Chapter 31: Grandmaster Vs. Grandmaster

A Grandmaster appears in the Shaolin Temple, willing to train to his fullest, as he heard one of the strongest Russian warriors who fought in the Great War, as Ng Mui introduces Koba to him:

Ng Mui: Grandmaster Koba, I would like to introduce to you, the strongest Martial Artist in China today, Grandmaster Yip Man.

Koba: *Shakes Yip's hand* Hello sir, My name is Koba.

Li Wang: Nice to meet you, I heard you became a Grandmaster of Wing Chun.

Koba: Yes sir, I was trained under Grandmaster Zephyr many years ago during the Great War, He taught me very well.

Li Wang: Very Good, I want to spar with you Grandmaster Koba, let's see how far you have learn from Grandmaster Zephyr.

Koba: I would be honored Grandmaster Yip, lets go to the fullest.

Li Wang: I do wanna let you know, I am Celestial being, my strength may not match you, but I will try my best.

Koba: Yes Grandmaster Yip, I will looking forward in having a good time sparring with you Grandmaster.

A teenage boy is climbing up a tree to get a apple, as he saw his idol, Li Wang fighting someone, so he stays and watch. Ellie along with the boys, sits with Ng Mui & Zephyr to spectate their fight. Koba readies his stance as Li Wang does the same, they begin hitting each other, Koba goes on the offensive because of his size, to hit Li's face with his palm, Yip deflects his Palm with his elbow, hurting the hand of Koba, then Koba kicks Li 3 times, but Li also kicks back to deflect the kick, Ellie is always watching Koba so much, she can now read his mind that he is more focused in fighting Li, trying to find a way to open him up, as she reads Li's mind, Li is surprised on how Koba can use his size as his advantage. Li jumps as Koba uses his lower kick, now he is about to hit Koba's neck with his finger, Koba thought the same, both of them almost hit each others neck with it. Resulting a stalemate in their first match, as Ng Mui says "Impossible, this is the first time Grandmaster Li had a stalemate, he will always be undefeated no matter what the caused, if Koba uses his Celestial Progress Transformation in a higher gear even further, he will definitely be the first to beat Grandmaster Li Wang, but Koba is way too kind, so he wanted a fair & square fight, Koba is surely special" Ellie read Ng Mui's thoughts because her energy is been lowered while spectating the fight as Ellie on her mind "My Darling is always kind, that's why I always love him, even he accepted me when everyone makes fun of me because of my ability to read minds, I hope you can beat Grandmaster Li Wang darling, I know you can do it".

In the second match, this time they will use two blades in their hands, now they square of by hitting each, Koba is about to hit his head with the blade, Li quickly dodges the speedy attack, then Li jumps to hit Koba's chest, Koba use a cross formation to block his attack, after a 5 minute clash, the blades starts to crack, as they both rush to each other, as they point at each other's throats, another stalemate, shocking Ng Mui & Zephyr as Ng Mui says "No way! It can't be, how is Koba hanging on Grandmaster Li?" Zephyr replies to her "He must be somehow learning on how to find a opening when comes to weapons, I saw him in the other day while I was training with Nektus and Noctis, Koba is thinking of a strategy to hit his opponents on any weapons, I guess he is weak on using melee weapons, I will teach him some weapons I know" Ng Mui is happy on what her apprentice said, the teenage boy is shocked that his idol Li Wang had another stalemate.

In the third match, this time they will use their energy, Koba Transforms into 1st gear, rushes to Yip as he also transform as well, the went off the air, doing multiple Wing Chun fist at each other, the teenage boy in the tree say "WOW, THAT IS AWESOME *As the boy sees the familiar face from a far away land* Wait, that man Master Li Wang is fighting, NO WAY! HE IS FIGHTING THE LIONHEART? THE LEGENDARY WARRIOR FROM THE SOVIET UNION, COOL! I'm going to tell everyone in the village about on what I saw after this fight" As everyone look up on the sky, they both clashing so hard that they can't hit a single blow on each other, it's just that they are deflecting every moves on each other. Li Wang uses his hurricane kick to blow off Koba in the air, he lands in a perfect way but destroys some concrete, the monks jaw drops as they are both in equal ways of their style. Koba unleashes energy blast, Li Wang deflects every blast he took, as Koba finds a opening, he finally hits him at the back by kicking him off the air, Li manages to land safely, Koba then use air palm strikes, Yip sense the force of the energy Koba use, quiclky forcing himself to dodge because the force is too great for him to deflect, Zephyr ask Ng Mui a question "Why is Master Li dodging, he can at least deflect the attack right?" Ng Mui replies "No, that energy force is way too strong, it might break his bones for good, it wise for him to dodge those attacks instead, you have train him very well my apprentice" Zephyr replies "Thank you Master, I'm sure Koba will be the first warrior to beat Master Li Wang" Both of the Masters of the Shaolin Temple believe that Koba will be the one to defeat the strongest warrior in China. Li Wang goes 2nd gear as he says "This is how high I can go Koba, can you really keep up with me?" Koba replies "Oh yes I can Master Li, * Goes to Celestial Progress 4th Gear" Master Li is shocked as he says "*Looks up to Koba* Wow you really have gone further to the mountain Master Koba, I Grandmaster Li Wang declare you, Grandmaster Koba, the strongest warrior I have ever faced my entire life" Everyone is shocked at the moment Li Wang says, even the teenage boy who look up to his Idol. As both of them continue their sparring session, Li Wang uses hurricane kicks to maneuver Koba's balance, but Koba goes through the heavy wind as everyone watches Koba unleash flames in the air as he makes the hurricane into a fiery flames of wind, Yip Man can't see him, Koba punches Li in the stomach, Li Wang tried to deflect Koba's punches but he is unable to do another deflecting because Koba's strength is way too strong. Koba now uses his powerful skill the celestial air palm strike, it finally hits him to the ground, then Koba uses his thumb near Li's throat, as Ng Mui declares "The match is over, Koba is the winner!" Everyone cheers for the Lionheart, Ellie looks to her lover as she falls in love with him again for who he is, the boys are inspired to be like him, Koba helps Yip get up, as they shake their hands because they enjoy a good fight. Everyone in the temple celebrates for two men who have given their best in the battle, as Ellie kiss Koba in the lips, as Koba feels like he is in a good time, and now everyone eats in a big feast as they all have enjoy their time.

The teenage boy enjoys as he say "No, the man I looked up to has been defeated for the first time, no wonder Koba is called the Lionheart, I must tell everyone in the village, this match is awesome" The boy goes to the village, spreading news about what he had seen, the villagers seems to buy his words as it spread. The story has reached four Schools of Martial Arts with different fighting style in the city near the village, the Grandmasters of each school is surprised that Li Wang has been defeated, now the four Grandmasters wanted to test their skills against the Lionheart in the next chapter of the Journey of the Lionheart.