Chapter 22: Into The Bloody Champagne

Many months of fighting to survive, Temujin has been spoiled by many war battles, he itches to fight more Ethereal beings, killing them mercilessly, The British had a hard time tracking him down because of his stealth skills with enormous energy lying in his body. In September 23rd, 1915, While marching for Champagne for the second battle since both the French and Germans can't hold off to one another, Temujin meets his Childhood friend Jamukha, The Astral Being, they have not seen each other since they are little, but now they are reunited as they begin their conversation:

Jamukha: *sees and runs to his old friend while going to the different tent* Temujin! It's me your childhood friend Jamukha!

Temujin: Jamukha? BUDDY! *Hugs tighter* Man I have not seen you since my parents died old friend.

Jamukha: Yeah, and I'm sorry for the lost of your parents back in the day, I didn't know you ran away from home after the event brother.

Temujin: Yeah, I'm happy to see you again my old friend, that Iron Cross suit you well Jamukha.

Jamukha: Thank you very much, I got this medal during the fight in the regions of Chapelle, our platoon manage to halt the British advance, later the Commander gave me this medal, I heard you hold off a large group of French counter-offensive forces, but only few of your platoon remains, you guys really are battle thirty.

Temujin: Yes, I killed so many French soldiers while holding off in a abandon building, those Ethereal bastards wont lay any inches in our position, I got pretty carried away by releasing more of my energy than using my rifle. So General Hindenburg liked my performance as well as the guys in the Platoon of the 4th German army.

Jamukha: That's cool man, so bud where are headed? The 2nd army will assist the 4th army by the way.

Temujin: General Hindenburg orders us to march straight to Champagne, our boys got into a bloody mess during the first battle in a inconclusive way, this time we are about to fuck them up for good this time.

Jamukha: I like your fighting spirit Temujin, no wonder General Hindenburg calls you the Iron Spectre for nothing.

Temujin: That's right brother, come, we are about to have a drink from where we looted from the village for tonight before we get into the hell hole on the 25th of September.

Jamukha: Thanks Temujin, I'm going to invite the rest of the Platoon here.

Temujin: Sure! We have many bottles of beer here.

Both of the Platoons celebrate with a good taste of beer, on the next day, the soldiers are in for hand to hand combat training, most German soldiers spectate the Astral beings while they are fighting, they are happy to be entertained by them, now Jamukha will face Temujin for the first time in a sparring match. They both clash as Jamukha release the special energy skill known as the jaguar's paw, Temujin dodges and uses a super kick to get him up in the air, the Germans look up as Temujin jumps up high in the air as he will use a physical strike known as Iron Spectre of Pain to kick Jamukha to the ground, Jamukha recovers quickly and dodges the energy blast from Temujin, then Jamukha punches Temujin in the gut, but he does not feel a single pain, Temujin with a evil smile, uses The Phantom Razor Strike to knock Jamukha out, declaring Temujin the winner of the match. As more Astral beings spar for a one on one training, Temujin lifts Jamukha up, apologizing for hurting him, Jamukha says "It's no big deal brother, you are very strong, you will is battle harden my friend, tomorrow we will kill some French fries you and I. Temujin replies happily "We will brother, us together will bring the allies to their knees". Both of the warriors are itching to kill their objective, as Walter is feeling happy that Temujin is able to run a platoon in a young age, Walter is assigned for the 31st platoon since Temujin has the leadership skills among the boys of the 32nd.

The next day on September 25th, 1915, the 1st up to 27th platoon of German 4th Army begins assaulting the 4th and 2nd French armies into a hell bound battle, the Astrals and Ethereals also engage in a deadly combat, while Temujin's 32nd platoon along with Jamukha's 24th platoon from the 2nd German army as a backup reserve. Both of them begins as the conversation begins:

Jamukha: Yo Temujin you see this, The Astrals are fucking the Ethereal groups up to bits brother!

Temujin: Damn, these motherfuckers are having fun down there, I wish I could join in the fun.

Jamukha: Well you're not the only dude who wants the fun, anyone here does want some brother, you bloodthirsty as fuck.

Temujin: Yeah, I wanna burn those enemy trenches, it's like cooking multiple French fries for snacks.

Jamukha: Man you are one crazy son of a bitch, I like the idea of yours, we have flamethrowers if you wanna use.

Temujin: Thanks brother, I appreciate it, I might make it come true. *Both of the boys are laughing for their bloodlust*

*3 days & 13 hours later while the 24th and 32nd platoon eats their food*

Lieutenant Walter: You boys enjoy food from looting from the small village, listen up, the German front position was broken in four places and two of the penetrations reached as far as the R-Stellung Brigade still holding their positions, right now, General Hindenburg orders the 31st, 32nd of the 4th Army, and the 24th of the 2nd Army, to mount up the backup.

Jamukha: Yes sir! MEN! Mount yourselves for battle now! *The whole platoon with a 13 trucks equip with a heavy machine gun moves out*

Temujin: Yes sir! 32nd Platoon, we will begin the assault, MOVE OUT!

Jamukha: Temujin, good luck out there.

Temujin: You too brother.

The assigned platoons are heading out because the Germans are facing heavy losses as the French forces advanced even further, The French troops took 17,000 German soldiers as prisoners and several heavy guns but French casualties were also high around 24,000 troops in 3 days of brutal fighting, Temujin along with the 32nd Platoon of the 4th German Army arrives at a heavy group French forces with multiple Ethereal beings guarding the area, as Temujin commands 15 boys to kill the guarding soldiers in stealth trained by Temujin, his methods are super effective, that they are able to get pass through them. The R-Stellung group are still resisting, killing multiple French soldiers in front of them, the French have no idea that the 32nd Platoon is right behind them all along. Temujin commands "GERMANS, BEGIN THE ASSAULT!", the heavily train platoon mercilessly kills most of the French soldiers, now Temujin begins his killing spree by using his energy skills to wipe out multiple platoons one by one, then a large group of Ethereal beings came as reinforcement, but they no match for a bloodthirsty Temujin, as he use his new move The Phantom Mauser Strike, cutting of the Ethereal body in half with just one strike, Ethereal beings are now in fear, they are too afraid to land a single strike on him, Temujin insist to kill them with his bare hand instead of using his weapons.

After a whole month of fighting, Jamukha's Platoon recaptures most of the heavily guarded territories by killing them, using fear tactics to scare off the French and the Ethereal beings, his platoon fired most of the heavy artillery barrage on the French, causing them to be a sitting French fries as they get hit by the multiple shell. The French high command receives a news coming from the 4th French army, states that "The Iron Spectre and his platoons are in a killing spree for a whole month, our men got cornered every by his evil tactics, along with the other German forces recapturing the place, we have been overrun! We need your orders now Commander!" The Commanders in the High command in Paris states the order "We have your message, we will send multiple reinforcements with a group of planes to perform airstrikes for assistance". A German Astral spy from the sensory unit got there in time overhears the message coming from Champagne Province, alerting General Hindenburg of the danger of his men. General Hindenburg and General Ludendorff hears this from a spy, now they will also send reinforcements as well.

On the 5th of November 1915, The French reinforcements arrive in time to halt the German advance, as Temujin tells his men not to stop killing more, the French are now in fear for their lives as they face a bloodthirsty 32nd platoon of the 4th German army, The French and the Ethereals are ambush by the 24th, and multiple German reinforcements arrive to assist the assigned platoons, The French are facing a deadly German Counter-Offensive, as the Astral Beings begin to strike enemy positions by Energy bomb barrage in 13 minutes, resulting in killing 1600 French troops. The French Counter-offensive failed as the Germans push forward to their positions, and Temujin with a fully loaded flamethrower, arrives in the enemy trench as the French soldiers froze in fear as he says to them "Time for me to cook some FRENCH FRIES!!!!" Temujin releases large amount of flames, burning the French forces like a French fries, the Ethereal beings are too afraid to fight back, the 32nd storms the trench area and begins slaughtering them one by one for how many hours. Temujin sees a high number of plane about to strike them, He destroy them with multiple energy blast, making the French air force retreating. The French high command had a disappointing outcome, resulting a failed counter-offensive, as the Germans have overrun the area in a horrifying terms of killing methods to scare off the French armies.

The results begins with the French, losing 145,000 out 210,000 troops, most of them are killed by Temujin and the 32nd platoon, losing 157 heavy artillery guns, and more than 51 out of 63 planes destroyed by one man Temujin. As for the Germans, they lost around 72,500 out of 120,000 troops in a heavy brutal combat, 42 artillery guns were lost. Temujin and the others celebrate their victory, because Temujin loves this job as a soldier in a cruel war. Jamukha reunites with Temujin as their conversation begins:

Temujin: Man, I'm exhausted my friend, care for a beer?

Jamukha: Hell yeah brother, man you burned a lot of them like a French fries man, I should have witness the fun you had man.

Temujin: HAHAHA Those weaklings are pussies, they can't even lay a single finger on me.

Jamukha: You are way too much of a killer brother CHEERS!!!!!

Temujin: CHEERS!!

The second battle of Champagne ended with a terrifying result, Temujin and the others can't wait to perform again in the future. The Kaiser is impress with the performance of Iron Spectre, making General Howitzer and General Bloomberg jealous of his accomplishments. The Kaiser will pay a visit in Champagne to see him in person in the next chapter.