Chapter 3: The Transformation Of The Energy Being & The Gorlice-Tarnow Offensive With German Chemical Weapons.

After the victory in Carpathian, Koba, Luther, Oleg, and Dmitri is promoted to the rank of Captain 1st Class. Koba decides train himself by meditation, his thoughts filled with peace, but the battles he fought haunted him, so he continues to train further. Koba wanted to learn a powerful move from his brother, so Luther teach him how by charging his energy to the point that he is ready to fire. Day by day Koba almost unleash a terrifying cannon that can destroy almost multiple small buildings, Luther is proud that he can learn it in few days, Oleg trains for strike abilities while Dmitri trains to aim energy blast on targets. Then a another celestial being appears, his name is Gregory Zhukov, same age as Koba, Koba calls him Greg, both of them have a good time with each, adding another member as team.

In a Demon Realm, a vengeful and angry demon name Azarath escapes the 6th spheres of hell, is on earth right now to find a new host and transforming them into a demon for his bloodthirsty actions. Meanwhile Koba is training with Gregory and Luther, Koba says that chemical weapons are going to kill a lot of people, he wishes to stop the Germans from using it. He wanted to know who used it, Luther tells him that curiosity will have him a in dangerous spot. It's best for Koba not to go after it and destroy it. But Koba will find a way to destroy it. Meanwhile in a headquarter in Munich Germany, Bloomberg loves using chemical weapons to torture his victims. They love the idea that this weapon will win future wars, Howitzer and General Ludendorf meets up with the creator of the chemical weapon, the young astral being "Dr. Evil" Frederick Steiner, he had a better idea, to make bigger bombs made of chemical weapons, the Kaiser approves this project to bring fear to his opponents. A Russian spy name Nikita Khrushchev, overheard the deadly weapon, shocked him in fear. After the generals and Dr. Steiner left, Nikita kills the guards by stealth takedowns, proceeds to steal the plans in order to make chemical weapons for the Russians also, Nikita escapes the headquarters in Berlin, retuning home to Moscow to warn Tsar Nicholas II of the deadly weapon, upon hearing the news to kremlin, Tsar Nicholas will have to equip it then, but they have lack of budget since the people in Russia are starving, the Russians wanted to rebel against the government, but they can't do anything but to obey the law or they will die from a gunshot.

Koba hears the news about the weapon from the commander announcing in the morning, he is determined to train harder to protect his comrades. Luther giving him advices to always focus on handling the energy, Luther wants to show something bigger to his little brother, a transformation skill. Koba never thought of an energy being doing such things, but is eager to see the transformation, Luther transforms and he calls it "Celestial Progress", it increases more energy, senses, speed, and super strength, Koba is jaw dropped surprised that the energy beings can do such thing, Oleg, Dmitri, and Gregory saw it too, they begin to train. Luther warns them not to transform into that power yet because the enemy will get them as a bigger target. Many days before the battle of Gorlice-Tarnow, Koba keeps on sparring with Oleg, while Gregory wants to spar as well, Luther says "there is no winner, we fight for peace, not glory", encouraging them to strive their best. Most of the Russian soldiers wanted to see what a energy being can do, so Luther will fight Gregory to 1 on 1 match. Koba sit alongside with his friends about to witness the fighting skill of Luther, both begins wrapping their arms, Luther throws Gregory to the wall, he recovers by jumping off the wall, the Russians were impressed on the scene, Greg uses his energy blast on Luther, Luther deflects most of it, Greg is shocked on what he see, even Koba and the others. Gregory charges his energy and is about to use his ultimate skill, known as "Celestial Iron fist". Luther will respond as well with his ultimate skill, "Prominence Cannon". Gregory begins to charge at full speed to him, when he is about to hit Luther, he warped at Greg's back and fires the Prominence Cannon, knocking Gregory out. Luther wins the match, Russians are loving it including Commander Kirov of the Russian Second Army. Luther picks Greg up with a happy smile, both of them are thankful for the match. As Commander Kirovs says that Luther reached at a power level of 57,000 while in Celestial Progress. All are shocked to after Luther transform, koba wanted to go to that power level, so in the afternoon, koba, uses a wooden dummy for physical training, wanting to be like his big brother, he did not sleep for 3 days, but he is unable to transform like his big brother did during the fight with a fellow Celestial being Gregory. Luther saw him and telling to rest because they are going somewhere in Poland, Koba takes his advice and learns to rest for the battle.

Meawhile in Germany, the Kaiser wanted Bloomberg and Howitzer to return to Berlin to be assign to a new battalion regiment. Howitzer will be assign in the 8th German Army for the battle of Gorlice-Tarnow, both of them are training harder as they both transform into "Astral Progress". So much air coming out from their bodies, their power levels increased, Howitzer's power level is 55,000 while Bloomberg's is 67,000 since his thirst for revenge for the Lionheart and Luther to kill them slowly. The Kaiser is impressed by the results of the astral training, General Hindenburg is terrified of them as he calls them one of the true monsters of Germany and he has more problems fighting in the western front. Howitzer inspects the more heavy artillery shells to be more effective enough to blast the Russian bodies off, plus he will bring more than 1300 to bring them in position, the artilleries are going via train especially General Howitzer to prepare for battle outside east Warsaw, Poland.

In May 2nd, 1915, The Russian Second and Third Army begins to march to the southern land near Poland, where they are about to expect the worst to happen, Commander Kirov tells his men "In wars Gentlemen, You all are not expected to survive". It scares Gregory so much and Koba tells him that we will stick together as a team to defeat them, Gregory is relieved by hearing to word of encouragement from Koba, he tells his platoon to keep an eye in a open area for Germans. Many hours later, The Gorlice-Tarnow Offensive begins, one of the Russian sensory group tells Luther that the German movement is on their way, while Dmitri warns Koba and the platoon that the large group of Germans with Astral Beings are standing by at 40 miles ahead, equipped with heavy artilleries and guns ready to fire. Gregory plans with Koba to use their earth smash skill to create a trench for the Russian troops to cover. The next day on May 3rd, Grand Duke of Russia orders the attack for the Third army to outflank the heavy guns but there are many of them, the Germans keep on firing at a large group of Russian soldiers, leaving most of them to die on the ground, Luther was assign in the Third army, thinking a way to go through the heavy gun, Luther tells Oleg to use his celestial skill, the Bangalore Strike. As Oleg sneaks in front of the German trenches equipped with heavy guns, he uses his skill, killing twenty Germans, including Astral beings, Luther tells his platoon to advance to push the Germans back. Many Germans occupied the bridge in Wisloka river, killing more Russians there, Oleg launches a group of mortars the bridge killing more Germans there that almost destroy the bridge. Meanwhile in Koba's position, they are barraged with heavy artilleries, forcing the Russians to be like a sitting duck, a second wave is the Astral bomb barrage, Dmitri uses his throwing skills to throw a grenade at them, killing 26 or more Germans. Koba then rushed to the German trenches deflect bullets, proceeds to kill them one by one, the Russians also begin to follow him, Dmitri informed Koba that Astral beings are coming as reinforcements, the Russian are scared to fight them, but koba encourages them "do not to fear those people, they may be Astral Beings, but us Russian together are stronger, come on men, FOLLOW ME", the platoon bravely follows him, as the Astral arrives, the Russians begin to assault them head on, confused Astral beings does not know what is going on, Koba tears them apart, even the Russians, the Astral retreat for now. At night time, Koba reunites with Luther for a drink, along with Oleg, Dmitri, and Gregory. They talk about what they like, Oleg wants to have a girlfriend, Dmitri tells him after this war, he will get one soon, happy Oleg is hype for it, the Russians join in the fun and begins to dance in a empty building outside Warsaw. The fight goes on the next day.

On May 16, 1915, A large Austrian and Hungarian reinforcements are coming, this pleases General Howitzer for a moment, but he realized that the celestial he fought before are getting stronger, he is worried that he might get killed by them, so he smokes and wants to forget about it. But Howitzer will use artillery shell that is equipped with a chemical weapon inside, he will use it if he has no choice. At night time, Oleg is wondering around a empty town, he found a barn, when he gets inside, the Germans are sleeping there and Oleg covers his mouth, not know his platoon is near to the enemy position, runs back quietly to tell the other, Koba knows and ready to destroy the barn, The Russians puts time bombs and explodes, alerting the other German Infantry to engage in battle in the town. Howitzer heard the explosion, ordering for more reinforcements to go the that town, Luther and Koba release a huge amount of Energy bombs at the Germans, forcing them to find cover, Oleg begins to destroy houses that cover them, resulting the Germans to get hit and dies from it. Dmitri and Gregory leading others for the offensive position deeper in town. Dmitri jumps on rooftop, finding a larger groups of trucks carrying the enemy troops outside town, Oleg calls in the Russian artillery to fire at them as a surprise, it works, destroying 29 trucks to force them to retreat again. General Howitzer is furious about the news of his army getting destroyed by a few celestials and Russians on a occupied town, he plans to use the chemical weapon in the town later on. The fight goes on in 26 days straight as the Russians keep on delivering heavy blows on the Austrians, Hungarians, and Germans.

In June 20th, 1915, General Howitzer send 15 strong Astral German officers to kill the remaining Russian Battalion. Oleg sense a strong energy nearby, tells the Russian soldiers to retreat now, as 11 of them arrive in front of the five celestial beings. Koba begins shooting them with energy blast, the Astrals use barrier to protect them, then Oleg uses a Bangalore Strike to destroy their defense, it shatters to pieces, koba kills 3 officers, Oleg and Dmitri kills 7, only one is left standing is a Major Rank officer, ready to pull out his sword for combat, Luther steps in and tells him to get away from here as soon as possible, the Major office laughs as he is about to fight, Luther then transforms into Celestial Progress, shock the Major rank and begins to cut his neck, but the sword got shattered to pieces, pulls out his gun to shoot Luther, Luther deflects the bullets, the officer begs for mercy but Luther told him before to run, but it's too late, Luther uses his full speed and stab him to death, killing the last remaining officer. General Howitzer can no longer sense their energy, went furious again. In June 22nd, 1915, Howitzer orders his men to release big amount of the chemical weapons in the town, spreading the toxic fumes even further, Koba and the others retreats, but many Russian dies from it, Commander Kirov orders the men to retreat. The Third Army suffered heavy loses by the heavy German artillery designed by General Howitzer, leaving the 100,000 soldiers behind because of the toxic fumes released from a chemical weapon. The Germans now captured the badly needed 480,000 tons of oil bringing the German Navy back to production, Tsar Nicholas forces the Grand Duke of Russia to resign his post as a commander. Koba can't believe that the Germans would do this kind of thing, he feels pity on the soldier of the Third Army, he thinks the government is not doing well in making decisions even the Tsar himself as he heard that more Russians are retreating from Poland. Koba calls this the great retreat, meaning he still has more room to learn, it pains him that he cannot save his comrades from dying.