Chapter 33: The Four Grandmasters Of The Martial Arts Challenges The Lionheart

In Berlin in 1926, Temujin is able to defeat most of the high members of the Helghan Faction, as they begin their conversation:

Temujin: What's wrong Goebbels, can't keep up?

Goebbels: No my Lord, you are way too powerful for me.

Temujin: Good, wait a minute, I'm sensing something good.

Jamukha: What is it brother?

Temujin: The four Grandmaster of the Martial arts, all of them are FUCKING ETHEREAL BEINGS!!!!!

Joakim: Oh those beings, you really hate them so much my Lord.

Temujin: Yes, I will forget that motherfucking leader of the Eagles, NOAH FUCKING MCCALISTER, I WANT TO RIP HIS HEAD OFF CLEAN!!!

Jamukha: Calm down brother, you power now has increased, you are able to destroy them soon in the future, we have to find our opportunity to have our revenge!

Temujin: You're right brother, we will kill them in cold blood.

*Albert Speer came with a good result*

Albert: My Lord, we have recruited many young German boys and the Astral beings who are willing to be in our side.

Temujin: Good work Architect Albert, you have done good so far, with much support, we will have much numbers of seats in the senate, hehe HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. *in a evil way* Now, I will assign all of you to your stations, Goebbels, you are assign for the chief propagandist, you must manipulate the German people to like our performance in making it great again.

Goebbels: Thank you my Lord, I will work hard for you my excellency.

Temujin: Good, as for all of you, When I take power in the government, I will soon give a good position there.

All of the High Members: Thank you my Lord

Temujin: Jamukha my brother, you are my right hand man from now on.

Jamukha: Yes my brother, we will fight to the end.

Temujin: Hermann did you send the Sensory Spy to Southern China to ob

In Southern China, The Four Grandmasters enter the Temple, as they are looking to challenge the Celestial warrior, Koba is still eating his beautiful breakfast, having a good flashback memory as Koba already propose to his girlfriend Ellie to marry him and live happily ever after. The Four enters the dinning hall where the monks are eating, Master Hung says to the people in the area "Which one of you is the Lionheart?" Koba peacefully stands up "I am" Master Guang tells the monks to watch their fight, all of the monks prepare the arena filled with huge stones, as he will be the first warrior to fight the Lionheart, a Astral Sensory spy who is a member of the Helghan Faction uses his technique to not let anyone in the area sense his energy, as he contact Temujin "Lord Temujin, they will begin now" Temujin watches the Astral Hologram as he says "Good work, now, we will witness this faggot's stupid skills now" All of the high members of the Helghan Faction now will spectate, the monks are excited to see this matches as Master Guang, Master of the Crane Martial Arts, ready his stances as Koba too, they clash as they both transform, Guang starts with a Jumping Ethereal spinning kick, Koba ducks effortlessly, Guang uses multiple kicks, but Koba is deflecting every part of his kick with his own flexible kicks, now they both use with their fist, Guang uses the heavy mach punch to hit one of Koba's bone, but it didn't even hurt him, shocked that it did not injure him, Koba deflects his 4 hit punches with his defensive wing chun style, Guan again use a Jumping Ethereal spinning kick, then connects it with a high kick to hit Koba's chin, deflects it as Guang uses a side spinning kick, but Koba grabs the foot and punches Guang in the face hard that his tooth got off the ground as Temujin in the Hologram is shocked on what he sees from his rival "What is that fighting style?! He is getting more flexible with his stupid gay moves? I can't believe this faggot had gone so far to best my style." Now Guang uses a jumping kick but it is bait to make Koba defend the higher area of the defense, now Guang goes in low ground as fast as possible to use his spinning low kick, but Koba's reflexes alert him and jumps to avoid getting hit by the spinning low kick and Koba hits him again in the face as he goes down hard again. Guang has had enough of his techniques, now rushes to him as he use the high kick to hit his face, Koba grabs the left foot, now hits his right foot to slide him down, then Koba use a finishing move as he say "Celestial Air Palm Strike!" Knocking out Master Guang as the monks help him up to recover.

Ng Mui is happy that Master Li Wang help Koba with his flexibility, with the smile on her face as she says to the 3 remaining masters "One Master is down, only three remains, who is next?" Master Zhao stands up, walks to the battlefield arena as Guang uses his telepathy to warn him "Zhao, be careful, his flexibilities have help him hit me everywhere, you also got flexibility, good luck with him now" Zhao replies with his telepathy "Thank you Master Guang, My flexibility will overpower him". Zhao transforms into Ethereal Progress 2nd Gear, Koba does the same as the Ethereal Masters are shock that his power level increased, as Temujin ask Goering of his powel level as he says to him "My Lord, his power level increased to 1,850,000" Temujin replies "YOU SERIOUS YOU FUCKING CHUBBY BASTARD?" Goering replied "Yes My Lord" Temujin is getting more jealous on how Koba, his rival is so much many steps ahead of him, Zhao uses the Snake palm as Koba deflects with his left palm, hitting his face with incredible speed, Zhao keeps using too much of his flexible arms to hit him but Koba's strength overpowers him with the Celestial Air palm strike, pushing him way to hard as he almost fell to the ground. Zhao uses the snake wrapping skill but Koba is too strong to be pin down, then Koba removes him, pins to the ground with full force, begins to punch his face many time, Zhao finally gives up, handing him the victory.

Ng Mui with a happy face tells the Masters "Two Masters eliminated, two to go, who is next" Master Bohai transform to 2nd Gear Ethereal Progress, rushes to Koba, punching his face, now Koba is now ready, as he goes 3rd gear, his energy increased even further, the boys are hype telling him "You can beat the Master's butt" Koba got motivated and starts to effortlessly punch Bohai, as Bohai tried best to keep his defensive position good, but Koba hits his leg, injuring him as Koba punches his body multiple times, then he throws him off the battlefield for playing dirty, Bohai's face is filled with regret for doing this kind of action. The Ravens arrive in the Temple to watch the fight, Now Master Hung transforms to Ethereal Progress 4th Gear as his power level is 40,000,000 but Koba doesn't seem to be afraid of it, walking to the arena calmly, after that, Koba and Hung clashes, hitting each other with multiple heavy fist, as the monks and the Master watches in awe, as they are doing everything they got, after that they standoff with Hung's Dragon Stance, while is the Lion Wing Chun Stance, Azarath assists him by giving fire energy, as his Celestial energy turns into fire, as Hung tries to dodge every part of his heavy hits, Belldrick now wants to test his rival Koba in a sparring match in the future, Nikita and Oleg believes that their Boss will always be the strongest in the team. Hung and Koba clash again with multiple fists, punching but not hitting the other body parts, they get stuck as Koba tries to push Hung, but he pushes Koba and uses the Dragon Kick to pin down Koba, now he has no choice to go 4th gear, as Temujin senses "No, It can't be?! his power level increased to 110,000,000?! How is he able to generate that much power?" Ellie with a happy face looking at her lover "You go beat him my love" Master Hung gets scared of his massive power level, desperately dragon kicks Koba in the face but he did not even flinch him a bit, Koba hits his chest with multiple Wing Chun fist strikes, Hung cannot move anymore as Koba knocks him down with a heavy palm strike to his jaw.

Ng Mui declares Koba the victory after fighting the four strong Grandmasters, The Ravens lift him up with "UUUURRRAAA, Our Boss is the strongest among all" Belldrick with a happy smile, tells him "I have to admit, you are stronger than me, but you are still my rival Lionheart, don't forget we still have a score to settle comrade" Koba tells him "Of course comrade, I want to spar with you again when you are ready. The Four Master bow to him, as Hung says "I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble here, I hope you forgive us" Koba replies "I forgive you all, please do not bully the weak okay?" All of them will not do it again as they will pass on their discipline to their students, everyone now goes to him with joy.

Temujin begins his conversation now after telling the spy to disable his energy hologram:

Jamukha: Brother, he defeated all of them.

Temujin: How the fuck does that faggot generate that much energy in his body, I have to learn it too.

Speer: The Forbidden Book my Lord, why not explore by reading it more, it is a big book after all, it has many pages left unread.

Temujin: You're right future Architect of destruction, you have gave me motivation to train more on how I will handle the ways of the Astral Energy.

Speer: I'm happy to hear that My Lord.

Now the Helghans have found their way to get into the seats in the German senate, Temujin can only do is to find a opportunity to take action. Five days later, Koba along with Ellie, the boys and the Ravens wave goodbye to each other as they part ways, arriving to Moscow 10 days later, as Leon Trotsky gives Koba a government position now as General Secretary, he is able to give everyone a job throughout the country like a democratic way, as he wanted more of the people to have freedom to do their own way, many wants to be appointed to work in industries to make the Soviet Union the land of the Steel, The Ravens like on how Koba is doing his job well in handling so many situations, visiting many places like farms, factories and cities to monitor their progress. It is working way too well, Leon Trotsky is happy on how Koba loves the motherland than he does so much. A year later, Koba is officially a married man, Ellie dances with him effortlessly, the boys love eating cakes, Gregory Zhukov is chosen as his best man, telling about his bestfriend about the Great War, Civil War, Surviving the Stalin's Great Purge, and many more moments he had, Koba cries in tears knowing he had so many good moment together along with Ravens. Many days later, The Raven's job in the government is also doing a job in handling everything, Zhukov commands the Red Army along with Oleg, Belldrick, and Dmitri. Nikita's Job is to assist Koba in doing so many things. The Soviet Union is slowly rebuilding themselves through hardwork and dedication, many competent politicians throughout the country follows every rules that the Kremlin tells them what to do, The country can now have their peace times better. In the next chapter, Temujin and the Helghan Legions are planning on doing something dirty with patience.