Chapter 19: Versus Blastaar

A check.

I just came to simply pick up a check.

Now here I am in the midst of a start of an interdimensional invasion.

Only in a comic book universe.

"Go my warriors, destroy them and pave the way for your lord!" Blastaar exclaimed.

He warriors then shouted once more, and then began charging in the direction my group and the four were in. Looking hungry for blood and conquest.

Once again, I just came to pick up a check.

But now it looks like before I can conduct my business I'll have to stop an interdimensional tyrant from launching an attack on my home universe.

Eh, it is what it is.

"Sis, Ben, Reed, what's going on?! Why are Blastaar and his overgrown ape army coming through the Negative Zone portal?!" Johnny asked.

When he did I did notice the portal Blastaar and his army were using to gain entry into our dimension was being generated on a platform with a hexagonal-shaped ring on it, which the Negative Zone portal was smack dab in the middle of.

"No idea kid. One minute everything was normal, then all of a sudden the machine started up and generated the portal on its own, and then Blastaar and his goons came bursting out of it." Ben quickly explained.

"They must have found a way to forcibly activate the device from the Negative Zone." Reed spoke.

"That, or the machine is malfunctioning." I spoke.

"Highly improbable but-Mr. Da Costa, what are you doing here?" Reed spoke. He, Susan, and Ben finally noticing mine, Beatriz, and Betsy's presence. "Also, who are those two ladies with you?"

"I don't really think now is the best time to have this discussion Dr. Richards." I spoke. Noticing Blastaar's warriors getting ever closer.

"He's right Reed." Sue spoke. "Johnny get them to safety. The rest of us will hold off Blastaar and his army until you return." She spoke.

"No need." I said.

Then before any of the four could protest I activated my powers, all of them getting shocked expressions on their faces when I did.

"Bro, you sure?" Beatriz asked me.

"I am." I replied. "Besides, it wouldn't sit right with me if we let someone like Blastaar invade our home."

Plus this will definitely earn us brownie points with the Fantastic Four. So this situation is a win-win.

"Alright then." Beatriz replied. Shrugging her shoulders she then shifted into her pyroplasmic form.

While at the same time Betsy used her powers to generated to two psychic knives on both of her hands.

As she did I ran past the four, Beatriz right alongside me, and we got in front of them. We then both raised our hands in the direction of the Baluurian warriors and while I unleashed intense blasts of heat at them, Beatriz began unleashing torrents of her green-colored flames.

Our simultaneous attack hitting the Baluurian warriors, and pushing them back while throwing their charging advanced into utter disarray.

After this happened both Beatriz and I stepped back and regrouped with the four and Betsy. Everyone but her still looking at us with shocked expressions on their faces.

"Listen I know you all have question but we can talk about this after we deal with that Blastaar fellow and his invading army." I spoke. "So, let's get to it."

The Fantastic Four nodded their heads at my words a few seconds after I spoke.

That is also when I noticed, out of the corner of my left eye, Blastaar raising both his hands in our groups direction, charged with energy. Which he fired.

Seeing this I didn't hesitate.

Moving in front of our group I took the blast head on, absorbing the energy of the blasts while my other abilities took care of anything else. Like the kinetic force of the impact.

When Blastaar finally stopped firing his blasts I stood as I had been, completely and utterly unscathed.

Seeing this Blastaar frowned, then roared in anger. "Agh! Destroy them! Destroy them all!" He shouted.

"I wouldn't count on that pal. It's clobberin time!" Ben exclaimed. Rushing forward to attack some of the Baluurians.

"Yeah, what the big guy said. Flame on!" Johnny shouted. Entering a pyroplasimic form similar to my sisters.

He then flew into the air and began throwing fire balls at the Baluurians.

Me keeping calm on the surface, but internally geeking out as some of my most beloved heroes just used their signature catchphrases and stared kicking ass.

Seeing it in real life something else.

Moving on her own my sister entered the air right beside Johnny and began hurling fire balls at the Baluurians as well.

Them and Ben Grimm ending up holding the line.

But with Baluurians still coming through the Negative Zone portal I know that won't be the case for long.

So I turned to Sue and Reed, since we needed a solution to this problem and fast. Before we're overrun.

"Dr. Richards, what can we do to fix this situation?" I asked.

"We could simply send all these invaders back through the portal and then destroy the machine they are using to get here." Betsy suggested.

"No, we can't." Reed spoke. "The Negative Zone portal generator is powered by a highly compact nuclear power battery. So destroying it could take out the entire state of New York. Not to mention if the portal were still open if we attempted to destroy the machine then the results might either lead to the portal remaining opening indefinitely, it become larger, or we might end up with a localized gravitational singularity." He quickly explained.

"Gravitational what?" Betsy questioned.

"In English that means blackhole." I spoke. Translating.

"I see." Betsy replied. "But if that is the case we're in trouble"

"No. If you can get all the Baluurians and Blastaar back through the portal then I can remove the battery powering it manually, which should close it." Reed explained.

"It's our best option. So let's get to it." I said.

"With pleasure." Susan spoke.

I then saw her raise her arms in the air in the direction of the Baluurians.

Who suddenly stopped what they were and sent flying back through the portal from whence they came.

Save for Blastaar.

"No!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs.

He then forces blasts under his feet and launched himself toward us.

But he didn't get very far.

Since the moment I saw Blastaar heading towards us I raised my hands in his direction and fired off two dark plasma bolts. My attacks striking Blastaar, and knocking him to the ground mid-flight.

When this happened Ben ran toward the Baluurian warlord and hit him with a powerful right uppercut.

Then before Blastaar could even touch the ground Johnny, and my sister, hit him with streams of their flames. Sending him flying back towards the Negative Zone portal.

Sue having almost finished using her force fields to send the Baluurian warriors back through it.

Landing Blastaar moved to stand up.

But before he could I flew in his direction and hit him with a hard right, then a left, and finally I clasped my hands together and smashed them atop of the warlords head. Sending him face first into the floor of the lab.

Just as I did Sue finished sending the last Baluurian through the Negative Zone portal.

So with that I picked up Blastaar and yeeted his ass through it.

Once I did Reed and Susan came forward.

The former stretching towards portal generator and beginning to dismantle it, while the latter ended up with a look of absolute concentration on her face.

And since Blastaar, nor any of his army, were returning through the Negative Zone portal I knew that meant Susan was likely surrounding it with a force field to keep them from doing so.

That's why I stayed on guard, as did Johnny and the others who came over to me, until the Negative Zone portal finally closed.

"There, done." Reed spoke.

The moment he did Susan dropped her hands, and went down on her left knee.

Johnny and Ben by her side the instant this occured.

"Sis, you okay?" Johnny asked.

"Yeah, just give me a moment." Susan replied.

She then took several deep breaths before standing back to her feet. Making the other members of the four breath a sigh of relief.

I did so as well, seeing as how we just diverted an interdimensional invasion.

"Well, that was certainly interesting." Betsy mused.

"Yeah, it was." I spoke. Deactivating my powers. Besty and Beatriz doing the same.

As we did the Fantastic Four turned their attention toward us. Johnny also deactivating his powers.

"Don't worry, I can explain everything." I spoke. Before the four could say anything.

I then gave them a cliff notes version of our powers and how we had them.

"I see." Reed mused. "That does explain things. As for the terminology of yours, X-Rounder, Mr. Da Costa. I think I'll start using it." He said.

"Feel free to do so Dr. Richards. Also you can address as Dr. Da Costa as well now." I spoke. 

Since two days I completed the last of all the necessary requirements for Ph.D and Columbia University handed it over to me.

How good it feels to have it back.

"Oh really, what are you a doctor of?" Sue asked.

"I just earned my Ph.D from Columbia University in Biological Sciences." I revealed.

"Oh, congratulations then." Sue spoke.

"Yeah. And thanks for the help with Blastaar. Much easier dealing with him since you, your sister, and your friend were around." Ben said.

"Yeah. Thanks for the help. Especially from you Beatriz. You were certainly on fire." Johnny said.

Trying to flirt with my sister just like earlier.

Only with way more vigor.

I think seeing her powerset might've made him even more into her.

But like I said earlier, good luck to Johnny. Since my sister will eat him alive if he's not careful.

"I know I was. And I guess you get a passable grade for the battle." Beatriz instantly replied to Johnny. Giving him a slightly cold look.

This made Johnny deflate like earlier.

"Hahaha! Looks like you finally met your match, matchstick!" Ben said. Laughing at Johnny's expense.

Ignoring that I focused on Sue and Reed once more.

"Dr. Richards, might I suggest adding more safeguard to your Negative Zone portal, so the events of today do not repeat themselves." I spoke.

"Do not worry Mr. Da Costa. I have already begun formulating several plans to do just that." Reed replied.

"Right. Also, if you want you all can call me Roberto." I spoke.

"Alright then, Roberto." Reed said.

"Thanks." I told him. I then turned to Susan. "So Ms. Storm-Richards, shall we finally get down to our business? But if you can't I'll completely understand, and we can just reschedule for another day."

"No, no. After what just happened I need some normalcy. So let's go on ahead with our business." Sue spoke.

"Okay." I replied.

Once I did Sue then lead me away from the others, where she handed me my first royalty check from the Medi-gel sales.

Which was 500,000$.

And this is only the first check. I can't wait to see how big they'll be in the future.

When I had my check in hand Sue and I discussed a few more business related matters.

We then returned to where the others were, and then I gathered both Betsy and Beatriz and we bid farewell to the Fantastic Four.

The day having not turned out like I expected it would, but good nonetheless. 

Upon leaving the Baxter Building our group returned home, Betsy a live-in bodyguard who has taken up one of the extra rooms in mine and my sisters loft.

Heading to my room directly after we arrived I went to sit at my desk chair.

I then swiveled around to face Betsy, who was leaning up against my closed room door.

Since I had asked her to join me to discuss a matter.

"So, what's up?" Betsy asked. "Because if your looking to get any of this I'll at least need dinner at a five-star restaurant first." She spoke. Using her hands to gesture to herself.

"That can be arranged, but that's not the reason I asked to speak to you alone." I replied. "Truth is I need you to get look into someone and dig up all the dirt you can on them. If you can that is."

"Depends on who the person is you want dirt on." Betsy replied. "And I'll expect extra pay for this."

"Sure." I replied.

"Alright then, so whose the target?" She asked.

"A man named Aldrich Killian. The founder and CEO of a scientific think tank group known as Advanced Idea Mechanics, usually shortened to AIM." I explained.

Because now that I have my Ph.D again, and I know Killian isn't using AIM to its fullest potential, I think it's time it goes into the hand of someone who will.

Those hands being mine my own.

AIM is about to experience a hostile takeover.

All for the great good of course.