Chapter 2: A Bloody Russian Offensive in the early 1915.

After the battle in december, both koba and luther received a reward and they are promoted to staff sergeants. While everyone in the russian second army battalion celebrates for christmas, both of them are training their bodies to fight, learning to control their energy for both defense and offense, and stealth. While new members of the platoon are assigned in the russian second army, they meet another celestial beings, named dmitri and oleg. The four had a good time with each other, plus adding them for teamwork in order to achieve victory, koba begins to drink vodka at a early age, he said its kinda spicy at first but he likes it later on. A new year is about to start, koba writes a letter to ellie that he is fine, he will try his best to survive this bloody conflict happening in the eastern front. Koba gives it to the sensory type celestial beings from the russian post to give it to his love one. Ellie receives the letter, she cried in tears as she knew he is still alive and well. Ellie too writes for koba because she wanted to tell him how much she loves him so much, she misses him everyday. Before koba reads the letter he received from ellie, the commander of the second army battalion order to march to place known as carpathian, the battle name is Carpathian Front.

On the early January 1915, the russian second army marches, koba made a song and sings it, luther is laughing at him because he is a terrible singer, other wanted to know the lyrics because it gave them courage, the troops begins to sing until they reach carpathian. They're going to faced a deadly troops of Austro-Hungarian forces with astral beings on their side. Its going be very difficult for the few celestial beings and the russians to square off. Koba and the other are standing by waiting for orders, but he saw a large platoon of heavy astral cavalry, then koba releases the traps and the cavalry is put into heavy submission. Koba and Luther combined their energy powers and begins aiming at the cavalry. The astral cavalry fights back with their heavy energy bombs a them, they are both blocking it with a celestial barrier to protect the russian platoon. Oleg and Dmitri then launch a strong offensive and the cavalry begins to retreat, however a small group of astral beings, they are officer ranks in the Austrian army, most them are astral beings, they have experience in battles, as they attack them with martial arts, luther blocks their attacks and koba strikes them with his super strength fist.

In Four months of fighting in the harsh mountains, officers are having a hard time hitting their bodies, luther keeps on punching the three officers from their training and they begin to plan. Koba begins to tap more of his power, his senses increased. The astrals are worried that koba and luther will increase more of their energy, they decided to encircle the two, ready for a ultimate final blow to kill them. Oleg and Dmitri arrived and save them from the strike, now they are doom to die, the four release their energy and begins blasting at them, they are burned to cinders. As the Austrian troops saw their commanding officers die in battle, they retreat for now. The russians praise the celestial beings for being at their side. They begin to party at night drinking and laughing for a small victory. Luther at night saw a Austrian camp, just 12 miles. Luther spies on the camp undetected because of his celestial energy. He manages to get pass the astral beings guarding the gate, luther uses his stealth mode and begins to kill the Austrians and astral beings guarding the gate, especially some of them sleeping using a stealth knife. Then he saw a tent where the one of the commanders are there to plan, he saw two very strong commanders, both of them are german astral beings, named General Broomberg and General Howitzer. Luther supress his energy because those two commander are way too powerful, realizes he cannot defeat them alone. So he overhears them saying that they are planning to sweep them in the morning. Luther rushes to the second army camp warning them of the ambush. The commander of the second army was warn and koba sugest to put traps, the commander agrees, the russians and the four celestial beings put so many traps, koba puts a lot of chocolates and food because luther told them that they will eat breakfast after destroying the russian tent camps. Before the austrians arrive, they have not sleep, waiting for their ambush, most astral are confused on why the russian leave the food & chocolate outside, most of them are hungry, they begin to eat it. Then koba and the platoon begins to kill the astral beings through stealth without alerting the austrian troops, hiding their dead bodie, more of them arrives, then they are about to charge their energy, weapons and artillery, the russians surprise and begins to fight all of them through hand to hand combat, knife attacks and more energy blast attacks. Most austrian are killed one by one, alerting general howitzer to mobilize more troops in the russian, but the russians are swarming them more, scaring away the astral beings forcing them to retreat. Oleg is having a killing spree on the austrians and astral beings, koba using his kicking skills to snaps necks while luther and dmitri are using energy blast on the enemy lines, killing them all. Four months of fighting in a deadly war in a mountain, koba keeps on fighting on the astral beings, most of them are beginning to fear him even more, luther assists him with more physical attacks to strike them down for good. This time, General Broomberg and Howitzer along with a heavily trained officers are going to face Koba, Luther, Oleg, and Dmitri, into a deadly duel in the front. Both Howitzer splits up to attack oleg and dmitri, there are heavy punches thrown by them. While bloomberg attacks koba and luther with multiple beams, they both use the celestial barrier to defend themselves with, the beam breaks through and force them to jump. It exploded huge enough to destry a small building. Koba and luther plans to split themselves in two, koba goes head on to bloomberg to engage hand to hand combat, while luther is about to charge his new ultimate skill, known as Prominence Cannon, koba knew he has a new move in his sleeve, bloomberg is very distracted that he enjoys fighting the Lionheart. Koba pins down bloomberg, tells luther to use the skill now, luther releases big energy beam of prominence cannon, causing Bloomberg to lose his arm. Oleg and Dmitri defeats General Howitzer and the high ranking officers, a frustrated Bloomberg was forced to retreat, resulting a four celestial and the russian victory in Carpathian. Both sides lost almost 1.5 million soldiers, koba is crying while burying his comrades to their graves, he could not bare to see their lifeless bodies. Luther tells him to always be strong, oleg and dmitri comforting koba that as team, we will win as one united on the front. Koba continues to train with his big brother for more battles to come. Bloomberg and howitzer will have their revenge against them someday.