Chapter 17: The Ravens Vs. Joseph Stalin's Great Purge Part 1

Lenin suffers multiple strokes that gives him so much health declines for years, also Lenin heard so many rumors about Stalin's action regarding of the continuous famine, Lenin suffers from a stroke again. Koba hears about the news, he wants to pay him a visit, and Joseph Stalin pays him a visit as well. Both of them meet up to comfort Lenin with a conversation as follows:

Lenin: Comrades, please sit here.

Stalin: Why did these news excite you Comrade Lenin, who told you this?

Koba: *In confusion, doesn't know what is going on* What's going on Comrade Stalin?

Stalin: These enemies of Lenin tried to kill him with stressful rumors Comrade Wardell.

Koba: What? what rumors are you talking about?

Stalin: My actions Comrade, I'm trying to speed up Comrade Lenin's recovery, we need his leadership.

Lenin: No, you want to keep me out of politics! Every newspapers I read are good news, worst part I heard rumors about is that people are getting arrested for no reason, you lead the police force Comrade Stalin.

Stalin: Yes, they are arrested for not obeying our new laws.

Koba: What laws Comrade Stalin, these people are starving for pete sake.

Stalin: I have something to do now, the doctors arrive, they will aid you Comrade Lenin *Leaves*

Lenin: Comrade Koba, I suspected Stalin that he is murdering more people through camps.

Koba: He's insane, Please we have to do something.

Lenin: When the time is right, please tell the others about it alright.

Koba: I will Comrade Lenin.

As the two hug each other, Koba leaves and tells Trotsky about the rumors, telling him it is good to be true. They both have a plan to get rid of him for good. Koba is so worried about Lenin's health, Ellie wanted to calm him down, Koba tells her that "If Comrade Lenin dies, who will lead us darling?" Ellie replies "those who are really capable of handling so much of responsibility, hard working, cares for the people, he or she can lead our country darling" Nektus wanted to help Koba, but it too much responsibility for all to handle the situation. In the next day, Nektus and Noctis spars with Koba's Guidance, during their spar, Ellie receives a call from Nadezhda, the wife of Lenin, in tears telling her that her husband is having a stroke again, telling Koba immediately to run to their mansion as fast as he can in Moscow, Nikita heals Lenin but his health has been declined since 1921, Nikita is unable to restore him fully and disappointed on himself, Koba arrives to tell him that he will be alright, Lenin tells both of them that "I won't be here for long my boys, one of you maybe will lead the country soon, please stop Stalin's Purges, its getting more rampant lately" Nikita and Koba nod yes to him as they are able to carry their promise to Lenin.

Koba meets up with the Ravens to stop Stalin's NKVD in secret, trying to suppress their energy in order to not get caught in the act. Their meeting begins with a conversation as follows:

Gregory: So Stalin is making the country starve, no wonder he is hard to understand, so what's our plan Comrades?

Oleg: I see a lot of police force having emblem calling themselves the NKVD, they are imprisoning thousands, they did nothing wrong to be honest my Comrades, this is way too sick in my head, I want to stop them.

Belldrick: Remember what we did back then during the battles we had together, we killed their platoon leaders to make their group stop fighting, they did not move without orders, what if we do it again?

Dmitri: Good idea Comrade Belldrick, but how are we suppose to sneak into their headquarters, its pretty heavily secured.

Nikita: Koba and I will be the one to sneak in, after that, we will infiltrate their agendas.

Koba: I agree with Nikita in this one.

Belldrick: Stalin may be a General Secretary, his actions giving his brutal men more jobs is probably suspicious enough.

Koba: He is going to turn this country into a Totalitarian Dictatorship, he is waiting for Lenin to die, so that he will take over, we must make Trotsky our next Grand Premier because he has the leadership skills to lead us.

Gregory: Yes you're right Comrade Koba, he is fit to become our next leader.

Rest of the Team: We agree that Trotsky will lead us.

The Ravens are finish with their secret meeting to take down the NKVD, the team will wait for Koba and Nikita's information first before executing their plan. Koba will leave the apartment in Moscow again to stop the NKVD, Ellie says in tears "Why are always have to do this mission of yours, you promise me that we will stay forever" Koba replies "*Hugs Ellie tight* I have to save this country from the Stalin's Purge, please Ellie stay here and don't do anything dangerous while I'm around, the boys will protect you *Kisses Ellie in the lips*", the boys will be at their best to protect Ellie and the new apartment from the rampant NKVD. Koba leaves for his mission to the Russian lives from this nightmare, Ellie hopes that he will come home alive.

Koba and Nikita now arrives in the headquarters name Lubyanka somewhere in Moscow, they find 4 guards at the back of the building, Nikita uses his Celestial skill known as Ninja Footstep, to avoid getting the attention of the guards, while Koba will distract them, while the guards are distracted, Nikita is able to pass them, Koba uses his Energy awoken skill Celestial Progress to kill the guards, Nikita says to Koba "*Whispers in silence*YOOO WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING COMRADE? You are gonna get us caught" Koba replies "Sorry, quick we must hide the bodies before the other guards arrive for their next shift". The two hid the dead bodies, the guards are surprised that previous guards left early after shift, so the two are inside, prone position their way but they don't have a NKVD Uniform, so they murder one of the Guards without alerting the authorities inside, but for Koba he is huge, he manages to find one after killing 3 officers in their office post. He finds one of the leaders of the NKVD, Beria and Yezhov, they will meet in their high office in the third floor, they are blocked by the Celestial beings guarding the area, Nikita uses one of his deadly tricks, the Silent arrow, killing them in sight, the other are coming for the meeting, they manage to hide the bodies before they came, Koba lets them in as Nikita will follow them, Koba tells the guards to keep an eye for now and they agree.

Now that they are able to reach the high office, they begin their meeting as the conversation begin as follows:

Koba: They are starting the meeting, i will use my telepathy skill to let the others hear about this.

Nikita: Yes, I will give my energy to make it long range.

Koba: Thank you Nikita, you are a kind man Comrade.

(In the Meeting)

Yezhov: Comrades, our meeting is all about taking the civilians to the Gulags, we will make them mine the fields, build more industrial buildings with strict measures.

Officer 1: Yes that's great Comrade Yezhov, what are we gonna use?

Beria: We will use the trains as Comrade Stalin requested, it will send more people there.

Officer 3: Yes, that will bring more people there, but the people are resisting, so our men keep on shooting so that they will stop fighting. Most them executed by a firing squad.

(In the Hidden Position)

Koba: Fuck! These people are sick in the head, I will kill all of you bastards.

Nikita: Calm down Comrade, we still need the information, please stay put will ya?

Koba: You're right Comrade Nikita.

(In the Meeting)

Yezhov: I will show the map where we will send these poor bastards to *Puts down the Russian Map*.

Officer 2: Yes sir, we will begin our operation in the new camp.

Beria: Good, Comrade Stalin will be pleased with your beautiful performance.

Officers 3: I will bring in the new railways for the new camp right away Comrade.

(In the Hidden Position)

Koba: *Shocks in horror* My God, that's a lot of them Comrade, how are we going set our people free from this madness.

Nikita: We need a better strategy first from Comrade Greg, first we must get out of here.

Koba: Right! We will warn this to Comrade Trotsky about this.

As the two are about to escape, the Celestial beings sense their energy presence, Nikita quickly kills them with a stealth knife, Koba did the same thing by snapping their necks perfectly, while they are hiding the bodies, the guards are almost at their position, both quickly use their full speed at desperate time, they did it, Koba and Nikita escapes successfully to warn Trotsky about the Gulags. As they arrive in his apartment, he is shocked to hear this kind of activity run by Stalin.

Leon Trotsky will set a secret meeting with the Ravens without Lenin's guidance since he is sick, on how are they going to free the people from this crisis, they begin their conversation as follows:

Trotsky: So Comrades, Stalin is pulling the strings now grasp for power.

Koba: Yes, we are planning to free the people by going to the gulag places one by one, we should wear a mask so that we won't expose our true identities to the NKVD, after that, you will be our next Grand Premier after Comrade Lenin.

Trotsky: No Comrade, I cannot lead a country this big.

Gregory: Yes you can Comrade, it is your destiny, My future leader.

Oleg: I agree with Koba, you are fit to lead us.

Dmitri: Comrade, We believe in your success, you must lead us.

Trotsky: *Cries in tears filled with joy* Thank you Comrades for believing in me even though I always have doubts in myself, but now I am determined to lead all of you now.

Dmitri: That's the spirit Comrade Trotsky.

Nikita: I love the motivation we have here, so what's our first strategy Comrade Zhukov?

Gregory: We must get the NKVD uniforms first, Koba and Nikita already has one, then one of their trucks that would lead us to one of the Gulags, Koba's idea is also good as well, suppressing our energy will give us the edge to help the people escape. So what's our first gulag Comrade Oleg?

Oleg: I know a place, it now has a lot prisoners now, it's called Vorkuta, prisoners there are force to do heavy labor activities, it's so sickening to me now.

Nikita: Yes you're right, the people their are suffering from hunger, no safety equipment to protect themselves from the mining disasters.

Dmitri: It's now or never Comrades.

Koba: Yeah, lets do this.

The Ravens secured their plans for Vorkuta as their next sole mission, they leave the apartment Trotsky without alerting the NKVD guards in it, they all begin to drink vodka before beginning their operation. In the next three days, the four stole NKVD uniforms in one of the small NKVD headquarters in Moscow, they are set to steal the truck with 30 Gallons of gasoline for travel. Dmitri will drive them, but the ID is the problem, Nikita uses his Celestial skill to change the dead driver's ID to Dmitri. The team is about to head off, the guard inspect them, Dmitri tells them that they are assign for Vorkuta, one the guards tell him "Comrade, it is pretty far, you sure can drive that long? Dmitri replies "Yes Comrade, I have many years of experience on driving a vehicle" As the guards see the description of Dmitri's ID, it says that he experienced 25 years, the guards let him pass, as the Ravens takes off to their next location, Vorkuta.