Chapter 18: Blastaar

Having Betsy accept my offer for her to be mine and Beatriz bodyguard is great.

Well more for Beatriz than me.

Since I am basically a one man army. It'll take a lot to put me down.

But currently the same can't be said for Beatriz.

That's why I'm glad Betsy will be watching her back. At least until my sister surpasses her current limits and gets stronger.

Once she does Betsy won't need to guard her any longer.

Then I'll make sure she becomes a part of my future organization permanently.

Since there is no way I can just let a talent like her walk away and go back to meaningless mercenary work.


A lady like her looks like she enjoys the finer things in life.

Which I'll gladly provide for her.

Maybe in more ways than one.

But I'll save giving into the horny for later.

Right now I need to work on getting Betsy permanently on my side.

"Hey Roberto, what is this woman talking about? Being our bodyguard? For that matter who is she exactly?" Beatriz asked.

Turning around I saw a confused expression on her face.

"Walk with me sis and I'll explain it all." I spoke.

I then wrapped an arm around my sister's shoulder and we walked over to Betsy.

Then before she could protest I wrapped an arm around her waist, utterly on purpose, and walked the three of us back into the X-Mansion medical bay.

Where the three of us sat down and chatted about our now intertwined future.

When I was done Beatriz nodded her head.

"I see." She mused. My sister then gave me a thumbs up. "Good plan brother."

"You know it sister." I replied. Giving her a thumbs up in return.

While Betsy just lookes between the two of us and shook her head.

"What, already regretting accepting the job?". I asked.

"Sort of. Since I can tell from that brief exchange just how much a handful you two are going to be." Betsy explained.

"Hey, we're not kids. We're both eighteen." Beatriz spoke. "Besides, you don't look much older than us. Wait, are you that much older than us?"

"No, I'm only 25." Betsy answered.

Revealing her age.

"Really, I couldn't tell." I spoke.

"And that's exactly the way I like it." Betsy retorted. A smirk on her face.

Making me like her even more.

I think the two of us will get along just fine.

Same is true for her and Beatriz.

Proving once more to me my decision-making skills are on point.


[May 2nd, 2006]

Walking down the street I made my way towards the Baxter Building.

Beatriz and Betsy walking right alongside me.

Over a month has passed since our first clash with the U-Men and Betsy agreeing to work as mine and Beatriz' personal bodyguard.

During that day in the X-Mansion.

Which after she did our group of three left the mansion, saying goodbye to the children we rescued and the X-Men themselves.

After which we returned to the city and mine and Beatriz apartment.

Us two siblings then called our parents and explained Betsy and her situation to them, and how it related to us.

Once we did it wasn't that hard for our family lawyers to draw up an employment contract, Betsy to sign it, and then officially begin working on the Da Costa payroll.

Her having been working to earn every penny we pay her and then some.

Like in regards to Beatriz she began helping her train not only to master her powers, but also began teaching her martial arts and other self-defense techniques.

She's also a great sparring partner for me.

The two of us always work up quite the sweat and use up a lot of our stamina when we find time to pound each other.

But only in training session of course.

Nothing more.

On another note the U-Men have gone silent.

Neither Beatriz nor I have had encounters with them since that night back in March.

I guess they got the message we are not to be fucked with loud and clear when we decimated that base of theirs.

Or they're just biding there time, looking for a chance to stroke back.

Which is just fine by me. Since they are giving me a chance to build up my forces as well.

Then once I do I'll go scorched Earth all over their asses.

Now then as to why the girls and I are heading to the Baxter Building today it's so I can pick up my first royalties check from the Medi-gel sales.

Back in March a week after the U-Men situation went down Susan emailed me the contract, then after the family lawyers reviewed it I signed it and it put me in business with the F4.

Who Beatriz wants to meet.

So when I told her about my plans for the day she insisted on coming along, and since Betsy ever rarely leaves my sister's side here we are.

Arriving at our destination the three of us entered the building, and immediately upon doing so we ran into Johnny in the lab.

"Hey, Human Torch. Good to see you again." I told him.

"Huh?" Johnny mused. "Who are you?" He asked.

"Really, you don't remember me, even though I was just here a little over a month ago?" I asked him.

"Sorry dude." He said. Johnny's eyes them immediately went to Betsy before going over to Beatriz. "Oh, hello there ladies. The names Johnny Storm, the Human Torch. Perhaps you've heard of me."

"Hey, don't just start ignoring my brother out of nowhere." Beatriz spoke. Leveling a glare at Johnny.

Meanwhile Betsy didn't even acknowledge his attempt to flirt and instead focused on her nails.

Due to this Johnny instantly deflated, and I'm pretty sure I saw giant red arrows pierce his body.

Though I'm sure that was just my imagination.

A few seconds passed before Johnny recovered. After he did he focused his attention back on me. "Sorry, dude."

"It's fine." I replied. "By the way my name is Roberto Da Costa. I was there that day your sister stoped you and The Thing from fighting in front of me and gave you a harsh scolding like HERBIE and I weren't even there. That help?"

Johnny got a contemplative look on his face before I saw recognition in his eyes. "Oh yeah. I do remember you now."

"Right. So anyway mind taking up to your apartment with you? I've got another meeting with your sister today." I spoke.

"Yeah sure. Just follow me." Johnny replied.

He then lead us over to the elevator and we all piled inside. Johnny then used a key card on the elevator panel and off we went.

As we rode up to the Fours home I noticed Johnny trying to flirt with my sister.

Oh he's got no idea what he's getting himself into.

My sister will eat Johnny for breakfast.

But you reap what you sow as they say.

Eventually the elevator came to a stop at the fours home and our group exited it.

*Boom! Boom! Boom!*

Immediately hearing several explosions going off as soon as we did.

"What the hell?!" Beatriz exclaimed.

"That came from Reed's lab!" Johnny shouted.

He then began running towards it.

Sharing a quick look with Beatriz and Betsy no words needed to be spoken as we all decided to quickly follow Johnny.

In no time at all the four of us reached the lab.

Where upon entering if we found Reed, Susan, and Ben, in front of a giant red energy portal where Baluurians were marching out of.

Being led by one of the Fantastic Fours most iconic adversaries, and one of Marvels most ferocious tyrants, Blastaar.

[Insert Image of Blastaar Here]

"Today Fantastic Four you shall not stand in my way. I shall do away with you then conquer this dimension!" Blastaar exclaimed.

His soldiers cheering after he did.

Making it just another day in the Marvel universe.

At least I can say my life will never get boring now.