Chapter 20: Acquiring AIM I

After learning who I wanted her to investigate Pyslocke agreed.

Not even asking why.

Which I was grateful for, since I couldn't really tell her I knew Killian was secretly a terrorist/psychopath who couldn't get over himself and stop squandering the opportunities he had.

I mean the man helped create a virus that can cure the human body of mental defects and physical disabilities, and even regrow limbs.

But instead of using Extremis to help change the world he decided to be shortsighted and use it for evil. All simply because Tony dismissed him.

Now I'm not saying he didn't have a right to be upset at Tony's words or actions.

Since even I would've been upset.

But there were much better ways to get back at Stark than the route he took. He could've gone down in history as one of the greatest scientific minds ever known. Right up there with Albert Einstein. Though that didn't happen.

Now Killian has made his bed, and he'll have to lie in it.

Dealing with all the consequences that go along with doing so.

When Betsy left my room I leaned back in my chair and pressed my fingers together.

Realizing this might truly be the moment everything begins.

Feels good.


[May 12th, 2006]

A file in my hands I read through its contents.

Betsy standing in front of me.

The two of us in my room.

The contents of the file containing dirt on Aldrich Killian, from his illegal Extremis experiments on veterans to his burgeoning terrorist activities. Along with so much more.

Betsy found out and got proof on all of this. Completing the assignment I gave her in only a week.

Telling me she really is good.

When I finished reading the file I closed it and looked at Betsy. "Excellent work. You really are good at what you do."

"Flattery will only get you so far with me, but thanks." Betsy replied. "So, why did you want this information?"

"I want to acquire AIM, and I figured having some dirt on its founder and CEO would go a long way to making it happen. But I never expected Killian to be this bad." I spoke. Lying through my teeth.

Except for the acquiring AIM part.

That has also been one of my goals, ever since I became Roberto Da Costa. Since if the one in the comics ran AIM I figure why try and fix what's not broken.

"Though since he is that'll make making AIM mine all that much easier."

"Wow, you really want this company huh?" Betsy questioned.

"I do." I replied. "Because with threats like the U-Men, and as you saw with your own eyes Blastaar, out there I want to start preparing to deal with them. But I also want to enrich the world itself. Not to mention makes tons money, since what we'll be doing won't be cheap. So I figured to meet all my goals what better way than a company. AIM just so happens to fit all the criteria for my ideal company. I could build one from scratch, but I'd rather not. Now here we are. So, any more questions?"

"Just what's our next move?" Betsy asked.

When she did I put a smile on my face. "Spring cleaning." I replied.

Time to take out the trash.


[Miami, Florida]

[May 15th, 2006]

(3rd Person: POV) 

Entering her apartment Dr. Maya Hansen closed the door behind her and locked it.

[Insert Image of MCU Maya Hansen Here]

She then took off her shoes and started heading for her kitchen.

But as she passed the living room, one of the lamps inside suddenly turned on.

The moment this happened Maya stopped in her tracks and turned her attention to her living room.

Seeing a man sitting in on of its chairs.

"Mr, who are you?" A young male voice asked.

Which belonged to Maya's son.

Yes, son.

The boy being currently five-years old, and his name being Arno.

"Arno, get behind me." Maya said.

Putting herself between Arno and the mysterious man in her home.

"There's no need to be afraid Dr. Hansen. I'm not here to hurt you." The man spoke. "My name is Roberto Da Costa, and actually I'm here to help you." He spoke.

Not making a move as Maya still watched him warily.

Still standing protectively in front of her son, who when Roberto learned about and saw a picture of when he asked Betsy to get information on Maya, almost went a little crazy. Since the boy shared similar facial features with Tony Stark.

And based on his age Roberto put two and two together.

But just because he had doesn't mean he was going to touch that particular subject with any sort of pole.

Though he is curious to see how this Arno will develop as compared to is comic book counterpart.

Not to mention the look on Tony's face when he learns he has a son.

Roberto will definitely be there with a camera in hand to capture that moment.

But that's for later.

Back to the matter hand.

"What could you possibly help me with?" Maya asked.

Roberto putting a smile on his face after she did. Since that was the exact question he was waiting for her to ask.

Once Maya did Roberto opened up a small magic portal and reached through it with his left hand.

Completely ignoring the shocked looks Maya and Arno were giving him.

Pulling his left hand back out of the portal, a file now being held between his fingers, Roberto closed the miniature portal.

He then returned his attention to Maya, opened up the folder he was holding, and laid it out on the table on her direction.

"Aldrich Killian is not what he seems. Go on, take a look." Roberto spoke.

Maya then stared at him for several seconds.

But seeing he wasn't making a move she took several steps forward, until she was in front of the opened file folder on the table.

Picking it up Maya began reading it.

Her expression turning into one of horror a few moments in.

"No, this can''s not true." Maya said. Looking at Roberto as she did.

"No, sorry to say it is." Roberto easily replied. "Your boss, friend, fellow scientist, and man you thought you could trust is actually a burgeoning terrorist who has no issues sacrificing lives so long as he gets what he wants." He explained. "But not for much longer."

"You're saying your going to do something about Killian?" Maya asked.

"That's right, I am." Roberto spoke. "And when I am through AIM will be mine. And when that does happen I'd like for you to stay on and work for me."

"And how do I know you're not just as bad as Killian or worse?" Maya questioned.

"You don't. All I can give you is my word. Which of course you have no reason to believe, but I am asking you to do so Dr. Hansen. For your sake and your sons. Because do you really think that Killian would ever let you just walk away from AIM and him given what I've just shown you? No need to speak, since we both know the answer to that. But if you work with me that won't ever be the case. I won't ever use your child against you. I'll also turn AIM back into it was originally meant to be, a place to help solve the world's problems. Not to mention you'll get a substantial pay raise and the opportunity to work with some of the best minds in the entire world. So, what do you say?"

"I...I..." Maya spoke.

Feeling confused and unneasy.

Her entire world has just been flipped on its head.

Firsf she founds out her friend/boss is a terrorist. Then Roberto makes her an offer to protect her and her son. Even though she knows nothing about him.

Yet he seems to know all about her.

Thus her spinning head.

Which stopped when Arno tugged on her pants.

Looking down at her son Maya was able to calm down entirely.

She then gave Roberto her decision.

"Okay. I'm in." Maya replied. "But if any harm comes to me or my son I won't forgive you."

"Right. Well then with that this matter is settled. Now I shall take my leave. Also you have nothing to worry about Maya." Roberto spoke.

He then stood up and took back the folder from Maya.

Before turning away from her and her son to open up a human-sized magical portal.

"Okay, how are you doing that?" Maya asked.

Turning his head back towards her Roberto flash flashed a smile. "Magic." He said.

Then before Maya could ask anything else Roberto stepped through the portal and it closed

Leaving Maya stunned and Arno with stars in his eyes.

"So cool. I want to learn magic. Can I mom?" Arno spoke to Maya.

Who was wondering exactly the true nature of the man she had just made a deal with.

Leaving her head spinning for as many times in one night.