Chapter 18: The Ravens Vs. Joseph Stalin's Great Purge Part 2

Many days later, the Ravens almost reach their final destination, Its 6:30 pm in the evening, finding a good hiding spot for camping, the boys are preparing for their meal before heading out for tomorrow, they begin to have a special bond through conversation as of the following:

Oleg: So, we are doings this huh, our lives always at risk for the the Motherland.

Nikita: Yes Comrade, we have to suppress our energy now!

All of the team: Roger!

Belldrick: Shit! these celestials who work for Stalin is a nutcracker man, but I'm happy we get to bond like this guys, I'm not gonna lie, I really love you guys, having our bond together is really specially.

Dmitri: That sounds gay Comrade Bell but I'm happy to hear that from a strong man like you bro.

Belldrick: Hell yeah brother *eats Meal Ready to Eat from the truck the Ravens stole many days ago* whoa this product is delicious man.

Dmitri: You said it Comrade, the beef is okay, as long as it satisfy my awesome tummy.

Gregory: This MRE is delicious, I'm gonna heat up the soup from the plastic.

Oleg: Wow guys, you really love chowing down, I'm going for it *Eats Rabbit meat* Yoooo I can't believe this food product can be good.

Nikita: (These guys are really happy right now, I love me some soup) *After his thoughts* Hey Greg, Koba is not back here yet, Can ya check out on him will ya thanks.

Gregory: No problem Comrade, I'll find him.

While the boys enjoy their meals, Gregory wonders the woods to find his bestfriend, now he sees him staring at a full moon as they begin their moment:

Gregory: There you are Comrade, where have been bro?

Koba: Oh hey Comrade, I'm just looking at the full moon, its really beautiful you know.

Gregory: Yeah, why are you here bro, come eat with us, we are gonna go to the highway to hell tomorrow.

Koba: Oh I forgot about that, sorry Comrade, its just that, I miss my big brother, I wish he was here to watch me, I wore the shoes he made for me, then he broke my promise to stay alive after the war.

Gregory: You should be thankful Comrade, I saw him using his own body as a shield to protect you so that you can change the future someday, sometimes promises are made to be broken, if a person can't keep his promise, at least they can do is try Comrade.

Koba: *In tears looking at the moon* You're right comrade, not unless we try, it's better than doing nothing. *burst into tears*

Gregory: *Hugs Koba* There there Comrade, its okay to cry, let it all out, we will make it tomorrow, we will bring our people out of this nightmare, come eat with us now.

Koba: Alright Greg, man I'm starving for food.

As the two bestfriends came back to the group to continue their moments, all of them sleeps peacefully. At 4:30 in the next morning, Nikita tells Koba and Gregory to spy on the Gulag as Nikita will plan for the prison break strategy. Belldrick will use his celestial skill known as sensory barrier to block their hiding location near the Gulag in Vorkuta, Koba sees the Gulag as the civilians have not safety equipment to protect themselves from heavy labor. The civilians who got exhausted, refusing to obey orders, they get shot by the NKVD firing squad, angering Koba, as he wants to kill them, but Gregory calms him down as he will find a Celestial being who is working in the Gulag, killing the guards, hiding their dead bodies. Gregory find a weak Celestial being near the deadly fences with barb wires, he hasn't had any proper meal for many days since he got there, their conversation begins as follows:

Gregory: Hey psssst, come here, What's your name son?

Weak boy: Sasha, what's yours sir?

Gregory: I'm the Iron Claw, Gregory Zhukov at your service son.

Sasha: Whoa you are the great Marshal Zhukov, I'm a big fan of your success sir.

Gregory: What is happening here, more people are coming here to do dangerous work.

Sasha: The people here powerless against the NKVD, we are force to do what Comrade Stalin told us, to rebuild our nation as one.

Gregory: So he is turning this country into a totalitarian dictatorship, that ain't a good sign son, so where are your parents?

Sasha: My mom got killed awhile ago by the firing squad, my dad is here right now, dad Marshal Zhukov wants to see you.

Maxim: Hello sir it is an honor to meet one of the Ravens, what are you doing here??

Gregory: I'm going to get you all out of this hell hole here.

Maxim: But how, they're so many NKVDs here in Gulag.

Gregory: I have a plan, try planning with the community here in secret, steal their heavy equipment and weapons, fighting for all of you to get out as a free man and woman.

Maxim: That's a great idea, thank you so much sir.

Koba: Hey Greg, I found a lot of stuff here in Gulag, I memorize a lot of this huge place here, so how is it?

Greg: It's good Koba, me and the boys here are planning for a while.

Maxim: You, the Lionheart, I hear great stories about you from the great war to the bloody revolution, I'm happy right now.

Koba: Is that so Comrade, thank you for looking up to me, especially you son.

Sasha: Thank you sir, I will try my best to tell people in secret to get all of us outta heare.

Koba: You're a brave kid Sasha, go boy, don't tell the NKVDs that it is us okay?

Sasha: There are other members of the Ravens here as well!?

Koba: Yeah, tell the people not to make the NKVD Know that Ravens will set you all free.

Sasha: Yes sir!

Gregory: Alright, all set, we will be heading out to our hiding spot, see ya.

Koba: See ya boys, we will be barging in like a suicide squad.

Sasha and Maxim: Be careful.

As the two celestial beings went off, Sasha tells the labor community to work together to get out, while Maxim and the others kill the NKVD guards by silently killing them and hiding their bodies. Koba already sees the big inside of the gulag, telling the team where to go, now that the team memorizes the place, they are able to free the people, all of them wears mask as the Ravens move to the gulag.

Many hours later, the people begins to bring out their weapons from the NKVD they killed, hell breaks lose as the NKVD strikes back, the Ravens arrive with their mask on, killing many NKVD men in sight, Gregory uses his telepathy skill to communicate with Sasha that the Raven are wearing mask to protect their identity from the NKVDs, Oleg finds the prisoners, leading them to escape, Belldrick crushes the NKVDs with his superhuman strength, NKVD launches a flamethrower attack on him, but no effect, he kills them with his bare fist, saving the women from harm, one woman had her eyes on Belldrick, she likes him for a long time, but he does not know her, as both of them stare at each other, they begin to introduce themselves:

Belldrick: Lady, you better get out of this hell hole now!

Woman: No, I want to help you, because i can sense your beautiful energy.

Belldrick: what? You can sense it? You look like a normal human being to me.

Woman: I may look like one, but I'm a Ethereal being you know, whats your name?

Belldrick: *Removes the mask* My name is Belldrick "The Savage" Rovosovsky, what's your name lady?

Anastasia: I'm Anastasia, I hear many things about you, you're a strong man.

Belldrick: Ummm, Thank you Anastasia but it is too dangerous for you to assist, My team can handle the rest, please you have to.

Anastasia: Alright, even though we met, please meet me after this operation of yours okay?

Belldrick: Alright, see you!

Anastasia: See you!

Belldrick: *After Anastasia left, He wears his mask on* Holy Smokes! She is beautiful to my lovely eyes, man I can't wait to meet her again.

Dmitri: Well well well, Congrats Comrade, you found yourself a soulmate right there.

Belldrick: SHUT UP! Anyway we still have to get the people out.

Dmitri: Alright lover boy, let go!

Belldrick and Dmitri continues to get into cell by cell, killing more guards in the way, Nikita is able to reach the tower to voice out the people with a different tone as he says "People of the Soviet Union, I will tell you who is responsible for this purge, It was Stalin who will make all of you work to the death, making our Motherland starve while the his Government is eating luxurious meals in the making, rebuilding it with harsh labors without safety equipment, that's why he sent all of you here without Lenin knowing about it, Today, we fight the ones who oppress our people, OUR MOTHERLAND! we will be free from this nightmare once and for all!! These words motivated the people, protecting each other many people are able to get out of the gulag, but 3 powerful Celestial beings appear because they sense a powerful energy and they know the purpose of the group, now they are blocking people who tried to escape. Gregory blast them as they dodge the attack, telling them to keep on running for freedom. Gregory and Oleg reunites to fight Nikolai Yezhov, responsible of killing innocent lives working for Stalin, Sergei Kruglov who is also responsible for his ruthless act, challenges Dmitri, Belldrick, and Nikita for a fight while Levy Beria will fight Koba for a one on one duel. Now the Ravens will have to fight them in the next chapter.