
He uses his left hand to pick up the kunai in his pouch located on his waist and swung the kunai in a circle around his index finger and catch the handle of the kunai with his fingers and slash it towards the strings and cutting it off in a single horizontal slash.

those movements and persona, with the white sunlight shinning behind him , gives him a divine feeling.

"it turned out to be a kid who accidentally happened to meet us, quite a pity but judging by his chakra ,those strings and his age, he must be a genius! but now he is done.

Lord Mizukage will be pleased! " the masked anbu thought while observing on a branch behind a tree so that he can runaway even if Konoha ninja arrives.

"DIE!!! " the spy thrust his kunai towards the kid but due to the time he took to get rid of the strings the kid easily avoided it by jumping up sideways.

The spy feels humiliated being played by a brat in front of his official. He was angry and was about to chase him when...

"Whoosh" " whoosh"

the ninja felt 2 air currents coming from both of his sides with an air splitting sound and as he turned, he saw 2 gigantic stumps of trees tied by multiple strings coming towards him from both sides!


the collision of the stumps produced clouds of dust and debris.

The kid landed in one of the branches away from the dust and debris, "Is it over? " the kid asks nonchalantly.


a white cloud started to spread in the clouds of debris and a small piece of wood was present in the middle of the white clouds!

'substitution jutsu'

A kunai was suddenly thrust behind izuna and was inches away from his head!

izuna suddenly tilt his head sideways and effortlessly evade the kunai !

"Wha-" the spy's eyes widen and suddenly his hands which were thrusting the kunai was caught in its path by the right hand of the boy.

He pulled the hand holding the kunai towards him. The spy predicted that the kid was going to shoulder throw him and mock the kid for his simplicity in his mind. He was ready to counter it when suddenly the kid's whole body turned towards his right hand doing a quick turn and he placed his left hand on the spy's head .

Both of them face to face.


the spy thought that the entire world had slowed down aside from the carefree voice " You , talk too much "

* zzzzzzzzzzzzz*

A electric current shines on the kid's left hand and gets directed towards the head of the spy.

*thud* the spies body fell on the ground.....

... lifeless...

"Impossible! that kid killed an elite chunin!!! "

the mask man realizes that the entire time, they were dancing at the kid's palm!!!

from using the strings in the shade of the trees so that the visibility of the strings can be minimised ,to making the enemy think that it was his last ditch afford so that they would cut of the strings , activating the trap and even if they survived that, the kid can still react and even kill the enemy like he did in his previous fight. He make himself look vulnerable to ease their opponents defends and make them think that the kill is already in the bag but in the last moment, during their most vulnerable times , he turned the tides , kill the enemies itself by using a weird lightning release on their head.... but how did he know that after the failed trap, the chunin will appear again instead of just withdrawing?

.... Is it because-

the anbu quickly remembers the smile of that kid before the battle... the smile of the devil!

a horrifying thought occur to him... the kid was redirecting his enemies thoughts!!!

it's scary because to direct someone's thought process, you need to understand your opponents thoughts. He not only understands

the opponent's thoughts but read them like a book and controlled it whichever way that he wants to go and the most horrifyingly thing is that he only used one sentence to do that!!!

The word" Is he dead yet? " was spoken so casually but it changed the entire battle! just because of this word the chunin felt that he was being underestimated by a brat and he felt humiliated! his judgement was crowded with shame and anger with his thoughts full of "this kid underestimates me, a chunin! " it's effect was a lot greater than normal since the chunin once underestimated him and seeing the situation being turn opposite to what it was before lit up his ego! and clouded his judgement, direct attacking to appease his ego rather than waiting and drawing out the fight with ninjutsus or thinking of a counter measures, this situation was the worst one for this kid due to his little size and chakra that's why he redirected the fight to a short, decisive fight where his advantages lied ,he controlled his opponent just like a tamed horse and the worst part is that he does it with only one sentence!

'This person's dangerous, I can't get trap in his bluffs and schemes, I also can't let him survive or else he will become a huge opposition for us in the future! but I can't delay too much. otherwise if the leaf ninja came here than I can't escape ..... but still, I definitely can't let him live even if I got caught!! ' the anbu quickly resolute his heart and subconsciously stop addressing Izuna as a brat and started treating him as an opponent.

'He is very good at mind games, but he has a fatal weakness and that is his strength! if I can monopolised it then my victory is assured!! but it can't be this simple. The helpless state he is in is just a bluff! he is defenceless and at the same he doesn't have any openings. Full of traps and conspiracies.

What is in there in your mind? '

'looks like he understand my tactics and is trying to create a opening for himself while not falling into the traps that I have set in advance.but he doesn't have much time and he knows that, he knows my weakness and at the same time he knows that my weakness can also be my strongest weapon to bluff others and silently killing them. It's not about strength but about opposing minds, one wants to finish quickly and the other wants to stall time for others to arrived but here is where he is wrong! I am not going to stall for

time, I am just sharpening my blades. He knows that my killer moves requires atleast one of my hands to touch his head so he will simply avoid such circumstances and I can't force it on him partly because he is mostly stronger than me and mostly, he knows about my schemes. He knows that I am Ruthless and won't hesitate to kill him whenever a chance appears but still he is afraid of me because he still doesn't know if I had other killer moves. He is cautious... and I can use it to my advantage!!! ....do I have no choice than to use THAT! '

my lips curve up into devil like smile.

'This smile..... looks like he is ready, I am not a match for him in terms of scheming. So, I can only bluff that I am desperate and wanted to kill him in order to escape. This bluff might be discovered by him but still... I only need one chance to kill him! I won't allow him to pull any schemes and even in the worst case scenario, I can just explode both of us and suicide! My priorities isn't to escape but to kill him before he grows up, no matter what!! and this is where my advantage lies!


(Both of their POV at the same time)

[It's not about strength , Victory depends on who can fool and the person who got fooled.

Both of us know something about the other, Victory will be obtain on what we hide and how we apply it.... NOW!]

Izuna takes out a kunai taken from the chunin and runs toward the anbu. The anbu takes out a sword from inside his black cloak and runs towards izuna at a horrifying speed.

'he's fast! I need to slow down him even it's only for a split second!' izuna throws the kunai at the anbu.

'he had thrown his only weapon!? 'the anbu dodges it by tilting his neck, but he notices

that there was a chakra thread on it and in the end of the thread, there was a paper bomb tied to it!


The anbu appears outside the explosion zone.

'it was a close call, if I hadn't notice it in time and avoided it , I would've already been dead! '

the anbu looks towards the smoke and debris around him.

'I can't use high level ninjutsu otherwise the leaf shinobis will get alarmed. I can only use taijutsu or assassination Techniques. He might be thinking of alerting others but it isn't possible because before our fight , I have already erected some barriers when he was fighting with the chunin just in case while I was standing at the tree branch.but sooner or later the barrier squad will notice it. I have to finish it faster before they arrived inorder to kill him. ' the anbu looked at the dust clouds.

'but he was even faster than me, he took the chunin's supply without even alerting me! '

suddenly the clouds distorted and a human hand grabbed towards the anbu's hand. The anbu noticing it quickly grabbed izunas's hand and pull him out of the dust clouds. "This time I won't allow you to play tricks! we both are going down!! " the anbu clings to izunas's body with all his might and suddenly his cloak started to lit up in fire!

"No matter what schemes you prepared, you can't tear me off from you!! " the anbu shouts as his cloak reveals that underneath the cloak, there were hundreds of paper bombs!

All was going well, his schemes and methods were more deadlier than his opponent.... he wins! until he finds that something was wrong! the victim wasn't struggling as if he had lost all hopes but his smiles never faded! suddenly the 'victim' turn into water! "DAMN! "

the cloak got entirely lit up and then


it explodes and destroyed the barrier and swept towards the forest! dust, debris, fire, smoke. The entire portion of the forest got destroyed.

Near the forest entrance , A young girl saw the dark clouds rising and immediately started running towards the direction of the forest....