Chapter 26: The Somme Offensive

In June 29, 1916, More than 300,000 German 2nd Army troops and Astral beings ready to deploy for a place called Somme River, Jamukha's platoon is among the men who will deploy as well, as they already going there, Temujin knows that Koba is in Konigsberg, wanting to get his revenge but Hindenburg stops him from going there instead he orders the 32nd platoon to deploy for the Battle of Somme in July 14, Temujin is disappointed but happy in the same time for his next objectives, he wishes Jamukha a good luck for his objectives.

The first phases of Somme in the 1st of July 1916, Jamukha arrives to get ready for battle as he orders the 24th platoon to get ready the artillery positions and Astral bombardment. The German 2nd Army platoons and the French 6th Army clashes with hand to hand combat and more gunshots, after 3 hours of fighting, The French push the 2nd German army back to Serre that causes them to lose 3 km of territory because Jamukha and his men were overpowered by the Ethereal beings who are well trained for the job. The Germans hold their positions in Serre as they put fortified barb wires for first position from the road south to Foucaucourt and second is the Bapaume Road, but the French Ethereal warriors managed to get through the first defense at the Foucaucourt, where they overwhelmed the Germans, forcing them to retreat, and the British Ethereal warriors destroys the second defense in Bapaume Road where Jamukha is left exhausted as he charges his energy, but hides his energy as the Ethereal beings surrounds the area, they leave and Jamukha orders the 24th Platoon to ambush them, successfully killing them, retreats to La Boiselle Road as more French reinforcements are coming, Jamukha and the Astral Germans begin to rain more energy blast to the French, causing the French to lose more soldiers, but the British troops cornered the area, beginning to fire at Jamukha's platoon, Jamukha transforms into Astral Progress to save his platoon from being cornered, after that they 24th along with the 2nd German Army retreats to the Thiepval Road for their last defense.

At 2:00 pm in the afternoon, The French troops walks into a trap where the hiding German soldiers wait for the signal, the French steps into a landmine, explodes as the trucks can't find a way through, Jamukha orders his men to attack as the Germans begin their counter-offensive, the large infantry of the French army dies from the ambush, then a large group of British troops came but it is too late to save the French troops from getting killed, The British troops without the assistance of the Ethereal begins were overwhelmed by Jamukha's offensive strategy, but the Commander of the 2nd German Army orders the 24th platoon to retreat since the rest of the platoons were defeated. Jamukha agrees after killing the rest of the British men. In the 2nd July, The British uses the same offensive method from the other day, taking their bloody battle until July 14, Jamukha and his men were assigned for the Bazentin Ridge through the woods by General Ludendorff.

Temujin and Jamukha reunites along with the platoons, as they begin their conversation:

Temujin: *Looks at his injuries* What the fuck was going on back there brother? I'm worried about your life back there.

Jamukha: The French fries and the Brits are overrunning our positions brother, the Ethereal beings are way too strong, we can't help but retreat because of orders.

Temujin: Cowards, they can't fight back?

Jamukha: We can't just disobey orders Temujin, we have to follow them at all cost as warrior brother.

Temujin: Alright let me heal you up.

Jamukha: Thanks brother

Commander Below: Men, the Eagle Brigadiers arrive, Leiutenant Temujin, Lieutenant Jamukha, and all Astral beings, prepare for battle in 2 minutes now!

All of the Astral beings: Yes Sir!

Temujin: Brother, get ready, those men mean business.

Jamukha: Yes brother, I will be watching your back.

The Second phase of Somme begins, The Eagles fight the Astral beings in the Delville Woods, Temujin Transforms into Astral Progress 3rd gear along with Jamukha, The Eagles and the two Astral warriors begin their long battle as the British, French army clash with the German Army. Orders from the German high command tells the Germans to retreat, saving because they are way too outnumbered. The battle continues in the Second Phase of Somme as Temujin pins down Captain Noah McCallister through his new power, then the other members save him, retreating him out of the Delville Woods. Temujin and Jamukha kills the retreating British out of their bloodlust, and the French can't find a way out as Temujin unleashes a powerful skill, after killing them, he devours their souls as he became more energetic than ever. As the Eagles without Noah arrives to save their allies, they were too late, as Temujin is in 4th gear, Oliver starts to pummel the hammer strike on Temujin but he blocks it, unable to pin him down, Temujin raises his energy, leaving the Eagles terrified, begins choking Oliver, as David saves Oliver from death by kicking Temujin in the face but Temujin smiles in a evil way, begins grabbing David's arm, his Astral energy along with the Phantom chains dislocates his elbow, leaving David in excruciating pain, Ethan grabs both Oliver and David to retreat in the area. Temujin is furious because he did not kill them, so he orders his troops to keep on fighting, but the British manage overrun their positions because of their plans, they are able to push forward to destroy the artillery positions which the Germans suffered without it. Temujin feels humiliated with the defeat, forcing his platoon to retreat because the Ethereal beings are well too train against them, making themselves go to Guillemont for their next battle as they are ordered by the Commander of the 4th German Army.

Meanwhile in the medical tent for the British troops, the Eagles are planning to defeat Temujin with all they got, as they are healing up by Ethan, all of them knowing that he has become more powerful with a sinister energy lurking behind his Astral energy. In September 6, 1916, the Germans were getting weaker and tired of the battle, including Temujin and Jamukha, as the Ethereal beings storms in and fights the Astral Germans. Temujin was ordered to retreat again by the high command, that they can no longer defend the position anymore as the British gain the territories in Guillemont. Same goes for the battle of Ginchy, The British gain the upper hand in defeating the German defenders, Temujin cannot believe this kind loss, but wise enough not to get killed by the strong Ethereal beings there. Temujin and his platoon are halt because of their failures in handling the operation, and the rest of the 4th German army take over.

The Third Phase of Somme begins in Morval in the 28th of September, the Commander orders Temujin and his men to hold their positions but the French and the Ethereal warriors keep the Germans off balance, the French attacks 7 German divisions, with multiple air supports, keeping German planes out of the air, Temujin runs out of energy for the first time, his men save him from death from the Ethereal barrage, The Germans retreats again to give the French the victory. Now in November 18, 1916, the Germans enters their last stand against two powerful nations warriors in Ancre, while the they fight in a heavy standoff, The Eagles fight Temujin again, Temujin again begins to use his speed to get close to Oliver knowing that he is the weakest member of the Eagles, but Noah clashes with Temujin fist by fist. David and Ethan manages to weaken Temujin, Noah tells them to perform a Ultimate Team Skill, The Eagle Strike, and it severely injures Temujin way too hard, unable to move his body, Jamukha and his men save him from death again as the Commander orders his men to retreat once again because of the heavy losses the Germans suffered. After that, the British and the french continues their operation to wipe out the Germans in the place, as the Germans retreats to Bapaume, the Astral beings begin to take care of Temujin's injuries after a brutal fight with the Eagles.

The Casualties on both sides suffered way too much, the British lost 420,000 troops with many injured after the battle, 402 heavy guns destroy along with 165 planes down, the French lost more than 220,000 troops with 321 heavy guns lost and 118 planes are brought down. The Germans lost 445,000 men, 378 heavy guns lost, 263 planes shut down. Both sides have fought bravely, but the result is indecisive, The Kaiser visits Temujin in Bapaume, he is glad to see that he survives the outcome, telling him to rest for a year because his injuries are too great for him to move, after their conversation, Temujin begins to use a ritual from the Forbidden book, to make him heal faster before the year ends, his knowledge with the Forbidden book expands even further.