Chapter 30: The Origins

Two months later, Grandmaster Zephyr watches the boys already sparring up each other, using their energy to equally go fist to fist using the Wing Chun style. Koba tells Azarath to keep it a secret so that his lover won't find out about it, Azarath agrees to keep it a secret. As Master Ng Mui senses that they are both friends, telling Koba that "It's good you both now are getting along" Koba says "Yeah, we are still learning how to handle fire with care". Ng Mui challenges Koba in a Wing Chun sparring session to see how far he has gone through, Ellie is keen to see if her lover can take on a powerful woman, the two warriors exchange a powerful Wing Chun strikes, deflecting attacks, Koba uses his elbow spin on Ng Mui, She deflects it with her arms and elbow, then Koba uses a spin back to kick her head, she quickly ducks her head, uses her spinning back kick as well, Koba blocks it and Ng Mui jumps, kicks Koba in the face hard, causing him to get pinned down, Koba then transforms into Celestial Progress 1st gear, same goes for Ng Mui, Zephyr knowing that his first apprentice had surpass him long time ago while they are separated. Ng Mui changes her fighting stance into a crane style, Koba uses his speed to go to her, She effortlessly dodges it, kicks his back head, then she use her skill the crane hurricane, knocking Koba down, declaring her the winner of the match.

Ng Mui helps Koba on his feet, as all who are in the area begin their conversation:

Koba: Man Master Ng Mui, you are very strong as a woman, how did you learn one of these techniques?

Ng Mui: I know them all, because I'm one of the Elders of the Five.

Koba: No way! You're one of the legendary Elders of the Great Shaolin Warriors?

Ng Mui: That's right my boy, I'm the one who founded Wing Chun. The others have different fighting style.

Koba: That's cool, where are the others, are they here too?

Zephyr: I'm afraid they are not here my apprentice.

Ng Mui: I'm the last remaining member of the Elders who survived the destruction of the Qing Dynasty.

Koba: I'm so sorry Master Ng Mui, it must be very hard. *goes to Zephyr to whisper on his ear* Hey how old is Master Ng Mui?

Zephyr: She is over 200 years old my apprentice.

Koba: NO WAY! She looks so young.

Ng Mui: Oh my, thank you Koba, you are a kind one, do you want to know the story of the Five Elders?

Noctis & Nektus: Yes Master!

Ellie: Oh I would love to hear it Master.

Koba: Yes, It would be a honor.

Ng Mui: Alright then, where should start, yes, I was born in the year 1703, when I was three I was migrated to earth.

Koba: I thought it was in the 1850's where energy beings migrated there right?

Ng Mui: No, they are wrong, I was the first energy being to land here on earth, I don't even know my parents that time, I was about to die, then a Shaolin monk saw me, gave me a clothing, took me into their temple, where I would spent my life training for martial arts.

Koba: Whoa so how did you found Wing Chun?

Ng Mui: I was trying to use a wooden dummy to hone my defensive skills, so I put one of the smaller heavy wooden sticks like arms, trying to randomly hit as many attacks as possible, then the next day, I sparred with one of the first Elder, he's name is Ji Sin, he kung fu is good, his physical prowess is immense during that time, then I used the one I practiced earlier, and it works, I managed to beat him, and he treats me with so much food, he is the kindest person I have ever met my entire life. Then the monks put me one of the Elders of the Five, but the other two name Bak Mei and Fung Duo decided to join forces with Qing Dynasty.

Koba: Why would they join them?

Ng Mui: I feel that the Qing Emperor tried to make them even rich, by his jealousy, he destroys multiple temples that supports Kung Fu, thinking that it would overpower his army to take over. But my friend Ji Sin fought a strong foe name Bak mei who is also a member of the Shaolin Elders, they both fought until Miu hin intervenes, letting me and Ji Sin escape, Miu fought him like equal but they both died by stabbing each other, then many years later Ji Sin was assassinated by Fung Duo, I want to avenge his death because of it. I keep on training until I found this new power flowing inside me, I manage to go 1st Gear during my training, then I finally duel with Fung for the last time, as we clash, he thinks that he can beat me, but as soon as I transform, he was left speechless, so I killed him, now that I'm all that's left, I wander across china, to teach the true ways of Martial Arts to those who are willing to learn on how they will defend themselves. As I noticed that my parents was killed by a Qing, I became a rebel, gathering more Shaolin monks to avenge their deaths, we keep on going, I later found out that I slowly age because of my rare abilities, but I don't want more lives to die so I abandoned it and start a new Shaolin temple where people can freely learn the true ways of Martial arts. In the Year 1912, the Qing finally collapsed, I was happy that they no longer have the strength to do, so here I am, teaching new generations.

Koba: Wow, you have a wonderful and painful adventures, I really learn something from it.

Ng Mui: That's good to hear, guys have you learn something?

Nektus: In every doors closed, there is another door for a new journey.

Ng Mui: I like the answer, this boy is also gifted.

Zephyr: Yes Master, they will soon be strong warriors.

Ng Mui: Indeed my apprentice, Koba, I feel yours will have a wonderful one.

Koba: I really hope so Master.

Everyone enjoys hearing the story of a Grandmaster who has gone so many obstacles in her life, Koba and Zephyr enjoys sparring at each other as the monks enjoy watching their fights. Then Nektus and Noctis spar at a high level as well, they are proving that to never give up striving your best to be the best. The monks are inspired to achieve their goals in life, Koba is happy seeing the others training at their fullest, Azarath also enjoys the scenery of the beautiful place, as he wants a rematch against Koba again. While Koba is training with Grandmaster Zephyr, a strong Grandmaster appear, knowing the name The Lionheart that uses Wing Chun in the Russian battlefield, as they go face to face in the next Chapter of the Journey of the Lionheart.