Chapter 34: The Rise Of The Empire

In 1929, Unemployment skyrockets in Germany, many people and the Astral Germans are left with no jobs, Temujin and Jamukha plans to find their opportunity to recruit many more young Germans and Astral beings through secret funding by Astral beings who heist banks without evidence, the countries they heist is in Spain, Italy, Switzerland, & Sweden. Hermann Goering gets the funds from them, recruiting more young boys, Temujin tells his Legions to bypass the rules of Treaty of Versailles, that they allow Germany's military to only have 100,000 troops, but Temujin in secret creates a bigger army of his own up to 250,000 men up his arsenal, and he is angry after he hears that Germany has to $33 billion dollars in war reparations, which he thinks that leads the German people to unemployment, also he hears that one of the British officials say "We shall squeeze the German lemon like a pips squeak" according to the Astral spy in London.

Temujin gives the speech to the people in Munich, as it is broadcast via radio in October 11, 1929 that "All people of Germany, this government has been inefficient through democratic actions, it's incompetence has lead our country into chaos, democracy and the influence of the communist minorities must be abolished at all cost in order to make our country a stronger Germany" After the long words of speeches, the people cheers of that man, the journalist Peter Muller has had enough of his twisted words, trying to manipulate people into liking his true agenda. In June 1930, Temujin challenges Paul Von Hindenburg, his Old friend and ally, in a election on who will rule Germany, but after the election, Temujin lost to Hindenburg fair & square, The Helghans will form a better strategy in getting to the senate. 2 years later, the seats keep on growing after the unexpected events happening during the riot of the communist Astral, Ethereal beings and their opposing enemy the Helghan Legions, Hindenburg held a big meeting with the highest officials in the German government, he wants Chancellor Peter Von Papen to suggest something as he speaks "I know a position where we can control him, to the Vice Chancellorship". In July 1932, Temujin and President Hindenburg meet once again in his presidential office in Berlin as they begin their conversation with the company of Rudolf Hess, Joseph Goebbels, & Hermann Goering:

Hindenburg: Hello Lieutenant Rudendorf, we meet again old friend.

Temujin: It's been a long time General, I'm honored to be at your presence.

Hindenburg: Very good, The reason why i brought you here is to give you a position of Vice Chancellorship.

Temujin: I'm afraid I have to declined this offer, I don't want to be in THIRD PLACE!

Hindenburg: What position do you even want Lieutenant?

Temujin: I want the Chancellorship Sir.

Chancellor Peter: That's my Job!

Hindenburg: How dare you ask for the position *Stands up to Temujin* HOW DARE YOU DEMAND THIS POSITION LIEUTENANT!

Temujin: *Activates Astral Progress* Sir, I would like you to sit down with a calm way now.

Hindenburg: *Begins to fear his anger after he transform* Yes I will. *After a pressuring meetup, Temujin and his high members left the office* Peter, He is getting more terrifying than the last time we met during the Great War, That bohemian Lieutenant has become a monster.

Chancellor Peter: Do not worry President Hindenburg, I can control Temujin and his Goons through senate hearing, this will end the violence once and for all.

Hindenburg: I hope so Peter.

Three months later, Temujin's violence have become intense, destroying so many communist supporters along with the Helghans, it has become more brutal as the government holds another senate hearing, after hearing the meeting, Goering says to his men "Gentlemen we are leaving" The Helghans walkout of the hearing as the Chancellor tells them "Helghan Party members please remain at your seats please" It did nothing to control the party group, then another hearing occurs after Temujin secretly kills many of his victims who are communist, feeding himself with souls to keep himself look younger, more souls to eat, the energy will be more stronger than before, still the Helghans leave their seats. Hindenburg has had enough with these big problems, he appointed Hoffman to be Chancellor, leaving Peter sad for the rest of his life.

Peter walks to the dark alley at night, when he passes by, a large group of Astral beings who supports the communist is about to attack, suddenly someone destroys a energy blast, it was Joseph Goebbels who stop the attack, Temujin jumps to destroy one of the communist by punching their stomach, they begin to feel pain as Temujin laughs at them for it, the other communist tries to cut Peter down with a sharp blade, Temujin breaks the blade by his bare hands, begins to choke him to death, Joakim enters the scene as he begins to burn everyone, Temujin orders Joakim to not hurt the last remaining communist member. After killing the communist, Peter is thankful to Temujin, on how will he ever repay him, Temujin tells him, "Do not worry Sir Peter, I will make you Vice Chancellor once I get the position of Chancellorship" Peter agrees with the plan. Many days later, Temujin's Party is destroying the communist by killing them, the citizen didn't care at all because they think they are the true traitors of Germany, the senate hearing is held again, this time the Helghans have the largest seats in the government consisting of 250 seats. The Helghans leave the hearing again as Chancellor Hoffman tries to plead them to stay but it won't convince them. Hindenburg gives up, Hoffman pleads to the President to give him another chance, this time he tells Hoffman "Your time as a Chancellor is finished, bring me Lieutenant Rudendorf" Peter is happy and he will bring Temujin to the office.

Hindenburg tells Temujin to raise his hand to perform a oath, every oath is recited by Hindenburg, Temujin agrees with everything by saying "I do", Hindenburg sees a large group of Helghans singing a song about victory, marching in the streets until they reach the Reichstag, they chanted "FUR DEN SIEG!, meaning For Victory!" many times as Temujin raises his hand to his supporters, officially making Temujin the Chancellor of Germany. In the next day, Journalist Paul Muller writes "The Helghan leader tries to manipulate his followers, leading them to chaos" give it to someone who works at the printing press, the owner there did not notice that his old friend peter is the one who wrote but one of his employees put it on a table where it is publish. As the newspapers release, the owner reads it as he says "Oh my goodness" The owner calls Paul as he says to him "Paul I know you wrote this fairy tale of yours" Paul replies "I'm speaking the truth here Sir, the Iron Spectre is brainwashing all of you people! This newspaper is what our President wants to read" The Owner threatens him "I cannot print more of this nonsense anyfurther, You have little time left in this world Paul *Hangs the phone*" Paul still lives fear because on how Temujin is going even further every time he moves.

In February 26, 1933, Temujin tells the communist "I want you to burn the Reichstag building, and tell the police that you did it" The communist did not like the idea "No, I will never do it you fucking monster!" *Temujin transforms into Astral Progress* "Say that again?" Communist guy in fear "No Sir I will do it for you" The communist man sets every parts of the Reichstag on fire, in the next morning Temujin arrives at the fire, as he interviews with the journalist "The Reichstag is under attack by the communist, we are not aware of their attacks, but we can fire at them back" Goering tells Jamukha "Your brother is happy about this Lord Jamukha" Jamukha with a happy smile "Indeed Marshal Ace Goering" both of them are smiling like a evil men, knowing that the plan is already in the work. Temujin writes the Enabling Act, he goes to President Hindenburg to convince him to sign the paper, to put Temujin in charge for the police and the army, telling him that these communist and the Ethereal beings who support it, making him think that "the democracy is being threaten by an unknown enemy, certain civil rights must be suspended" but Hindenburg tells him "You must have a emergency meeting, make sure the high officials of the government in Berlin understand this before I sign the contract" Temujin tells him "Yes my Excellency". Temujin tells Joakim to find the person who is destroying his image by spreading news about Temujin, wanting him dead and his crew also, Joakim accepts this mission, will consist of 150 men to raid the Newspaper center in Munich.

The Emergency meeting is held in a big opera in Berlin, Temujin arrives in the stage along with Hermann Goering, Jamukha, & Vice Chancellor Peter. Meanwhile in Moscow, Russia, Koba hears about the Reichstag being burnt by one of the communist, Ellie tells him "Darling what are we listening?" Koba replies to her "Darling we have to listen to this, I am using one of my Celestial sensory skill, looks like the radio won't reach here after all, this is from Berlin, they are having a Emergency meeting regarding a terrorist attack" Ellie is shocked about this situation and says "Oh my, alright dear, I will increase the signal though my Psychic ability" Ellie now is carrying a baby boy name Kobe Von Wardell, Born in June 22, 1930, is a happy baby healthy and likes to eat, she puts him to sleep as both the lovers hear the meeting in Berlin. Going back to Berlin, Temujin begins his speech to the high officials "Good morning people of Germany, I have a something to say, the government must support the our procedures against terrorism, The Reichstag must support the Enabling Act, this act will be your opportunity to hand power for those who can control it effectively, from now on, all legislations will be handle by the Helghan Administration, which will have sole rights, to make a constitutional changes, freedoms of speech, association, the press, are temporarily suspended,*All high officials are panicking about the changes, many disagree with the terms* most communication rights via telephone, energy sensory communication, radios, are revoked, *People begins to stand up and disagreeing with the terms* The government assumes the right to intervene in any situations, *Vice Chancellor Peter face is starting to disagree with the terms* I'm doing this to restore absolute order *People are still disagreeing with terms continues* The rights to drop laws passes from the Reich President, to the Chancellor, I OFFER THE REICHSTAG, THE PEACE FOR GERMANY!" Vice Chancellor is angry, begins to stand up and tell him "Never, if you respect our constitutional rights" Goering intervenes with Peter "Vice Chancellor please remain at your seat!" Temujin continues his speeches "I will take any refusal, as a state of opposition!" One of the high officials says "This is unacceptable, he is not respecting our freedom at all" "Yeah, I feel that he wants to over" Temujin continues his speech "Gentlemen you must decide, will it be PEACE OR WAR!" Koba and Ellie are horrified on what they have heard during the Emergency meeting, Koba and Ellie continues to listen, Goering stands up and sings the national anthem of Germany, to calm the people and the Helghans down, and everyone else begins to rise for the anthem, giving everyone fears, they all agree to use the Enabling Act to maintain order, many hours later, Hindenburg signs the Enabling Act, now the Helghans are in full control as a police and can do military actions on terrorism.

Many hours earlier, In a journalist company, Paul tells his crew "When evil triumphs, the absolute worst for a good man, is to do nothing at all, that's the scariest part of times people" The crew clap at his speech, begins to get back to work to spread news on how bad Temujin has cause in the government, one of the sources name George Dawson, a Astral being, knows the fundings of the Helghan Legions, tells Muller and the crew "I'm George, assistant of Joakim Roth, the former leader of the Helghan Militia, he will identify me as the source, listen carefully, My job is being a secretary of funding, heisting money to fund the administration, many are recruiting young men to believe that their they will have the best job in the world, being a soldier, once the Reichstag agrees of what Temujin calls the Enabling Act, he will turn this country into a Police state in his absolute rule." Paul is terrified on what he hears "Whatever he does is getting stronger and stronger" as George has another information "I have another one, I was hired for financing too" One of the crew ask him a question "Financing? For what exactly?" George replies "For the Helghan Legions, we agree to a man in London to sign for a exclusive oil imports to Germany" Paul says "My goodness, they are rearming themselves under Temujin, alright I must deliver this news to Hindenburg now, we have to hurry" They part ways, as Paul is writing a article about the information they had on George, Many hours later after the Emergency meeting in Berlin, Roth raids the news company, breaks in, asking Muller "Sir Muller, you are writing bad things about our Emperor, who is your source?" Muller replies calmly "No one" Joakim begins to beat him up, while the Helghans destroy many things inside the center, now arresting everyone in the building. George is running for his life because one of the Helghans have sensed his energy while he is giving information to the Journalist, they caught him and killed him in cold blood.

In June 1934, Joseph Goebbels tell Temujin a horrible news "The people you arrested many years ago, what are we going to do to them my Lord? Temujin replies "Put them in camps" Goebbels is panicking as he replies "My Lord, President Hindenburg is dying, who is going to control the army and the police? The clock is ticking" Temujin says "Me of course, I will take over his fucking place!" Goebbels is happy to hear it from him. Paul Muller is malnourished for how many days without eating a single meal, is going to a unknown place, it is called the Dacau concentration camp, focused on killing one of Temujin's enemies, many Helghans takes over any Political party places, breaking everything there, beating political opponents to death in every way, killing politicians in a purge style by energy blast, many are forced to do Labor activities in the concentration camps around Germany, those who betray him are shot by a firing squad, now Muller is beaten to death by two police officers with a Police Baton they carry.

In August 2, 1934, President Paul Von Hindenburg dies in his sleep because of lung cancer, many attend to his funeral, Temujin condolences his family, the police and the army now swear allegiance to the Chancellor now. In August 13, 1934, Temujin delivers his speech to the public in the Reichstag "Our President is no longer with us, now we Germans are stronger through me, all college courses are terminated. From now on, the Weimar Republic will be reorganize into the THIRD REICH! THE HELGHAN EMPIRE! With this, is to restore order to our country" People cheers and claps as they hail Temujin as their new Emperor of the Helghan Empire. Koba is shocked about the changes in Germany, including the Eagles in Great Britain. In the next chapter, Germany will give more jobs to people who are unemployed.