WebNovelBy fate70.00%

Chapter 7

Sandra followed Justin over to the balcony.

"So this how it will be?" Sandra got closer. "I wonder what my parents will say about it today at dinner, am sure you dont even remember there's a meeting today"

Justin was now confused , he wasn't aware of any dinner plans that were made.

"Am sure you wouldn't want them to know anything, now excuse me i have to ready myself" Justin said walking towards their bedroom.



  Everything was well prepared for the dinner , one couldn't tell the disagreement between the husband and wife who sat next to each other with smiles on their faces ,  well they had other guests as well,  some family friends who were business men.

 They talked non- stop about business.

 "I hear theres a new lion in the industry" Mr Brighton said as everyone was now waiting for desert.

    "You dont say  , how many dens are we talking about here?" Mr Humprey enquired.

    "13 so far , properties of the Kriss and some few others from some individual business men" Mr Brighton added.

    " my father has been selling some of his companies , didn't say much you know the old man" Mr Kriss added.


"but am abit curious about this new lion"

  " they call him the invisible one , from what i heard no one has really seen him , runs the companies from the other side " mr Brighton added.

  " playing smart i see" Justin commented,  there talk was endless that Elena who was bored already walked out of the table as soon as desert was served. Mrs Kriss and sandra's mother were listening as they have always done.


Stacey and layla were at home speaking endlessly of Layla and her new catch.


  " .... not just that he took me to one of his shows Stey , and he will be coming tomorow .

i want him to meet you" layla was telling stacey all about her and Alvin ;apparently things worked to her favour and they had gone so far , that they were currently on a serious relationship.

    " i bet you laugh every damn time you spend with him" Stacey teased her back.

   "You dont want to know what goes on Stacey"

    " i'd rather not" she said laughing abit seeping her cup of cofee , they were having there late night conversation that they usually did every night , with Brandon sleeping.

   "So tell me Stacey , how are things with Justin doing" layla changed the topic back to her.

    " not so good  , i have been avoiding him but he keeps on trying to get to me. "

    " The poor man is obviously still inlove with you"

    " i know " Stacey said looking aside , she heard some groaning it was coming from his son " layla i think something is wrong with Brandon"

she was already at his door step,

" son what is it"  Brandon was turning and turning all over his bed sweating profusely , she quickly ran to his bed placing her hand on his head to feel his temperature he was really hot.

" layla please get me some pain killers" layla quickly rushed to her house , she was  Brandon's doctor ,  and so she had all the information on him concerning his condition.

  " mummy my head" Brandon said weakly to his mother ,she was worried the last time her son had this kinds of headaches the doctors had requested for a surgery which was to either make him mentally ill or lose his life , she had been continually stressed,  she couldn't let them do that to his son,  lucky for her layla was such a outstanding doctor and had offered to keep watch over Brandon at all times.

    " it's fine you are going to be okay" layla was back,  taking some tests and gave him some medicine to take.

    " have you been playing of late Brandon" layla asked him as she handed him the water.

    " no ," Brandon answered honestly,  the boy had been spending most time solving and thinking of new businness ideas  , with Mr Johns,  he was still a kid despite his nature he needed play to balance his life as well.

    " thats why you are having this headache and rise of temperature "

    " am sorry mum i forgot "

    " its okay , but tommorow am taking you over to the playgrounds you are joining the football team , and morning exercises are now compulsory , got it" she was now comanding to her son.

" i will talk to Mr Johns and we will reschedule your meeting with him,  all i want is the best for you "

    "Okay mum" Brandon knew her mum was always right he needed all that  for his health benefits.

    Ealry the next morning they woke  and went for some exercises; her and layla along with Brandon who was getting better already .  She then took him to the playground where he joined one of the many teams that are there, and he was only to see Mr Johns after the daily game practice.

    Stacey managed to make it to work just in time , she opened her office door , only to notice her desk was empty with a letter on top.

    She went straight ahead to open it and read it,  the letter was very brief ,  she was fired   ,and the reason was not very clear , she headed straight to her boss office. Trying her best to hold her anger.She quitely knocked the office door, and was welcomed in.

Her boss knew why she was there , after  noticing  her look and the letter,  he had requested to be presented to her.

    " am sorry Stacey but you are no longer needed in the company ,  i believe the letter say's it all . Now if you dont mind , excuse me i have alot of work to do"

She knew with that statement there was nothing more she would do.she knew her boss quite well.

    She  left the office heading straight to her office after having an unsuccesful session, packed her little things in her office or rather once her office. Her mind wandered away in what she was going to do now, how will she get another job at a time like this , she still couldn't get why she was fired.

    She thought of going home to drop her things and think of a way she would get a job, but then she received a call Brandon had injured himself while playing , she headed straight there, only to find it was a small injury . Her poor little boy was not a sports person.

Brandon, was really glad he hurt himself , he really did not enjoy football, he sat at the backseat as he played a game with his mother's phone , when a text from Justin was sent.

"Mum, someone just texted you, says he want to see you...  i miss you"

He read it out loud curious on who was this.

"Give me that now, its not good to read other people conversation out loud " Stacey reprimanded him.

"Who is this man mum?" Brandon was now curious as he handed her mother the phone.

"A friend" she said as she checked on all the messages he had been sending her and endless missed calls,  Justin had been requesting to meet her for very long now, she was thinking if to go or not,  but since she needed a distraction she agreed to it.She then drove Brandon home to rest as it was prescribed by layla, and dressed herself to go see Justin.

Stacey walked in to the fancy hotel , trying to identify Justin, who was busy on another phone call, she walked towards the table.Justin noticing her cut off his call.

    " what a surprise; for the first time you showed up without arguing back"  Justin really surprised he was getting used to stacey protesting so much  everytime, before finally agreeing to what he wanted.

    " thought you had some good news  , divorced her already?"

    " Stacey give me time,  why do you look so sad" Justin couldn't but notice her change of mood.

    " just lost my job ,  you know i dont own companies like you do , Mr CEO" she always had a way to mock Justin.

    " why , this is not a joking matter Stacey"

    " i dont know  , was'nt given any reasons "

    "Mmh i see , well you are going to have it back right now" he said picking his call to call Stacey boss ready to give him a good scolding for what he had done.

    "No need justin  , i dont want your help" she said holding him from calling " i am okay ."

    " no Stacey no one fires you and gets away with it" just then Stacey phone rang it was a new number.

    " hello " she answered.

    "Heloo ,  husband snatcher , am glad you pick ever heard of a saying tit for tat is a fair game, , "

    " who is this" she was now worried.

    " oow , look at you all worried , you want to know  who i am , say i give you a clue, its someone who has something precious that belongs to you , just like you have something precious that belongs to me,  oh and don't think of calling the police or else am gonna end the life of this limping bastard of yours!!!!" Sandra hissed at her over the phone.

    " Brandon..... you have  ..." before she could finish the phone was cut off already " heloo ! Heloo.....!"

    "  Stacey what is wrong ?" Justin was now worried,  Stacey eyes were now flowing with tears....no....not her son, this was hurtful than anything she has ever gone through. She was pressing her phone to call home but no one was picking.

    " she has him Justin,.....noo i cant lose him" she was breaking with tears" i have to find him , i have to find my son" she was now walking out.

    " Stacey stop ,  wait for me am coming with you" Justin followed at her still trying to digest what she had said .

" who is she? you have a son !!!?"  When were you planning to tell me this !" He said angrily at her, they were now in his car the driver waiting for instruction as to where they are going.

    " its her your wife she has my son, and she didn't say where  , Justin please help me i need to find him before she harms him ,i swear i will tear that woman to pieces !!!!!"

  " okay calm down , let me track her car"  he said as he took his phone.

  "there,  driver take us to the Honk stores she is there,  we will find him, and after that you have  alot of explaining to do "

    " please hurry  ,now!" Stacey said more worried thinking of all the horrible possible things that could happen to him, she wasn't even listening to what Justin was saying.

    " have you called his father" Justin asked Stacey who was still crying,  every now and then she would wipe her tears.

    She said nothing , not knowing where to start explaining things

"how old is he " Justin was now curious noticing her silence

" Stacey , ??!"

 "7 years old  , he is your.... " she stammered , as she continued speaking,

"He is your son,  look am sorry Justin i just didn't know how to tell you this"

Justin was now fuming with anger, lost in confusion.

   "I am a father and you have been hiding this from me !!!! How dare you Stacey !! Why ! " he was now shouting at her  he didn't  even hear the driver announce there arrival.

"i will deal with you after this " he threatened.