Chapter 13: A Downfall of a Dynasty

In July 3, 1918, the Soviet spies have mark their place for the attack, then sends their message in Leningrad that there is a sewage gate that leads them to the city without alerting the Imperial soldiers. Leon orders 35 regiments to deploy the next day before the Ravens with their regiments to deploy. Trotsky does not like the feeling that Stalin will likely to take over his position, Nikita then appears and tries to distract Stalin that there is a big cigar worth a money to try, he accepts and smokes outside. Leon thanks him for saving his life, Nikita agrees not to meddle with him any further.

Belldrick wants to spar with Koba, he accepts a friendly match, as the big men clashes, Belldrick use his heavy fist to pin Koba, Koba deflects it with his palm, both fires a energy blast with each other, Koba disappears, Belldrick does not know where he is, Koba then performs a Void Strike against Belldrick, almost falls down, Belldrick is surprised that he improves more than him, Nikita loves to see their rivalry that will never end, Leon trust them that their strength will motivate the Red Army to fight at their best. Belldrick kicks Koba in the face but Koba still stands with no damage, Koba punches Belldrick's knee, bringing him down to the floor, admitting defeat once again to Koba. While the Ravens are training for their next deployment, Koba plays a chess match against Leon Trotsky, Koba keeps eating Leon's high pieces, many moves later Koba Checkmates him with a finishing move of 2 rooks and 1 queen in the corner. Leon is surprised how smart Koba is while playing chess, telling him he should join World Chess Federation, Koba will think about it. Nikita wants to play next, many moves later Nikita got checkmate by Koba with a finishing move of 1 rook and a king, Nikita tells him "Man you have so much defense on your king side at a early match, even i ate your queen, you manage to eat my queen 4 moves later, this match is so extraordinary man, thank you comrade, I will keep improving" Koba replies "Me too comrade Nikita, we will train hard even in chess" They all enjoy playing chess because it gives them the best strategy to win battles. Koba and Stalin meet face to face, as Stalin says "I like you boy, i will have some use for you soon my comrade" Koba replies "Yeah sure comrade, we will see". After they have a conversation, Stalin leaves the headquarters, Koba feels off about Stalin, thinking he is paranoid or something in his mind.

In July 12, 1918, Field Marshal Gregory orders his men to sneak in the sewage way, as they sneak, one Imperial guard notice a movement coming from the sewer area, he is alerted that it is a Bolsheviks that are about to take over, Gregory tells a Russian Celestial to kill him, Imperial guard dies by a neck snapped and hides the body in the dark alley. More Imperial guards find the dead body, alerting everyone to position, then the Bolsheviks ambush them by sewage way, more them coming out killing them all, then Kremlin orders the artillery team to destroy them but it was too late, the Bolsheviks storm the area and steals their heavy weapons, the first military base is overrun by Bolsheviks thanks to Field Marshal Oleg's tactics, more Bolshevik leaders from different platoons giving weapons with big amount of ammo one by one as they are about move to take the second base, but a heavy reinforcements came which result a intense fighting in the city, Oleg's forces are pinned down, Koba and his new Regiment known as the Third Shock Army consisting with celestial beings, male and female, working together to complete their objectives, they are ordered to assist Oleg's forces, as the 3rd shock army reaches the streets, they meet heavy imperial attacks, causing the group to hold their position, Koba rushes to the enemy line, as the Celestial beings and the Bolsheviks watches him take down the enemy down, the 3rd shock army follows him but causing so much lives. Now Gregory orders Captain Svetlana to cut Imperial supplies, then storming the front.

In July 17, 1918, as the Bolsheviks go deeper in a large city of Moscow, their main objective is to capture Tsar Nicholas and the rest of the Romanov family alive, but meeting more heavy resistance from the Imperial forces, Koba arrives to help Nikita's men to keep pushing forward as he say "Comrades, we are 30 miles away from the Kremlin Castle, we have to keep moving foward for victory, URAAAA!!!!" All soldiers scream their battle cry "URAAAAAA" to scare the Imperials, forcing their morale to retreat. At midnight they are only 12 miles to the Kremlin castle, Imperials who are celestial beings are assign to protect the castle, the Ravens battle them head on while the Bolsheviks clash with more Imperial forces.

Koba is the first to arrive in the castle, he kills more celestial beings guarding the Tsar, as soon he reaches his room, he was shocked in horror as he was beheaded along with his wife, Koba reaches the room to save the Tsar's children, they are all dead after arrival, the Bolsheviks see their dead bodies with a question to who kill them, Koba says "It looks like the children are poisoned by food, it was not the Celestial beings who did this, i feel this was a Astral being doing this alone, and that energy is gone, he or she might somehow beheaded the Tsar and his wife too". After this, Koba orders them to bury them so that they will rest in peace, shocking the army hearing what the Lionheart says, confused and why he say that. Koba say to them "An enemy of my enemy is my friend". Now the Bolsheviks bury them as they pay respect, thanking them for leading the country to darkness, but they are able to change it.

The people in Moscow are celebrating as the Bolsheviks won the battle in the city, meanwhile Koba sees a abandoned home, but he sense a small celestial energy as he went inside the home, when Koba enters the basement, he finds a young boy holding his baby brother, protecting him as he thinks he is about to attack them.

The conversation begins as follows:

Koba: Its okay, I won't hurt you.


Koba: No no no no, I'm not from the Imperial forces, I'm from the Bolsheviks you know.

Young boy: so you're a friend?

Koba: Yes, what's your name kid?

Nektus: My name is Nektus sir, and this is my baby brother Noctis. What's yours?

Koba: I'm Field Marshal Koba Malcolm Von Wardell, most of my friends call me the Lionheart *with a happy smile*.

Nektus: Whoa you are the legendary Lionheart!? You fought in the war have you, i heard many things about you, you kill many Germans and Astral beings as well.

Koba: Uhmm, yes kid. Come, let's leave this place, you can live with me and my girlfriend, but i have to ask her first okay?

Nektus: Thank you sir, we have't eat in many days.

Koba: Sure kid, Ellie makes the best meals at home you know.

Nektus: Baby brother, I think the Lionheart is giving us a home.

They left the abandoned home, as the 3 of them are together, Koba was called by Lenin at Leningrad for their celebration. 4 days later, Lenin praises the Ravens as they complete their objectives, but there are more Russian areas who still supports the Tsar, so the Ravens will have to convinced them that the Tsar is dead. When Koba and the kids when to his apartment, Ellie is shocked, demanding to know why he brought the boys here, Koba says "I feel bad for them, they're parents are dead you know, so i want them to feel like a home here you know" Ellie replies "Alright darling, you and I will take responsibility to take care of them". Ellie hugs the kids, she is happy to have a companion, teaching them to do chores as Nektus takes care of his baby brother.

The Ravens with Grand Minister Vladimir Lenin plans to expand their territory, knowing that others don't want to be a part of the Bolsheviks, they still have loyalty to the empire, Leon plans a strategy to appoint new leaders for the new Regiments, as Stalin will budget for more supplies to feed the army. Their next objective is to move to the Far east of Russia and Siberia, to make them be a part of a new era for peace, but achieving it will cost almost everything for the Bolsheviks. After planning, Koba went home to his apartment, he his welcome by Ellie and Nektus as they prepared for dinner, Koba is tears, its been a long time for him to a have a decent meal on a table, Ellie hugs him to never worry anymore, they will always be together, they all eat in happiness. Meanwhile Stalin says to his men that his "secret plan is working" knowing that the Ravens are dumb enough to complete Stalin's path to power, after that, he will try his best to eliminate them once and for all.