Life and Death

Somewhere on a tree branch inside the clouds of black smoke

' Thank God it worked! during the explosion of the paper bomb that I thrown, I switch places with a water clone otherwise I would have been dead... '

' That jutsu... how did I learn it?

could it be becau-'

"Water style : exploding water shock wave! "

a low shout resounded inside the smoke and a huge waves of water towering up to 10 meters arrived near Izuna.

Izuna quickly jump into a giant tree to avoid it

'The anbu is still alive! and this time he is going all out! now, that the barrier is broken, he doesn't need to split his concentration like before and his speed and attack power won't be reduce like before. It's the worse case scenario! He doesn't want to escape alive! he is hellbent on killing me and I can't do anything to stop that! chakra, speed, attack power, all this thing is my loss compared to him! '

"Hiding in the mist jutsu! " a low roar resounded.

'Again! he used 2 consecutive high rank jutsu but for what? ' I tried to calm myself down.

Quickly the entire battlefield got covered with mist.

'I don't have any more tricks left and my chakra is almost spent, he knows that too but he is still cautious in killing me. I guess he won't stop until I am dead. '

"water style: water severing wave! " a loud roar resounded.

'he announces his jutsu!? '

A thin pressurized water stream was ejected from the center of the mist and severed all the remaining trees from the battlefield.

'he wants to take down my cover and force me into a clearing' I thought while falling down at the water covered ground.


'shit! the sound!!! now he knows where my position is and now I have lost my only advantage, but he shouldn't be left with much chakra after all those ninjutsus and due to the previous explosion, his physical strength should have dropped quite considerably but due to this mist I can't perceive his chakra. '

Izuna vigilantly scan his environment


a devil shiruken was thrown at izuna.

'when did he take that out? ' izuna easily dodges it. ' unless!! 'izuna quickly turn his whole body backwards and sure enough

"Poosh" the shiruken turned into the anbu.

The anbu's upper body was naked and full of bruised and burn marks and his mask was broken from the bottom revealing his scared chin.The same sword was being held in his hand and rushes towards me.

*SPLASH* his sprint created waves.

'sure enough' I thought to myself and was about to dodge it when suddenly 2 hands inside the water held on to my feets and restricted me from moving!!

*Stab* the sword easily stab through izunas's heart but suddenly a white cloud erupted and

a wooden log took his place.

izuna appeared a few meters away from the anbu, floating in the water ,creating ripples while breathing a little heavily.

'My chakra reserves are gone! even sparkle finger is impossible to use !'

"You should not be able to do any more of your jutsus" the anbu breaks the silence.

'damn him! ' I cursed silently 'I am out of cards to play... Will I die... again? '

"let's finish this, my chakra is running low and my injuries are starting to sting, but still I am in a better position compared to you! " the anbu with his broken mask explains as if he was seeing a dead man.


Saratobi Hiruzen was doing his paper work, sitting in the Hokage's chair when he suddenly feel a huge explosion and chakra fluctuations.

"What? " the 3rd hokage was surprised when suddenly a mask shinobi appeared inside his office using body flicker.

"Lord Hokage" the mask ninja bend on one knee.

"I know, bring squadron 1 and tracking unit to the Senju forest memorial. This bastards, they dare to cause ruckus on the First Hokage's memorial!!! " killing intent ooze out of Hiruzen along with a horrifying chakra implosion that blew away all the papers , furniture along with the shattered windows.

"Yes! " the shinobi was frightened and quickly leave .

*On the battle*

'that's-' Izuna look towards the direction of the village.

"Third Hokage's chakra.. even I can feel his killing intent from here. Looks like escaping is impossible but it doesn't matter anymore. My goal is to just...KILL YOU!!! " the anbu using the little bit of strength and chakra he had , rushed towards izuna at a break-neck speed and thrust his sword at izuna's chest! izuna quickly dodge it by turning his body sideways but he was not fast enough and the sword impaled through his chest just a few inches away from the heart! but izuna's movements didn't stop there and using his left hand, he firmly grabbed the hand of the anbu holding the sword and quickly approch the anbu's head with his right hand covered in sparks!!!

but alas, the anbu catch his hand before he reached the anbu's head stopping it mid-way..

The last bit of sparkle dissipates from his hand...

"You really are brilliant, even in this situation you almost had me. Anyone would have died , even me... but sadly I already know you a little too much.

Your brilliance is so much brighter from the other so- called geniuses I have ever met... but sadly your brilliance will soon blind the entire world.

I can't let you live. "


izuna's one knee fell to the ground and his entire body was half kneeling while his left hand still holding the impaled knife.

"I will always remember you.. " the anbu whispers softly.

"and my name is-"

suddenly the anbu felt his chest being touched by a finger.

The anbu looks down and sees that his chest was being touched by izuna's index finger in a gun like position! suddenly a bad premonition

filled his heart.

*whispers* " cero "

Suddenly a horrible spirit pressure filled the entire forest and a small bright red sphere with a red ring surrounding it erupts from izuna's index and release a bright red thin stream of energy passing through the anbu's chest and expanding towards the forest...

Suddenly the stream exploded into a river of vagrant mix of light red and white colours on izuna's finger and passes through the chest of the anbu and rushes to the forest!!!

The anbu started to disintegrate along with the forest due to the spiritual force....

For a moment, gravity didn't exist . In the direction of the place where this light went ,

the disintegrated trees, grass, soil particles started to fly upwards and the entire world was dyed a beautiful crimson red.

" how.... " the anbu whispers as he sees the condition of his body and the forest behind while his bodies particles were slowly coming apart and flying upwards.

I fall into the ground, blood flowing through my chest... my vision turned blurry and I started to black out.

"you should have gone for the head! " I whisper with a satisfied smile.

My vision started to black out and before I faint , I see a faintly discernible outline of a blond girl...


a beautiful woman who looks to be in her 20s open her beautiful eyes.

"A Spiritual force rivaling my father's in the Senju forest !what is happening? " the woman stood up and vanished from the room .

Inside a sealed space :

A giant beast with multiple tails opens his red eyes and murmurs

" this feeling..."

Near the forest:

The hokage and the masked ninjas were quickly moving towards the explosion zone when suddenly a bright crimson light painted the entire sky red. And suddenly a horrible pressure that hits their deepest beings spread towards the whole Senju forest.


Feeling this horrible pressure, the masked shinobis started to fall down on their knees where as their leaders started to shake uncontrollably, even the Hokage had cold sweats all over his body !

"What a strong soul pressure" the Hokage comments with a frightened glimmer in his eyes! but still he was the Hokage and quickly calm himself down and ordered the other shinobis to continue their tracking.

'What is happening? Is this the foretold disaster prophesied by THAT person?!!

I won't let Konoha become ruins atleast not till I am still breathing!' the third Hokage steels his resolves to save Konoha and save the 1st Hokage 's legacy because that is what a Hokage means! a Guardian of the village.

[]"You should have gone for the head "
