Chapter 17: Steps Forward

(Roberto: POV)

As the Blackbird flew through back towards the X-Mansion it was utterly silent.

Even the children we rescued from the U-Men facility didn't make a sound.

Making the silence all the more awkward.

Yet no one chose to break it.

Not even me.

My reason being I wanted to give everyone a chance to process what had just occured during the raid.

Then there is also the fact a purple-haired beauty in a rather risque outfit is lying asleep in my lap.

I still can't believe we encountered Psylocke of all people in that place.

As her sleeping form shifted in my lap I used my hands to keep her from falling off it.

Since the Blackbird is currently crowded enough as it is without her unconscious body ending up flailing about.

That's why I hope we get back to the mansion soon.

Another reason being as a red-blooded male having a woman like Braddock on my lap has caused something to rise, and it's most definitely not the Shield Hero.

I'll definitely need a cold shower after this flight is over.


(3rd Person: POV)

Waiting in the hangar bay, Hank by his side, professor Xavier waited with bated breathe as the Blackbird landed and it's rear ramp lowered.

Children in ragged clothing with scared and frightened looks on their faces descending from it.

Being led by Ororo.

Who surface thoughts told Charles she was feeling sad, angry, yet also happy in some guard.

Charles knew exactly what all those emotions meant.

Especially as Ororo has contacted him and gave him a report as the X-Men, and their companians, made their way back to the mansion.

And speaking of the X-Men.

When Charles saw his students he could instantly tell what they had seen and experienced on this mission had affected them all deeply.

It pained Charles to see them this way.

But he knew he couldn't always protect them from the cruelty of the world, so he chose to say nothing at the moment.

After the children and most of his X-Men exited the Blackbird a third group came out.

Consisting of Logan, and the two who had set the current events into motion in the first place.

Roberto Da Costa and his sister Beatriz Da Costa.

There was also a fourth.

An unknown woman who Roberto had apparently reduced from the U-Men facility.

Instantly upon brushing her mind Charles could tell she was a telepath of considerable skill.

So the fact the U-Men were able to capture and even control her worried him.

Charles was soon snapped out of own thoughts as Logan arrived in front of him.

"Logan." Charles spoke.

"Chuck." Logan said.

The two staring at each other in silence.

"Good work." Charles said.

"Yeah." Logan replied. "But more are still out there." He said.

Which Logan didn't have to say.

Since Charles Xavier knew that very well.

But at least tonight, they had saved some.

It was a step forward, about a small one.

The first of many Charles hoped.


(Roberto: POV)

Sitting at Besty's bedside I watched as she stirred awake.

The psychic assassin having been the same since we brought her to the X-Mansion last night.

And what a night it was.

From getting the children we rescued settled, to getting as much information from them about the U-Men as they were currently willing to share, to Beatriz and I calling our parents and explaining most of the situation.

That was the hardest part of all.

Especially when they demanded we come back home to Brazil immediately.

Which my sister and I both promptly refused to do.

Since we are building our lives and we're not going to let those U-Men dictate how we live them.

I also pointed out to my parents even if Beatriz and I returned to Brazil the U-Men could just come for us again.

Since fanatical cult-like terrorist organizations care nothing about borders.

As Betsy fully woke up she looked around, her gaze landing on me.

"Hey there." I said. "So, you're finally awake." I spoke.

I then leaned back when Betsy tried to punch me in the face.

Then before she could do anything else I used my telekinesis to hold her in place.

The woman struggling to get free.

"Stop that. I'm an not going to hurt you." I said. I then activated my powers. "Because I am exactly like you." I revealed.

Hoping this would get Betsy to trust or at least stop fighting me.

My gambled ended up paying off.

Seeing I had powers like her Betsy stopped struggling.

When she did I released my telekinetic hold on her.

"So, a rocky start but considering how we met Iltl forgive you. Now I think introductions are in order. My name is Roberto Da Costa and you are?"

"Betsy." She curtly replied.

"Well nice to meet you Betsy. So, care to explain how you ended up captured and under the control of the U-Men?" I asked.

"What's it to you?!" She shouted.

"Because I want to know if I'll encouter any more people like you when I go after the U-Men in the future." I spoke. Whispering the last part

Since we are in the X-Mansion, and I'm not in the mood to here from Xavier right now.

"You want to go after the U-Men?" She asked. "Why?"

"To keep what I saw last night in that facility from happening to fo any other X-Rounder ever again" I spoke seriously.

"What you're insane. Also, what's an X-Rounder?" Betsy spoke.

"Oh I can assure you, I am not insane. And as for what an X-Rounder is..."

I then explained my concept of X-Rounder to Betsy.

"Wow. Nice. Has a much better ring to it than Mutant." Betsy admitted.

"I know right." I replied. "So, I've told you about me, now I think it's only fair for you to do so in return." I spoke.

"Fine." Betsy said.

She then told me her story.

A pretty cliche one.

She was hired for a job, it turned out to be a trap set by the U-Men, who then turned Psylockes into their slave for the past two months.

"I see." I replied.

"Yeah. Some mercenary I am huh." Betsy exclaimed.

"Well I don't know well enough to say for sure." I replied. "On another note, how would you like a job?" I asked.

"You're not serious?" She asked.

"Once again, totally am." I replied.

Having Psylocke join me would a huge win. Not only is she a highly skilled mercenary but a strong telepath which I would have needed to recruit eventually.

Even if I know telepathy.

Because that's through magic, not a natural power I have.

So having a natural telepath on my side would make things easier.

"This job I am offering comes with a sizeable paycheck, all the benefits you can think of such as medical and dental, a retirement fund, and an opportunity to wipe the U-Men from existence." I spoke.

"What would I be doing?" Betsy asked. Sounding truly interested.

"My sister and I were attacked by the U-Men last night. Which led us on our little adventure of running into you. We called our parents and told them about the attack a little while ago. Naturally they weren't happy. Wanted us to return home. But both Beatriz and I refused. Which are parents reluctantly accepted. But if we hired a capable bodyguard it would do a lot to ease their worries."

"You want me to act as your and your sisters bodyguard?" She asked.

"Yep." I replied. " Along with much more if you agree. But you don't have to answer right now. I know you've been through a lot and I'll let you think about it. But don't take too long."

I then got up and left the medical room.

Hoping Betsy would take me up on my job offer.

As I walked the halls I suddenly ran into my sister.

The same fiery look in her eyes she had last night.

"What's up sis?" I asked.

"Bro, can you help me in training my powers?" She asked.

Suprising me.

Since Beatriz has never really wanted to train her powers before. She only did so before in order to learn control, so they wouldn't a activate at ransom times.

Now here she is actively seeking training.

To quote a certain man: this is most certainly a surprise but not an unwelcomed one.

It's also another step forward for Beatriz.

That makes this moment all the more special.

I got ready to respond to Beatriz, but before I could I heard Betsy speak up behind me.

"Hey." She said.

So I turned around to face her.

"That offer you made. I'll take you up on it." She said.

"You sure?" I asked.

"I am." Betsy replied.

Bringing a smile to my face.

Looks like Beatriz isn't the only one taking steps forward today.

I am too.

Which feels good.