Chapter 23: The Flame Ignites

In a beautiful morning in France, Kaiser Wilhem II of Germany arrives to meet Temujin in person, he is amazed on how he performs during intense battles. The Kaiser, General Hindenburg and General Ludendorff talks to Temujin along with Jamukha about a bigger plan as they begin:

Hindenburg: I am surprised about your performance in the battlefield, you are skilled at a very high level, most Astral beings are very dangerous because of their energy level, but you are different than others.

Temujin: Thank you General Hindenburg, I am honored by hearing those words coming from a strong willed leader like you.

Hindenburg: You're Welcome Sergeant Rudendorf, The Kaiser will award you now.

Wilhem II: I hereby reward you with a Military Merit Cross, Military Honor Medal, and of course you are promoted to First Lieutenant for your leadership and fighting will in the course of the battlefield congratulations, same goes for you, First Lieutenant Jamukha Von Wagner, congratulations.

Jamukha and Temujin: *Salutes to Kaiser Wilhem II* Thank you my Lord, It is truly an honor to serve you and our empire!

Ludendorff: Well Gentlemen, let us begin our plan, both your platoons will be heading to the Eastern front.

Temujin: Why are we going there General?

Ludendorff: I want your platoons to destroy a very dangerous suicide squad, Tsar Nicholas of Russia calls them the Ravens, they are high level energy skilled warriors, causing our German Armies to be put to submission. That's why I'm sending you and Jamukha there to support General Howitzer and General Bloomberg from their failures.

Jamukha: General Ludendorff, this mission for us is way too risky, we are facing a deadly suicide squad, our platoon are just mere teenagers.

Ludendorff: Have faith in them Lieutenant Wagner, they will always go with flow.

Jamukha: Alright, Temujin, You ready for this risk?

Temujin: Hell Yeah! *Bro fist Jamukha as a bond of friendship*

Hindenburg: Before you go to the Eastern front, make sure you train yourselves first, alright.

Temujin and Jamukha: Yes sir!

Kaiser Wilhem II: So our discussion is finished, thank you for your time, have great to you all.

*All of the German Soldiers and Astral Beings salute to their Kaiser as he left for Berlin*

Walter: Hey, Congrats to you both boys!

Temujin and Jamukha: Thank you sir!

Walter: Don't call me sir anymore, you are all both officers now, we should addressing base on ranks as a sign of respect.

Temujin and Jamukha: Yes Lieutenant!

Walter: So this is the way we part now, my platoon is assigned somewhere in France, *Enters the Truck full of German Soldiers* Goodbye Boys!

Temujin and Jamukha: Goodbye Lieutenant!!!!

Manfred: So, you both are leaving for the eastern front, good luck.

Temujin: Yeah brother, same goes for you sir.

Jamukha: Goodbye old friend!

As the men have parted their ways now, Temujin and Jamukha are going to berlin as they will train with General Howitzer, but first Howitzer will give the details on who the Ravens are, so Howitzer shows them the pictures of 6 men, who vows to take revenge against them for defeating him and General Bloomberg. Howitzer in his mind is afraid of Temujin because he is bloodthirsty killer in the battlefield, it is wise for Howitzer not to anger him any further, so he calms down first and Temujin is confused of why Howitzer begins to panic in fear. After telling them the names of the 6 members, Temujin says he cannot defeat them at once since they are extremely experienced enough, Jamukha agrees with Temujin in this one, General Bloomberg enters the big office to meet the two strong Astral beings, Bloomberg is shocked to sense both of their energy, he doesn't want to be a victim of a bloodthirsty killer as Howitzer mentions on the rumors about the Iron Spectre. After the discussion, Bloomberg challenges Temujin on a duel, he accepted, as they begin to spar, Temujin quickly maneuvers Bloomberg by surprise, using his high knee attack to hit Bloomberg, causing his teeth to get knocked over the floor, then Temujin uses Phantom Strike to him, Bloomberg tries to counter but he was baited and Temujin use Phantom Barrier, causing the training to collapse like a broken record, knocking Bloomberg out like a bug, Bloomberg surrenders "PLEASE NO MORE, I DON'T WANNA GO ON ANYMORE!" Temujin almost laugh and he replies with only one word "Pussy". Temujin wants Howitzer as his next sparring partner, but he declined as in his mind that he doesn't want to be just like Bloomberg right now.

Now that Jamukha finished his training with Howitzer, They are planning to take out the Ravens through a long meeting as they begin their conversation:

Howitzer: Both 32nd of the 4th German Army and the 24th of the 2nd German Army will assist our assigned platoons, we are going to Lake Naroch somewhere in the Eastern Front, So Lieutenant Temujin, I want you to fight and kill the Lionheart without mercy!

Temujin: The Lionheart? I heard is a powerful foe, I like me a strong foes to kill.

Jamukha: No far you cheeky bastard, I want to kill the Lionheart too.

Howitzer: No, you and your platoons will handle the heavy guns, also to dig the trenches with good supplies for our boys.

Jamukha: *In disappointing mood* Yes sir, I will carry it out later on.

Howitzer: If Temujin fails to kill the Lionheart, Me and Bloomberg will take over the scene, got it Lieutenant Rudendorf?

Temujin: Yes sir! I will not fail you!

Howitzer: Good, we will move out at 2:00 PM, *Goes outside of high command center in Berlin* MEN! PREPARE YOUR WEAPONS FOR BATTLE! WE MOVE OUT IN 5 HOURS! NOW!

All Deployed German Soldiers: Yes sir!!!!

Bloomberg: Howitzer, the time will come for our revenge against the Ravens.

Howitzer: Yes, I want to break their spirits up.

Temujin: Wow, these guys really hate the Ravens, I heard many rumors about the Lionheart, it makes me want to fight him now.

Jamukha: You gotta wait brother, we will soon arrive there for our next battle.

The German Army deploys to Lake Naroch, many Astral beings are going there as well because the Ravens are far too dangerous to be up against, Temujin now senses a great power lying somewhere far away, he thinks it was the the Ravens, but bigger than the rest of the members, it was indeed the Lionheart he felt, Temujin in the truck is mounting himself with more Astral energy before he will face the Lionheart in a deadly combat, Jamukha tells him "Brother, you nervous?" Temujin replies "No, I will kill him for our Fatherland, even if it kills me" Jamukha tells him to rest.

In March 16, 1916, Temujin mounts up his troops to be in position, as he waits for the Russians and the Ravens to arrive, after that he goes to the Tent where Bloomberg plays chess with Howitzer, he laughs as he sees Bloomberg lost the game against Howitzer. Then Temujin practices his new energy skills to match the Lionheart's skills, but he doesn't know him fully, so he will keep on training for how many hours. On the 17th of March 1916, Temujin senses a big amount of energy 7 miles in the enemy territory, telling General Bloomberg that they coming, now the German 10th army is assisted by the 4th and the 2nd, begins the assault in March 18, more planes fight in the air as the Russians bombard the Germans way too much, but no Germans got hurt as they wait for the Russians to go gain at least 10 kilometres because they think they killed the German lines. Temujin and Jamukha now orders his men to begin assault, now killing the Russians like a sitting ducks for 15 hours of fighting, gaining most of the territories by the Germans.

On the 21st day of March 1916, The Astral German units pummel more Russian positions in their second attempt to regain territories that they lost the other day, Jamukha is hit by one of the Ravens Energy blast, causing him to get a severe injury, Temujin tells the medics to bring him back to the camp, as Jamukha bids him a good luck. The Ravens got separated to fight alongside their comrades as Temujin calls "Lionheart! *Koba faces towards Temujin in confusion, knowing afterwards he has a large amount of energy* I challenge you to a death match!" Koba replies "I accept your offer friend!". Now the two behemoths clash as they keep on punching until Temujin hits Koba in the face, Koba uses his energy blast to hit him but Temujin runs too fast he is able to use Phantom Razor strike to hit him in the face, then Koba hits him back with a Air Palm Strike to pin Temujin down, as Koba say "Man you are strong and fast for a 6'2 guy, no wonder they call you the Iron Sprectre" Temujin tells him "SHUT THE FUCK UP, LET ME KILL YOU RIGHT HERE! Temujin rushes to Koba with a Astral Strike attacks, as Koba pulls out his knife, using his energy to dodge the attack and stabs him in the stomach as Temujin is about to bleed to death, then Koba pities him, pulling out hit cloth as they are about to begin their conversation:

Temujin: *Koba puts a cloth on his stomach to recover* Why are you helping me, you are my enemy!

Koba: I'm helping you because I sense a good heart in you, that's why I'm treating your wounds. You work so hard for your country, I'm doing the same thing you know. May I know your name sir?

Temujin: I'm Temujin, what's yours?

Koba: My name is Koba, helping the soldiers in combat, you should run while you still can, Russian forces are coming this way, hurry!

Temujin: *Gets up as quickly as possible and tell Koba* We will meet again someday Lionheart, next time I will win, you know it.

Koba: Sure, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, I'm looking forward for a rematch Temujin.

Temujin: *While retreating* That motherfucker is soft! That faggot will pay someday, I will push my self to break my limit.

After the fight, Temujin rushes to the medical tent where Jamukha was placed, so they meet up again as Temujin tells him that he had failed to kill the Lionheart, Jamukha tells him "There is always a chance to beat him brother, keep on training" Temujin follows his advice and takes a rest because of his wounds after the fight.

Temujin spectated the fight of the Ravens who are up against Howitzer, Bloomberg along with the German Astral officers, Temujin is about to witness Koba getting killed by the Astral Spears launched by Bloomberg and Howitzer, Luther sacrificed his life to protect his little brother as Temujin feels a evil energy coming out of Koba's body but he knew the Demon cannot control a Celestial being fully, Temujin witness Koba transform into a Demon which terrifies Temujin, telling his platoon to retreat, Jamukha does the same as well. Temujin sees Koba in a killing spree, knowing that he will die if Temujin enters there, Koba's power level increases even higher, Temujin can't believe of what he has felt, the Germans catches Koba, the demonic form is now at limit, as the other Russians have retreated.

Temujin and Jamukha returns to Berlin after the Victory in Lake Naroch, the Kaiser is happy for the victory but Temujin angry for not completing his objectives. He will continue to train in order to defeat Koba in future, now making him as his rival in strength and power, but he has more battles to continue for the German Empire. Temujin inspects more weapons for his platoon, he sees multiple supplies of chemical weapons, Temujin smiles in a evil way, his men are terrified of him, but they continue to follow him to the next chapter.