Chapter 32: The Lionheart's 30 Days of Training

It is a beautiful day in London on December 3, 1925, many fresh newspapers arrive in the High Command, as Captain Noah McCalister reads the article "*Reads The Strongest Fighter in China has been defeated for the first time in many years, after reading the story* Hey Oliver, look at this, The Celestial warrior defeats a strongest warrior in china, The Lionheart is getting stronger everyday" Oliver replies "You are strong too Boss, you destroyed the Iron Spectre" Noah replies "I need to prioritize my own training schedule first, my fiancée might get mad at me if I get home late again, so can we do it right now" Oliver replies "Sure Boss, yo David, Ethan lets round up on our Boss" The three Eagles square off in a handicap match, many hours later it's almost night time as Noah defeats the 3 with his experienced combat ability.

The Eagles begin their conversation after a long training:

David: Boss, you are way too strong to go against us, you are the strongest fighter of the glorious Great Britain.

Noah: Thanks David, but my power level is still at 735,000, that is no way near the Lionheart's power level, even at his normal state.

Ethan: Boss, they are just numbers, they only meant to give you fear, but no, you can destroy the odds if you follow the strategies in beating him.

Oliver: Ethan is right boss, but together, we can take him on any day.

Noah: I appreciate your compliments guys, I love they way you advise me everyday, but the problem is the Ravens are way too strong for us, I can feel they are training on their own even they already have a government position.

David: Those commies won't bite us Boss.

Noah: If I were you David, I would not underestimate their potential, bear in mind that they are also Energy Beings, they have different fighting style on how they execute, especially Marshal Zhukov, he is smart on how he deals with his enemies on the battlefield.

Ethan: You are right about Marshal Zhukov, he is one of the Ravens that took down the Russian Empire with his great tactics.

Oliver: Also Nikita, Oleg, Dmitri, and the Superhuman Belldrick that keeps boasting on how he rivals with the Lionheart.

David: Alright Boss, we will have our next training with we have time.

The Others: Sure, Let's do it again sometime. *Everyone leaves*

Noah in his mind: If I don't come home on time, my fiancée is going to nag at me again, anyway I love her so much though, she is so beautiful when she's mad hahahaha.

Now that the Eagles finished their training, Meanwhile in Munich, Germany, Temujin reads his newspaper that the Journalist Paul Muller wrote in order to destroy his image, he throws the newspaper to the bin, he sees another, this time it's different it is the same article that Captain Noah read, as Temujin senses Koba's energy, he feels it, as he is shocked to know that he is getting stronger during his training everyday, even the power level he senses, as Joakim gets in the office, they begin their conversation:

Joakim: *Looks at Temujin terrified because his energy is rising to much* My Supreme Leader, may I know why you're upset?

Temujin: The Lionheart, DEFEATS THE STRONGEST CHINESE WARRIOR! His power level increases at the 4th gear.

Joakim: So what's his power level?

Temujin: It's over a hundred million dickhead.

Joakim: WHAT?! IMPOSSIBLE, No way he surpassed your power level of 95,000,000 at your Astral Progress 4th gear.

Temujin: That is correct Joakim. *In his mind* (I read every text in the Forbidden Book, how is that FAGGOT keep getting stronger!) *Jamukha enters the office*

Jamukha: You seem very tired Temujin?

Temujin: Yes brother, I can't stand that faggot, he is always a step ahead of me!

Jamukha: Do not worry, we will find ways to deal with the Weimar Republic first, it is our top priority you know, how are we gonna get rid of President Hindenburg?

Temujin: *Calms down* We will find ways to have as much as the seats we have on the senate, also a opportunity to seize the power of the Chancellorship.

Joakim: How are going to do that?

Temujin: I will manipulate the people through propaganda and my speeches, after that I will tell you the plan once I finish my speech for the future.

The Helghan Faction is still planning to go their way for power during their Christmas month, meanwhile in Southern China In Jan, the four master name Hung, teaching Dragon Martial Arts, Zhao, teaching Snake Martial Arts, Bohai, teaching Leopard Martial Arts, Guang, teaching Crane Martial Arts, they meet up to plan their schedule to visit the Shaolin Temple as they prepare themselves to fight the Lionheart to test his worth, one of them now will train their skills in one month. Master Li Wang tells Zephyr "I will be borrowing your apprentice for while" Zephyr accepts to make him train with Li Wang, as Koba stops at the moment and ask him "Master Li, you are going to train me?" Li Wang says "Yes, first we will rest because its going to be very harsh training for a month" Koba says "Yes Master, I will do my best".

In February 1, 1926, Koba sees a big stretchy rope, and Li Wang tells him "After we fought from the last time, I notice you lack flexibility, so this will be a good test for you Lionheart, it will be extremely painful for you" Koba says "I'm ready Master". The training begins with Koba following one of Master Li's fighting move, he easily follows as Koba cannot attempt a higher kick, so Master Li puts his right leg, stretching it higher as Koba felt so much pain, next is the left as the boys see it and Zephyr will do the same, many hours later Koba uses many fighting attacks on the wooden dummy as Master Li presented, the wooden dummy breaks in pieces, the monks get him another one because Koba broke at least 13 of them.

In the 4th day, Koba is seen lifting a 10 tons of iron on his shoulders, the whos riding on it is Master Li as he say "Master Koba, I want you to jug to the highest peak of the mountain" Koba says "What?! Wow that's way too much for me, I accept your challenge" as both of them are reach the peak after 3 hours. Koba tells him "Hey Master, I can go back anytime" Master Li is shocked on what he hears from him, they decided to go back to the Temple, they reach the temple and Koba is already hungry for food, as he is about to eat some dimsum, Li gets it before Koba does, Koba say "Hey wanna fight for the last piece?" Li says "Sure" they both fight in the dinning area for 2 minutes, then Ng Mui gets another set of dimsums and stops them from fighting. In February 14, Ellie tells Li to borrow Koba because it is Valentines day, as Li and Koba takes a break after 2 hours of intense training, they went to a beautiful lake, as Ellie says "Koba, how far you wanted to be strong? To beat many strong foes as you want?" Koba replies "Not only that my love, I trained hard to protect you and the people I love, to be able to guide them to the future" as they begin to talk more, they kissed as they both are in love with each other.

In day 15, Li stretches one of Koba's body parts, as he is able to move better than before, then more heavy lifting workout almost at 2000 pounds, the monks jaw drop as they see Koba doing one of the workout routines. In day 17, Master Li tells Koba to do a split, Koba tries and hurts himself, giving him the excruciating pain, after healing his pain, he lifts himself like a pushup upside down, doing at 450 counts as the monks again jaw drops, Ellie is like "My goodness, my darling is so addicted to this kind of activity, at least its a exercise but not like this?!! It's way too much for me" after that, Koba watches the two boys fighting, and ended up in a stalemate, Koba is proud of the two. In day 22, Koba learns how to use a different types of melee weapons, the long staff, blades, and he breaks one of the trees using a nunchucks, it became his favorite weapon to use. In day 25, Koba meditates peacefully, as one of the flames appear in his shoulders, then the palms next, he dances with it as he performs a wing chun moves with fire, he begins to master the manipulation of fire by his ability to control with the assistance of Azarath.

In day 28, many hours of training with a wooden dummy, Koba begins to use a high kick perfectly to hit the head area of the wooden dummy, plus he use a spinning elbow attack to destroy the dummy for the 150th time, Inside Master Li's "You have come a long way Grandmaster Koba, you are one gentle giant of man, who has surpass me in many ways, I cannot believe that you are already the strongest warrior the earth has ever seen, I wish you a good journey ahead of you, Koba the Lionheart" After training for a month, they both begin their conversation:

Li: My son is born 2 hours ago.

Koba: Congratulations Master Li, what's his name?

Li: Wei Lung, a healthy baby boy who will soon live up to the legacy of Martial arts.

Koba: That's a cool name for a warrior, I hope we can spread Martial arts to the world.

Li: Yes, so that people may defend themselves from dangers.

Koba: Yes, you are right about that, I wish Energy beings like us can live in peace too, it's just we used for weapons.

Li: I agree with you in that one, hey wanna drink?

Koba: Yeah, I would like some.

Koba & Li talks for more in the next many hours of their bonding time, Meanwhile in Berlin, Temujin begins his conversations with one of the highest members of the Helghan Faction:

Goebbels: Is there something bothering you My Lord?

Temujin: Yes, It's just Koba keeps on increasing his energy even further, his normal state is way too much than me!

Goering: What's his power level now my Lord?

Temujin: It's over 1,200,000!!!!!!

Jamukha: You're kidding me?! That Celestial being can stack shit that high?!

Joakim: Yes Lord Jamukha, because he is training of course, you my Lord must also train your body and soul in order to rival the Lionheart yourself.

Temujin: I see, Men, give me your all now in the training room.

Joakim the others: Yes my Lord!

Temujin: Good, Albert Speer, get ready to recruit more young Astral beings and the young generations of Germans to our side.

Speer: Yes my Lord, It will be done.

Temujin and the others now begins their training, Meanwhile in London, Captain Noah is happily a married man as he sense Koba's energy "Man, Lionheart's energy is getting higher in his normal state, and the Iron Spectre?!! His normal state has even it on Koba now?! I have to train to keep myself up". In Southern China, Koba senses the Iron Spectre's energy has even up to him, now begins to train in meditation, the four Grandmasters now begins to walk to the Shaolin Temple to prove their worth in the next chapter.