Chapter 24: Putting The Gas Attack To The Test

Temujin trains further with his platoon, along with the Astral beings assigned there, the Kaiser orders General Hindenburg to supply Temujin's platoon with a better equipment because they will assigned to assist the 3rd & 4th Bavarian Army in a place called Hulluch in France. Temujin and Jamukha begins their conversation before deploying:

Jamukha: So you are assigned to assist the Bavarian Army, what did the Kaiser equip your men with?

Temujin: He equip us with more ammunition, chemical weapons mixed with chlorine and phosgene to have better effects to kill, artillery shells, more barb wires to improve trench defenses.

Jamukha: Damn that's a lot coming from the Kaiser himself, so is it the French you're fighting against?

Temujin: No brother, this time we are fighting the British bastards in Hulluch.

Jamukha: Man, I heard their Ethereal beings are well trained there, you gotta be prepared brother, this guys mean business right there.

Temujin: Thanks for the info brother, I'll keep that in mind, I have to go now.

Jamukha: Good luck out there brother!

Temujin: *Goes inside the truck and waves * Yeah Thanks!

Temujin now leaves the barracks in Berlin in April 12, 1916 after recovering from his injuries. He now arrives near Hulluch in the 15th of April, 1916, orders his men to prepare the trench defense fortified with barb wire, more artillery position ready for action, and chemical weapons ready for use. One night a German soldier deserts his platoon, running as quickly as possible, surrendering himself to the British Forces, tells them that they will use chemical weapons in the battlefield, Temujin and others are there as well, this warning terrified the British commander and the army assigned for Hulluch, now telling the British high command to send of the best Ethereal fighters to execute the mission.

In April 24, 1916, the 3rd and 4th Bavarian Army of the German Empire begins using artillery shells to bombard the British defensive positions, German planes begins to bomb the area as the British hides inside the Trench safe positions to avoid getting hit by the blast for 8 hours, the British hears the bombardment stop, so they begin to get out to assault the Germans, they , after that, Temujin orders "Germans and Astral Warriors, Begin Bombarding!" German soldiers of the 32nd platoon of the German 4th Army begins to use more Artillery shell killing a whole groups of infantry, and Astral beings use a energy bomb blast, making the British soldiers look sitting ducks in a open field, after another 8 hours of the attack, the Ethereal sensory unit reports to the commander on the 25th of April, Commander Charles is horrified of the results, 200 British men died during the German Offensive, now they will plan on how will they avoid the Gas attack next, he tells the High command in London to bring more gas mask to protect themselves with.

In the 26th of April 1916, the Germans produces more chemical weapons in the German trench position, more Germans uses mortars to hit multiple British positions to make them stop advancing, more Germans position themselves with Machine guns trying to hit the British in their place. 2 hours later, Temujin and his men begins to raid the British trench, killing them like it was nothing, the inexperienced Ethereal beings tried to stop the advancing German 32nd platoon, but they are too experienced enough to withstand the energy skill offensive, the Astral beings kills the young Ethereal beings by their assault, retreating British soldiers runs to another trench for their second phase for battle. Commander Otto Von Stetten of the 3rd and 4th Bavarian Army is impressed with Temujin's offensive strategy in the battlefront, as Lieutenant Temujin with the Astral sensory unit make contact with Commander Otto that "Commander Otto, we capture the British trench for the offense in the next day, your men are safe to advance with our men assisting you" Commander Otto is surprised and he replies "Thank you, Lieutenant Temujin, we will begin advancing now". The Bavarian army advances without getting a single shot at a no man's land, Commander Otto orders air raids to bomb more of the British positions.

The real battle begins in the 27th of April 1916 as the 4th Bavarian army releases their first wave of the gas attack clouding the British position as they are all ordered to wear mask, 2 hours later the British can hardly see Germans insight as the 32nd platoon sneaks their way with their gas mask without a sound, Temujin orders "Germans, BEGIN THE ASSAULT!", The British hears a loud sound coming near their position, are alerted, but the Germans who are fully equip kills them with gunshots, the two forces clashes first, as the 3rd Bavarian army barges in to fight them, after 4 hours of fighting, Temujin fakes a retreat as the Germans follow, the British begins to follow them but it was a trap, the Germans begin to use shrapnel and trench mortar to hit British infantry as the glass in the eye part of the gas mask breaks, the British smells the gas, it makes them suffocate their whole body to death as Temujin laughs at them as he say "FOOLS, YOU FUCKERS FELL FOR MY TRAP! HAHAHAHA!" After the German bombardment stops, Temujin kills the ones who survive the mortar attacks, leaving all of them to die in his wrath, his platoon with Astral beings do the same thing. In night time, the Germans return to their trench position to rest after killing more British targets, the Astral night watchers monitor the battlefield area if there are British movements.

Temujin and Commander Otto eats dinner and begins their conversation:

Otto: So I finally meet the Iron Spectre in person, you are a skilled warrior out there.

Temujin: Yes Commander, I train hard to fight stronger opponents, especially to make my enemies submit.

Otto: I like your determination Lieutenant, you are truly a inspiration to our Empire.

Temujin: You too Commander, we make a good team you and I, tomorrow, we will make some British breakfast with our combined strength.

Otto: Sounds good Lieutenant, we will do it.

In April 28, 1916, the British wake up at 4:55 in the morning to begin their sneak attack to the Germans who are still sleeping, but the Astral night watchers did not attack because one of them put a landmine in the area, as the British soldiers reach half of the area without a sound, the landmine explodes, killing 25 or more British soldiers, now the Germans are alerted of their presence, wearing their gas mask, begins to land a second wave of gas attack, the British smells the gas and dies in the front, the two forces engage their battle as Temujin launches a Phantom Razor bullets at the British, then more Germans bombard the area where the British soldiers gets blown away by the force of the shell hitting them. German soldiers with a machine gun begins to kill the remaining British forces, going to another one of the British trenches, beginning to fight there in a hand to hand combat, some of them use knives to defend themselves but the fully equip Germans out gun them way too much, the British then retreat to their last remaining trench for a final attack after 14 hours of fighting, losing phases of attacks against the Germans.

In the 29th of April 1916, around 2:00 am in the morning, 4 of the Best Ethereal warriors have arrived to bring down the strong Temujin and the 32nd platoon that gives the British the biggest problems during their fight. The suicide squad known as the Eagle Brigadiers, consist with 4 strongest Ethereal warriors fighting for the British Empire, name Captain Noah "The Eagle" McCallister, leader of the Eagle Brigadiers, Captain Oliver "The Flamethrower" Smith, Captain David "Stonebreaker" Jones, and Captain Ethan "Leatherneck" Wilson. The Eagle Brigadiers now will face their biggest challenge of all, to face Temujin and his bloodthirsty 32nd platoon wrecking havoc in the battlefield, will be put to the test. In 3:43 am, the 3rd Bavarian army sent up a green flare to move forward for their last offense, Germans bombard more for the last trench of the British, then Temujin orders for the third gas attack on the trench as it explodes, somehow Temujin senses 4 big energy being who are very strong, as he smiles with excitement, as the Eagles wipe out the gas that filled the air, now they begin to attack the advancing Germans, Noah begins to take down the soldiers from the 32nd Platoon on by one, the other 3 members assist Noah as they launch their energy attack, destroying German divisions at the time. The 4 surrounds Temujin, as they begin to charge at him, Temujin dodges at a very high speed, shocking most of the 4, then the officers assisted Temujin by firing their energy blast at Ethan, then Ethan use one of his skills that deflects energy blast, he rushes to the officer and kills him effortlessly. Temujin now has no choice to go even further, to transform into Astral Progress 3rd gear, the 4 can only manage to go 1st gear of the Ethereal progress, Temujin outnumbers the Eagles by power level, as Temujin reaches a power level of 550,000 to get rid of the suicide squad, but the 4 man crew is able to pin Temujin after a 5 hour battle, causing Temujin to be incapacitated by a powerful Ethereal attack, then 7 Astral beings manage to get Temujin out of the area, the Eagles did not chase them but helps their comrades fighting.

After Temujin was sent to the medical tent, he sees the supplies along with the chemical weapons got blown by the British bombardment, he knew that the 3rd and 4th Bavarian army was overrun by the British forces, Temujin is furious with this loss, knowing that the plan failed with humiliating defeat. For the casualties in both sides, the British lost around 1,980 out of 25,000 troops, 34 heavy guns and 49 supply trucks, as for the Germans, they lost 1,500 or more out of 23,000 troops, big amount of supplies and chemical equipment, 23 heavy guns, 9 planes, and 31 supply trucks. Temujin rushes back to Berlin to train mentally because he wants revenge against the Eagles for humiliating him, he can't believe the chemical weapons are destroyed, causing to lose more money than ever, while his injuries still intact, Temujin learns Astral healing process to heal faster before his next deployment in the next chapter.