Chapter 12: The Lionheart's Journey Continues

Meanwhile as the prisoners of war is relief to know that the Lionheart is still alive, as the prisoner said that nobody can survive Skorzeny's Reaper Void Strike. The Red Army sees a German truck with Russian soldiers, as from the orders of Field Marshal Belldrick, they let them pass, the prisoners try their best to find a hospital near by in order for him to recover his consciousness. As they arrive in Minsk, they find a small hospital nearby, in a hurry to recover him, but the doctor said he will be in a coma for 1 or 2 year because the energy inside his body is still fixing his mind up before they flow in the body. The doctor warns the Russians who are POW that Koba became a big bounty for the Germans, for killing their best Generals, tells them he should be monitored at all cost, but some soldiers wants to go home, so the doctor let one of them go because the families are worried about them, three of them stayed to watch him.

Many months later, as the soldiers now in shock to find that Koba's body changed, the nurse measures him now he is now listed as 6'10 inches weigh around 226 pounds. Meanwhile in Moscow, Ellie hears rumors that he is a coma, she wants to transfer to a small hospital in Minsk. She finds a kind group people to help her reach her destination. 15 days later, she arrives to her destination, thanking the women from the Red Army members for having a good time during a long road trip. She ask one of the staff where they put Koba, they say at the 3rd floor, its the most secured area among here in the hospital, we are worried that of the Germans will kill him for a bounty. Ellie goes up to the 3rd floor, pleading the soldiers who are guarding him wanted to take over, thanking them for everything they have to protect him. As the soldiers are also thankful that they can go home to their families, Ellie enters the room, she is heartbroken to see her lover still in a coma, the doctor enters the room, Ellie questions the doctor "*Crying* How did he fell into a coma?" The doctor replies "As the soldiers who were POW back then saw Koba fought General Howitzer to the point he killed him with mercilessly beating him to death to avenge his brother, then a far more dangerous General name Otto Skorzeny delivers a heavy skill to incapacitate him. During his coma, the energy in his body helps him recover, not only that, it gave him a growth spurt as well". Ellie wants to protect him from the Germans, the doctor pleads her that it will be dangerous for her as a task, she shows her psychic abilities and the doctor now trust her for the job.

A group of Astral Germans are on their way to Minsk as they sense a large amount energy, they know that the Lionheart is in that hospital somewhere, they left off quickly not to be noticed by the Russian soldiers guarding the area. Meanwhile in a Minsk Hospital, Ellie now has a opportunity to read his mind, but it is still blank, then his energy now blocks her from entering his mind, Ellie keeps changing his clothes, as she is very happy to see his whole body, also bathing him with a warm towel, now kisses his cheek, Ellie blushes after that, then she kiss him in lips as a reward for his bravery.

In Christmas, the doctor is amazed that Koba is showing signs of waking up, Ellie uses her psychic ability to help him, the doctor tells her to wait for the right time. In December 22, 1917, Koba now wakes up from his long slumber, his energy helps him remember almost everything, as Ellie is happy to see him again in her eyes with tears, hugging him that she misses him everyday. Koba says for the first time in many months "Ellie? you're here, I miss you my love, what is happening to our country?" Ellie replies "Germany was pushed back hard by the Bolsheviks, also your teammates are now commanding them to victory". Koba is surprised to hear it from her, that they are already move on to their next journey, they both kiss for how many minutes. Now at one night, the Astral Germans now finds Koba in the third floor, they begin to burn down the hospital, Koba now in full alert, the nurse tried their best to save the patients, Koba sees 3 doctors who are trapped, Ellie uses her Psychic abilities to free them. Koba reaches the ground floor with the others, now they are surrounded by 5 Astral Germans, Koba then Transforms into Celestial Progress, flying all of them in the air.

After the fight, Koba and the doctor starts a conversation as follows:

Koba: Hey doc, while I was in a coma, what happen to the war now, I feel something different now.

Doctor: While you're in a coma, the country had a armistice with the central powers to stop the fighting, but that became worse as the people began to rebel against the government, including your old team the Ravens.

Koba: Oh wow, so much has changed now, the Ravens want to change the country you know, I really respect their honor as a warrior.

Doctor: So Koba, what are you gonna do now?

Koba: Right now, I want to go home and start something new.

Doctor: Alright boy, thank you for saving us from danger.

Koba: No problem doc, if you need anything, I'm coming to beat em again.

Ellie hugs Koba so tight that she fell in love with him over and over again. The two of them went home in Leningrad to start a family together, many months have pass by as they are able to pay for a apartment, doing chores, Koba loves Ellies cooking which made her the happiest woman on earth now. The next day on a beautiful day in Leningrad, they both wake up bed cuddling each other, both prepares for breakfast, as Koba sees many happy children playing outside, as he asked Ellie "Hey sweetheart, what is that red flag outside, i have not seen that before" Ellie replies "its a flag that the Bolsheviks made, to unite everyone as one" Koba replies "that's amazing Ellie, I hope our country will have a better future for the children to grow". 3 hours later, Vladimir Lenin appears in Koba's apartment, wanting to tell him something, Koba hears a lot about him, he feels the honor to meet a man who knows whats best for the country.

The conversation begin as follows:

Vladimir Lenin: I heard everything about you, thank you for fighting for our country, I'm sorry for the loss of your brother.

Koba: Thank you sir, it really means a lot to me you know, by the way, why are here sir Lenin?

Vladimir Lenin: I want to give you the opportunity, to help me lead this country around, but the civil war still continues boy, the good part is that our comrade Joseph Stalin has bigger funds for us to get more supplies to fight. I want you to lead the Red Army and boost their morale.

Koba: Whoa, thank you for the opportunity sir, I accept the offer so where will I begin?

Vladimir Lenin: I will call you when the right time comes my boy, but I have trust issues with my friend Stalin, please monitor him after I call you alright.

Koba: Yes sir!

Vladimir Lenin: Alright then, it is settled, thank you for your time my boy, I really like you. *Leaves the apartment in happiness along with his guards*

Ellie: Darling, he gave you the best opportunity in the world! I'm so happy for you love.

Koba: Yeah, so when are we going to celebrate?

Ellie: We should go out on a date love at the park.

Koba: Sounds fun love, lets go there.

They both went to the park, eating ice cream, looking at the beautiful sky, talking more about life, now eating dinner at a simple restaurant, as Koba begins to feast more and Ellie in mind thinking that Koba will always be the cutest man she had ever met in her life. Koba looks at her, Ellie blushes on why he is always looking at her, because she is the only woman Koba love in this world. Koba promised to be loyal to her for eternity, Ellie then kisses him. 7 months later, the Raven arrive at Koba's apartment with Leon Trotsky, as they talk about the plan to take over Moscow, they are planning to make it a capital city after the battle, Koba decides to fight with them and now Koba is a Field Marshal rank, promoted by Leon Trotsky. After the plan, they all drink vodka to further the bonds they have right now, Ellie helps Koba in his Red Army uniform, telling him that he is more handsome with the uniform, Koba says that he will protect her at all cost, both of them play like a prince and princess in a castle. Meanwhile in a secret place, Joseph Stalin has a evil plan to take over because he finds out that Lenin is sick, Leon Trotsky and Koba Wardell are in they way of his power hunger, knowing that it will not be easy to take them on.