Chapter 27: Helghan Revolution

Temujin is deployed again after healing his injuries for a year, now doesn't have time to read further the book after the rituals, fought effortlessly in the start of the Second battle of Somme, but many days already past, more Astral beings and the German forces are getting outmatched. In September 2, 1918, Commander Erich & Lieutenant Temujin begins their conversation during action:

Commander Ludendorff: Major! Tell your men to retreat to the Hindenburg line for our last stand now!

Major: YES SIR!

Temujin: Sir, Whats going on why are we retreating?

Commander Ludendorff: We have been outrun by the two forces, we cannot continue any further.

Temujin: NO! We still have strength to fight!

Commander Ludendorff: This is an order Lieutenant! Tell your men to retreat to the Hindenburg line.

Temujin: Yes sir..

Temujin has no choice but to follow, In the 3rd of September, the Germans had been forced back to the Hindenburg Line, which they launch their offensive from in the spring, the Fierce battle begins their with 3 forces clashing, Temujin again faces the Eagle, many hours later, Temujin overpowers Ethan and David with the power of the Phantom Chains, Oliver begins punching Temujin but Temujin blocks it, then uses more of his Astral Energy to him, but Noah pushes Temujin, as he enters Ethereal Progress 4th Gear, His speed overpowers Temujin as he is once again in a brink of humiliation against the British, The French forces, and the Eagles. Many hours later the Ultimate skill of Noah almost kill Temujin, the Astral Germans once again save him from death, leading the Germans to retreat, as Temujin closes his eyes, the Astral beings bring him to the nearest medical tents, as the doctors take him back to hometown Munich where he will be admitted.

In November 11, 1918, The Doctor announces to the injured soldiers in the hospital as they listen "Ladies & Gentlemen, I have a announcement to make, The Kaiser was informed that the Military situation has gotten worse, he signs a armistices, our country surrenders and lay down their arms, the war is over." Temujin filled with rage, begins ranting "NOOOOOO!!!!!! *Removes his bondages in his injured chest* It's not over, it only just begun!" In December 3rd, 1918, Temujin now has no where to go since he has no home, then he finds a Communist rebels destroy parts of the statue of Wilhem II, then a large group of Astral beings begin to kill the Communist with their energy blast, the leader Joakim Roth shoots a incapacitated communist in the chest 3 times as Temujin witness.

Five months later, Temujin wakes up in the Munich barracks, eating small amounts of food, Major Muller calls Temujin for a Discussion:

Temujin: You have summon me Major?

Muller: Yes Lieutenant, I have a assignment for you. *Gives the folder to Temujin*

Temujin: The Helghan Militia?

Muller: Yes Lieutenant, I want you to spy on them for a while, hoping you will give us more information on what they will do next.

Temujin: Yes sir..

Temujin was assigned to spy on the Helghan Militia in a big place where people drink beer, also a place where the Helghan Militia resides, Temujin wanders the area for information, the Helghan members quickly surrounds Temujin as they question him "What are doing here Iron Spectre?" Temujin replies "I'm here to join you" as they continue to have a good conversation about the country's situation.

Joakim appears to begin his conversation with Temujin:

Joakim: So, you are a Astral being, just like me, I heard many good things about you.

Temujin: Yes, so are you, you fought very well in the battlefield.

Joakim: So Lieutenant Temujin, why are you here?

Temujin: I want vengeance for those who betrayed our country.

Joakim: You have same motive as me, alright, keep this a secret between you and me, I want to overthrow the republic and start a new empire, care to join us?

Temujin: Yes

The two begins to drink beer happily because they have the same objectives. Temujin is back in the Munich Military Headquarters where he will report to the Major about the Helghan activities that causes violence in the streets of Munich. Temujin tells them that "they are only there to drink and get drunk, nothing has happened there by the way, I'm only observing them for several hours" Major replies "Good, I want you to spy on them for more okay, we need to stop the madness there" Temujin replies "Yes Major" as the two falls asleep. In the next day, Temujin secretly helps the Helghans in eliminating the Communist during a street fight, as Joakim and Temujin fights them like brothers, The Military Headquarter in Munich does not realized that Temujin is helping them. Temujin during his free time, finds out that the Russian Empire collapse because of the Rebellion caused by the Communist, now he wants to do the same but differently, after hearing the news reads the forbidden book, helping him to be more confident in his training.

Six months later, Temujin delivers his speech to the Helghan members and the people who are mostly Astral Beings "Germany has signed a Treaty of Versailles, blaming Germany for their foolish acts against civilian population of the allies during the war, forcing our country to pay for war reparations, to accept our guilt, you see, they want to break us even in times of peace, I tell you this, the foreign invaders who come to our country, to destroy us, if we fight them back they will be the victims instead!" People cheer for him, including Joakim, both of them raises their hands as the people love them. The Journalist name Paul Kraus, one of the best Journalist writers in Germany, writes a story of Iron Spectre delivering his words to the German people that they are strong together as one united country. The people loves reading the news about the Iron Spectre, more are curious on what he will do next, the Weimar Republic is also in awe for his actions.

Three years later, Temujin keeps on training, and his body transformation gives him more confidence, as he grew at a height of 6'9 inches with the knowledge of the Forbidden book. Helghan numbers increase even further because of Temujin's actions to change the Government, In December 13th 1923, the people are waiting for Temujin to arrive for his next speech with a large number in the Helghan Beer hall, the high members of the Helghan and the other Factions disagrees with each other in the meeting hall as Temujin enters the room, destroying the wall, as the begin their conversation:

Temujin: *Uses a energy blast to stop the argument* Gentlemen, what are you all arguing about?

Joakim: We are discussing about the next activities for our revolution Herr Temujin with another Militia factions, but others disagrees with it.

Temujin: Is that right? *Goes straight to the other Militia faction* I think all of you here are traitors.

Joakim: But Temujin....

Temujin: *Screams at Joakim* OUR PRINCIPLES IS ALWAYS ABSOLUTE JOAKIM. If you want to continue this nonsense, I'm leaving *Walks out of the building*

Joakim: *Runs outside to stop Temujin* Wait, you're right, we should follow your principles instead.

Temujin: Good, name me as your successor.

Joakim: Yes Temujin *Walks in the beer hall with a lot of people to announce* Everyone, I have a important announcement to make, I am stepping down as leader of the Helghan Revolution, I can no longer lead our struggle, we have a new leader, our Kaiser, Temujin Lothric Von Rudedorff! *Crowds cheers with happiness, Joakim is terrified of what he has become* Oh my God.

Temujin leads a large faction behind him, ready to overthrow the government, plans along with Joakim to seize most parts of Munich, first Temujin called Commander Erich to support him, so he joins Temujin's revolution, as the leaders of the Republic speaks with the people with his speech but he was interrupted by Temujin's arrival, raising their hands as he says "Your leaders are with us, are you with us people?" The people in a Beer hall claps and cheers for him as the Journalist Paul is not happy with event that is happening, then the Helghans march in the streets as the German army opens fire at the Helghans, causing his supporters to flee, the Astral warriors caught Temujin as he goes on trial. The court event begins as Commander Erich pleads not guilty, as one of the Court member tells Temujin that he pleads "Guilty", shocking the people in the court, then Temujin uses his words, trying to manipulate the people around him with the Astral Phantom Chains as he says "Germany does not deserve to be in a great disaster as we now it, food now is getting more expensive, not enough to feed the starving people of Germany, if I'm guilty of anything I've done, then I'm guilty for defending the rights of the German people." Everyone claps, even the judge himself, giving Temujin only 9 months in prison, that's how Temujin get here in Landsberg.

During his time in prison, he keeps on training in his prison, the prisoners there are afraid of him, they don't wanna go near him, as he speaks, the prisoners listen as he keep on going on, after that, they cheer for his success in the future, knowing whats better for the country. Nine months later, they released him as he reunites with Joakim and the Helghans. Jamukha joins the Helghans to strengthen their power, meeting more people like Joseph Goebbels who he leads during his absence, Hermann Goering, the Marshal Ace wanting power, Oskar Fischer who will be the adviser for Temujin, right now they are ready for their next move for power.