Ph.D in Biological Sciences. Since I want to go into scientific work and making a relationship with you the F4 will go a long way in establishing myself among the community worldwide. I also want to become my own man and not simply rely on my family name. I want people to see me as Roberto and not simply another Da Costa." I spoke.

"I see." HERBIE.

"Yes. Now then, let's make a deal." I said.

Once I did Reed, Sue, HERBIE sat down and began discussions.

Reaching an amicable agreement.

I would retain all patent rights to the Medi-gel but only receive 10% in royalties from any sells made. The F4 would retain the other 90% of the profits.

But from those profits they would have to take out production and marketing costs.

So they definitely wouldn't be fuckng me on the deal.

In fact since I retained the patent and intellect property rights to the Medi-gel I am the one bending them over the table.

As well as anyone else who might come along.

Since if anyone attempts to use my formula and Medi-gel without my permission I can sue their asses.

So really I win.

Once the deal was set I left the Baxter Building.

Susan saying she would email me documents to sign by the end of the week.

Which I would.

Once my family's lawyers looked over them of course.

Since Mama didn't raise a sucker.

After my meeting finished I wandered around the city.

Until dinner time.

Then I began making my way towards a Korean/Mexican fusion restaurant my sister had found where we would have dinner tonight.

Since when I came to New York she came with me.

Beatriz having gotten into NYU and going for a degree in business.

Since apparently she wants to run and own her own modeling agency one day.

Well we Da Costa's are nothing but not ambitious.

I fully support her by the way.

Arriving a block away from the restaurant I saw Beatriz standing outside, waving at me.

So I waved back as I stood across the street. Waiting for the sign to say I could walk.

When it did I got ready to make my way over to my sister.

Only to stop in my tracks when several black SVU's rolled up and several armed gunmen jumped out and headed right for my sister.

Seeing this I instantly knew one thing.

Someone is definitely dying tonight.