Chapter 15: Raid

(3rd Person: POV)

As the armed gunmen surrounded her and began getting closer Beatriz was stunned.

She was also incredibly scared.

That is until she notices her brother activate his powers and then rush forward towards her position.

Reaching it within seconds..

Then once Roberto did this he wasted no time and began delivering punches to the gunmen, a cold expression on his face.

Since he would show no mercy to throw that went after his family.

Before the gunmen realized it half of them were down.

Beatriz stunned at her brother's actions.

But that didn't last for long.

"Powers, now!" Roberto shouted at his sister.

Snapping her out of her stupor.

She then immediately activated her own powers. Shifting into her pyroplasmic form.

In doing so she regained some of her composure.

Just as the remaining gunmen opened fire at her and Roberto.

But it didn't affect the siblings in the slightest.

Beatriz because she became intangible just before the bullets reached her. While Roberto's durability kept him safe.

[A/N: The comics are never clear about Sunspots durability. So I'm giving him superhuman level comparable to Luke Cage for this fic]

After a few seconds of firing and seeing that they weren't doing any damage to either Roberto or Beatriz the gunmen became shocked.

While this happened Roberto blitzed them.

Taking them down with punches and kicks before any of them knew what hit them.

As soon as he was finished the SUV's began driving away to try and make their escape.

But before they got too far Roberto raised his hands in the direction of the fleeing vehicles and unleashed blasts of intense heart at all of them.

Melting their tires and stopping the vehicles in their tracks.

Then without missing a beat Roberto approached each and every SUV and introduced any occupants inside to his fists.

Until he was down to the last one.

Though before he dealt with the last of the people who dare launch an attack against his sister he used his telepathy and delved into their minds.

Ripping out any information he found relevant without care for their mental well-being.

When Roberto finishes he rejoined his sister.

"Let's go." He said.

Beatriz simply nodded.

Once she did Roberto took to the air, Beatriz following right behind him.

The two siblings leaving the area just as the police pulled up.

Stunned at the massacre before their eyes.

Which was only the nights first.


(Roberto: POV)

Landing on the roof of our apartment building, where Beatriz and I shared a four room loft together, we deactivated our powers.

The moment we did I moved closer to my sister to check up on her.

"You okay?" I asked.

"I...That was...Yes." Beatriz managed to get out.

Despite her entire body shaking as she did.

Which only stroked the flames of my anger inside.

But I didn't show that to Beatriz.

For I wanted to show her a calm face at the moment.

Pulling her into a gentle hug I slowly patted her head.

"Your okay sis. Your good." I told her. "Everything is going to be just fine." I said.

Because I will make sure of it.

"Thank you bro." Beatriz softly said.

We then stayed hugging for five minutes before we broke apart.

The two of us then headed to our loft.

Once inside I made Beatriz some tea and got her settled before heading to my room to make a call.

To Logan.

Since I would need his, and the X-Men, help in dealing with what I learned about when I used my telepathy to gain information from the minds of that human garbage earlier.

Who I learned, thanks to my telepathic probe, were the fucking U-Men!

One of the exact groups I was worried about.

Seems they learned through some method about me and my sister having powers. So they sent a strike team to capture us.

Too bad for them they picked the wrong pair of siblings to fuck with.

Thanks to that I was able to learn about the location of the base where they were going to drop me and my sister off at after they captured us.

A base which I now know has prisoners in it.

Who I cannot leave in those animals hands.

Thus I'm calling in my only option right now to help me get them out.

Soon the call connected.

"Yeah, what's up kid?" Logan asked me.

"Just a short while ago my sister and I were attacked by gunmen. Neither of us were harmed, since I best them down. Since once I did I interrogated one of our assailants and found he and the others belong to a group called the U-Men. I also learned a location of one of their bases. Which I need your and the X-Men to raid and rescue the prisoners the U-Men are currently keeping there." I explained.


"Where?!" Logan growled in animalistic fury after a moment of silence.

"I will text you the coordinates now. My sister and I will meet you there." I said.

Since there is no way I'm leaving Beatriz alone after what just happened.

Because since the U-Men know about our powers they may also know about our New York address.

"Got it." Logan replied.

He then hung up.

Once he did I left my room and went to check up on Beatriz, and explained to her what was about to happen.

"I want in." She said, after I finished my explaination.

A fire in her words and eyes, pun intended, as she spoke.

"Sure." I replied.

Since like I said earlier, the U-Men picked the wrong pair of superhuman siblings to fuck with.

Now it's time for them to deal with the consequences of their actions.


Coming to a stop in the air Beatriz and I stopped.

Since we had reached the location of the U-Men facility.

An abandoned military outpost just on the outskirts of upstate New York.

Descending the two of us touched the ground, then deactivated our powers and began to wait for the X-Men to arrive.

Until eventually we saw the Blackbird coming in for a landing.

Moving through the forest we were in we arrived at the clearing where the jet landed.

We then waited as the planes rear ramp lowered and the X-Men came out.

All of them present, save for Beast and professor Xavier.

Also thankfully all of the X-Men were dressed in their X-Men Evolution costumes and not the horrible black leather from the Fox films.

Because if they were I would do all I could to convince them to make a wardrobe change.

That would be a battle I would gladly take on.

Moving Beatriz and I met up with the X-Men.

"Dude, you brought your girlfriend?" Warren suddenly asked.

Earning him a slap upside the head from Jean. "That is not his girlfriend Warren." She spoke.

"Jean is right. This is my younger twin sister, Beatriz Da Costa." I introduced.

"Hey, like are you a model?" Kitty asked.

"Oh, so you've seen my work?" My sister questioned.

"Like yeah." Kitty replied.

"Ladies, not the time or place." Scott spoke.

"A statement I totally agree with." I added.

Beatriz and Kitty then shrunk a bit, their cheeks going red with embarrassment.

"Enough playing around. We've got work to do." Logan said.

"Yes, we do." I said.

I then began explaining the layout of the U-Men base.

Another gift from that trash I dealt with earlier in the night when I probed their minds.

"Hey, this U-Men guys really jutz told you all this?" Kurt asked. Once my explaination was finished.

"No Kurt, they didn't. But I have my ways." I replied.

"Did you make it hurt?" Logan asked.

"Sure did." I easily replied.

"Good." He said. A smile on his face.

Which I mirrored.

"Enough gentleman. Let us compose our plan of attack." Ororo spoke.

"Yes, you're right. Also Beatriz and I are both participating in this raid, that's non-negotiable." I said.

"Fine by me." Logan said.

When he did none of the others spoke up.

"Right then. One last thing. During this mission call me Sunspot and Beatriz.."

"Fire." My sister answered. Changing into her pyroplasmic form.

I then activated my own powers.

"Woah. So hot." Bobby said.

"Yes, we siblings are." I spoke. "Now, let's get this done." I said.

The X-Men present nodded.

We then composed our plan of attack.

Logan would lead the assault team consisting of me, Jean, Kitty, Kurt, and finally Rogue.

Everyone else would be on the perimeter team. Watching our backs.

Since most of the U-Men base are housed in the tunnels and bunkers constructed the outpost.

So people like Scott and Storm wouldn't be too good.

Considering if they make a mistake in the use of their powers they could bury the and everyone around them alive.

Angel wouldn't have room for his wings, and Bobby and Beatriz don't have done control over their projection powers like I do.

Hence why all of them are staying aboveground.

The plan set each group moved out.

Ready to give the U-Men a big fucking surprise.

It's time to make the chimi-fucking-changas!