Chapter 25: The Forbidden Book

Temujin trains in Berlin Military Headquarters for 13 hours, thinking that he was not good enough to take down the whole Eagles by himself, after his training sessions, he goes to Berlin State Library where it is made for public to read, as he enters the building, he wanted to read more about the history of the German Empire's glory, he sees a forbidden section of the Library that no one in the public is allowed to enter or read, he curious about it, leading him stumble as enters. He looks at them as if the books are from the ancient time, he sees one that is interesting on him, it is called The 10,000 Phantom Chains of Astral Energy, he is intrigue by the title, as reads the book, it reveals many dark secret on how to handle the Astral energy in many ways, like eating souls after killing you opponent will result into converting it into a Astral energy, Temujin reads it for how many hours as the Librarian is about to check on the forbidden section, he hides along with the book, he puts it out of a open window, he leaves the Library, jumps high to the open window to get the book as he leaves safely with it.

Temujin continues to read more pages as he attempts to use a one of the Phantom Chain skills to lure evil spirits, then they appear to possess Temujin, but Temujin use a energy skill known as Phantom Absorption to absorb the evil spirits that will turn them into a Astral energy. Evil spirits saw what Temujin did, they try to run away but Temujin is way too powerful to absorb them, now he masters the skill in just 2 hours regain his strength. Now Temujin goes to the old ruins of the Gothic Franciscan monastery on Klosterstraße, where he heard rumors about the evil spirit of Friar Roderich and his victims, there Temujin taunts the spirit of monk as he says "Friar of the dickhead, I heard you like mauling people, come and show yourself" The evil spirit appears and gets angry as he say "You have some nerve calling me out, I will not possess your body *Proceeds to fly towards Temujin*". As the spirit attempts to enter the body but it did not go inside, instead the monk gets stuck, as Temujin chants the skill "Phantom Absorption!", Friars gets absorbed, gaining more energy than ever, the spirits of the victims witness horrors as they run away but they are drag by an Astral force as they are getting absorb by Temujin.

He feels energetic, willing to fight strong opponents as a whole group of gangsters appear, they are about to fight one man, as Temujin is not scared of all of them, one of them shoots a bullet, but Temujin deflects them with his fingers, taunts them to hit him all at once, they agree, they all hit him but there is no damage inflicted to him, Temujin says to them "Seems your attack did not hurt me, it tickles, *Gangsters now in fear* Well you did your part, now my turn *Punches a member that rips his heart out*" The gangsters runs away in fear but Temujin kills them one by one, the only remaining is the leader, as he says "PLEASE HAVE MERCY!" Temujin with a evil smile says "I'm sorry, I'm all out of mercy to give" As Temujin uses the Phantom Absorption as the leader screams in pain "SOMEBODY HELP ME!!! AGGHHHHH!!!!" All of the souls were absorbed who were killed by Temujin, leaving the area without a trace of evidence as the police have no clue of have done this.

Temujin arrives in the Headquarters, Jamukha senses that his energy is massive than ever, begins to spar with him, as they clash head on, Jamukha transforms into Astral progress 1st gear, Temujin went straight to 3rd gear, shocking Jamukha and he uses energy blast as Temujin deflects all of them, then he went straight towards Jamukha as he use his new skill, The Phantom Hammer, giving Jamukha a critical damage that almost kill him, Temujin quickly rushes to him as he worries that he injures him, Jamukha compliments that he is way too strong now, Temujin is happy to hear it from him, Temujin heals him quickly as Jamukha questions him "This healing technique of your brother, where did you learn from?" Temujin happily replies "I learn it from myself, want to learn about the healing technique?" Jamukha says "Yes brother, I will be happy to learn about this move". Jamukha learns this skill quickly in secret, then both train to their highest level of fighting. Afer a long training, Jamukha sleeps in his room, Temujin continues to read the forbidden book even further as the book consumes him with a high pride to learn more of the many techniques, now he lust of power, wanting more glory for his strength.

In the 5th of June 1916, The Kaiser orders Lieutenant Temujin and the 32nd Platoon to assist General Erich Von Falkenhayn for his failures, Temujin accepts this mission, ready his men for battle in Mont Sorrel. The 32nd arrives in the 7th of June 1916 at 7:00 pm, the Germans filled with injuries, see Temujin as a back have their hopes up as Temujin orders them to plant mines while the British and Canadians are doing some foolishness, the Astral beings assisted the Germans by using a blocking sensory barrier so that the Ethereals in the area won't sense it.

In June 8, 1916, the Commander of the 3rd Canadian division orders their men to begin the counter-offensive in a destroyed German trench lines, as they step further near to the trench, one of the landmines explode, the Canadians fell in a trap that cost 60 men to die, and the Astral Germans unleash a heavy loads of energy bombardment strikes that kills more Canadian infantry men in the area, Temujin says "Germans, Begin the Assault!" as the men of the 32nd platoon pushes forward, destroying everything in their path, after 4 days of heavy fighting, Temujin and his men gain 1100 to 1200 yards of territory as they are about to reach Mont Sorrel, The British and the Canadians form a fortified more walls to defend against the aggressive German Army.

In June 13, 1916, General Spencer of the 3rd Canadian division begins to panic as he saw Temujin unleashing his wrath upon his men, trying his best to call the British for backup, as the British arrive, Temujin's platoon storms the area, clashing with the enemy lines, as Temujin enters the camp where General Spencer is, the Canadian officer warns Spencer that Temujin is coming, but they are too late as Temujin burns everything, killing many officers in his way, Spencer is afraid to face him, his cuts the tent, after cutting the tent, Temujin is already in front of as screams for help, but nobody will help him as Temujin beheads him. The outcome of this battle cause the British and the Canadians to retreat and abandon the Mont Sorrel, this battle results a German victory.

The Kaiser receives news from the Mont Sorrel, He is surprised that Temujin swifted the enemy way too much, and is pleased about the outcome of the battle, saying "This Warrior is the true pride of the German Empire". Temujin returns as the high ranking officers praised him for his sheer will of power, Jamukha and Temujin drinks more beers as they always do. Many hours later, Temujin always read the remaining pages of the forbidden book, making him want more power than ever, he continues to train to the next chapter.