Chapter 35: The Helghan Regime Rearming Germany In Secret

Germany after the Great War was put to the halt in rearming its country because of their might is way too strong, so the allies created a policy to tame the country, but no for long, Temujin and the Helghan Legions keep this a secret, the strong Astral beings who found out about the secret were destroyed, leaving evidence undetected at all. Temujin also owns three industrial factories that makes weapons, tanks, artillery, and armored vehicles in secret. The navy is already secured due to Temujin's rule, he will make more ships for the Navy.

In March 16, 1935, Temujin announces with his speech to the meeting but in secret, before the speech he orders his 15 Astral Sensory Units to block many waves of energy and lines to not reveal the announcement. Now he begins "I, Temujin Lothric Von Rudendorf, will denounce the Treaty of Versailles, it makes our Empire weak! We will rearm our Empire once again, for land forces, I will name the land forces, the Helghan Legions, one of the true armed forces to control the lands will be in command by Field Marshal Bloomberg Jr. & Field Marshal Joakim Roth. Next is the air force name the Luftwaffe, will be in command by Marshal Ace Hermann Goering himself, many types of planes will be in the works, more airports will be build through our biggest budget we gathered for 10 years, our Astral warriors did a great job funding our army. For the navy will be the Kriegsmarine, we will have our ships ready to sail in the next few months will be in command by Admiral Otto Donitz. As for the Tanks, we will have many more models, along with more armored vehicles carrying more soldiers in combat will be in command by Field Marshal Erich Von Manstein. As my personal favorite warriors I have gathered, it is called the Astral Super Squadron, consist of 150,000 men lead by Field Marshal Oskar Fischer, ready to protect my life at all cost. I will reveal the numbers of our men to you all, we reached 700,000 active soldiers with 1,000,000 in reserve for the land, 250,000 pilots ready for action in the air, as for the navy is 150,000 sailors willing to dominate the seas, many more will be institute conscription to most of the men & women who are ready to serve the empire in the next few months, more industries for weapons will be built, we always rely on coal and iron ore to make everything more durable. I don't give a fuck about Britain, France, Italy, & the Fucking United States who will penalize us because of this, but no, if one of you tells them, you will be a dead person walking on earth!" Many high officials clap at his statements.

Thanks to Temujin, many people have jobs once again because majority of them are working heavy industry where they make weapons, Temujin inspects the place in Hamburg in April 5th, 1935, telling everyone "Good work people, Your salaries will rewarded if you continue to work like this any further" The people are happy that they get praised by their Emperor himself. More artillery shells are being produced in a bigger and effective matter, many are tested in a shooting hall where they test it, it is a success. Temujin leaves Hamburg for his hometown Munich, where he will take his vacation numerous times, then heads to the big industry where light tanks are created, many more are medium tanks good for combating bunkers, Temujin use the Panzer Mark III, he enjoys driving it along with Jamukha and Goebbels. Temujin tells Goebbels to mount up the shell to the cannon as Jamukha fires at the poor innocent people, blasting them off one by one because they oppose the Emperor during their arrest, they will be a testing dummy for weapons. Temujin laughs in a evil way after Jamukha fires more shells rapidly, he did like it at all because his brother's attitude has changed, Goebbels becomes more terrified with Temujin even further because of his powers becoming sinister strong. He checks the harbor many days later as the ships began to build for war, especially for industrial place where airplanes are made to fight.

In September 1936, many young teenagers are recruited for military training in many parts of the country, Astral beings became a part of the army as well, Temujin is spectating his future troops on how they will handle harsh conditions during the battle, many get scared, Temujin scolded at the officers for not making the young the strong, they tried their best but Temujin punishes them for not disciplining their students. After that event, the freshly new recruits are warned about the punishments, they were scolded many times to test their will to protect the country. Temujin constructs the obstacle that are extremely harsher than the previous obstacle, the young boys are getting used to it for how many day, then sparring matches where they have a hand to hand combat. Many are training in using guns, artillery in the field, as many Germans hit many dummy targets, in a successful way. Many new soldiers graduate after one month in the boot camp, the army recruits more to gain the strength that the empire needs.

As the land army is progressing, In October 1936, Emperor Temujin inspects the air force in Munich, watching the doctors test the freshly new pilots with Astral beings, many past the test, some are not because one of their eyesight is not applicable for the matter of time. Eyesight is truly important when flying the fighter plane in the air, Marshal Ace Hermann Goering test the Stuka bomb diver, as his flying skills entertain the Emperor, the bomb hits the shelter filled with prisoners who opposes Temujin and the Empire. More innocent lives from the concentration camps are lost because of the testing of their weapons, Temujin looks at most of the plane models, he wishes to use it during his vacation. Temujin tells one of the commanding Marshal Aces "I want these plane to be operational by the end of the year, I want to use it for the parade, understand?" All Marshal Aces "Yes My Lord!" Nearly 2,000 planes are ready to be operational by the end of the month, satisfying Temujin and his Helghan goons.

Temujin visits the port of Hamburg, as 16 Battleships, 12 destroyers are fully operational in secret, 20,000 sailors in each ships are required to past the test, which all of them did. The sailors are happy to see their Emperor waving at all of them, as more drills are training the sailor to do their duty. In a big headquarters in Berlin, known as the Astral Super Squadron Headquarters, only a power level of 300,000 above is allowed to enter the strong faction, many Astral beings are excited to see their Emperor, many of them are manipulated by propaganda created by Joseph Goebbels, to fuel their tendencies to fight, Temujin spectates many matches, Temujin wants to fight five warriors at once, Temujin destroys the five in a brutal way, telling them "Weakling, you called yourself a Astral Warrior? Do not disappoint me next time!" The five Astral warriors will not repeat the same mistakes again.

Many days later, a big German Military Parade is held in Berlin, Emperor Temujin gives his speeches on how Germany's might has grown stronger every month of rearming, more jobs increases with a big minimum wages, the economy rises bigger, all millions of people attended and cheers for their Emperor. The parade consist of 450,000 soldiers, ready to march for their Emperor in might, many flags of the Helghan symbol, hold by the soldiers of the first wave marches in Temujin's path, second is the Legions of the German 1st Army consisting with 32 divisions, third is the Astral Super Squadron, fourth is the light, medium, heavy fast tanks, fifth is many artillery, rocket trucks, supplies, armored vehicles and hundreds of planes swarming the skies of Berlin. The Parade last for many hours, it was the most largest to ever celebrate in Germany.

Meanwhile in London, Captain Noah senses a big blockade of energy waves surrounding outside London, as the radios cannot go outside their frequency, as Noah begins to penetrate with his Ethereal spearhead wave on the pulse, as he noticed that Germany is rearming themselves, as he senses a lot of big energies who are mostly well trained Astral warriors working for one man, the skill already stops as he calls the Eagles to discuss this big problematic matter if they have a free time. The Eagles along with the British high intelligence and the Ethereal sensory unit held a big meeting:

Oliver: Hey Boss, what's the fuzz now?

Noah: It's Germany Oliver.

Oliver: No way Boss, they signed the Treaty of Versailles, they are powerless against it.

Noah: No it's not it, The Iron Spectre, he is now the Emperor of the so called now Helghan Empire, many are run by freaking Astral beings, they are rearming the country.

Oliver: You're joking right?

Ethan: Sergeant, help me sense this *uses a sensory skill* Boss is right, Germany is rearming even further without our knowledge, HOW COME YOU DID NOT SENSE THIS SENSORY UNITS?

Sensory Unit Member: I can't detect their energy at all since 1928 Sir, we thought the Astral warriors gave up, but we were wrong all along, forgive us.

Ethan: It's alright, you did your part well men.

David: Should we report this to our King Boss?

Noah: Yes, He must know this damnation, Temujin is becoming stronger, we have to take action now.

All of the People: Yes Sir!

King George of Great Britain thinks about the report, he must know the evidence first, he sends them to Paris about the problem. Meanwhile in Germany, Temujin gives the Generals many ideas about a new warfare tactics, more on speed & surprise, impressing the Generals to go with Temujin's Tactics of new warfare. Now in the next chapter, He will find ways to move his troops to the next area.