Chapter 36: The Annexation Part 1: Italy

In December 1936, Temujin held a meeting with the Helghan high officials & Generals, they start the meeting:

Karl Eichmann: My Lord, We have heard the fascist have taken over the whole government of Italy, the Dictator of that country is name Giovanni Colombio. He contacted me via Sensory telepathy that he wants to form a alliance with us, what are your decisions My Lord?

Temujin: Alliance? I want domination Herr Eichmann, I want the whole country myself, but first, tell them and Colombio that I will form a meetup regarding of this so called Alliance.

Karl Eichmann: Yes My Lord. *The Sensory Unit contacts Colombio in Italy* Sir Colombio, before the Emperor form the Alliance, he wants to meet you in person, he will be coming to Rome soon, are you good about it?

Colombio in Rome: Yes Herr Eichmann, it will be a honor to meet the strong man as Iron Spectre himself, we will prepare for his arrival soon, thank you. *hangs up the telepathy use*

Karl Eichmann: My Lord, it is done.

Temujin: Good, bring me Ribbentrop, Goering, Goebbels, Fischer, my brother Jamukha, Roth, and my favorite warrior Otto Skorzeny.

Karl Eichmann: Yes My Lord, they will be summon right now.

Temujin: *2 minutes later, the high officials arrive* Gentlemen, you want to know why you are all here?

Goebbels: Yes My Lord, what is it?

Temujin: We are all going to Rome in January 4th next year, Goebbels & Jamukha are going with me. I want you both to protect me from assassination, just in case, because I love killing my assassinator myself as well.

Jamukha: Yes brother, we will protect you with all our lives right Goebbels?

Goebbels: *Trembling in fear* Yes Herr Jamukha.

Temujin: I love to hear that from both of you, Fischer & Skorzeny will lead the super squadron to storm without firing a single bullet. I will use the Phantom Teleportation Portal, energy beings will never detect it, I am the only one to learn this skill.

Fischer: Yes my lord, we will deploy our troops whenever you're ready my Lord.

Temujin: Good, I want 15 divisions to occupy near Milan without detection.

Fischer: It will be done my lord.

Temujin: As for you my favorite warrior Skorzeny, I want you to storm the government building in Rome once I will make Colombio submit, if not he will die anyway.

Skorzeny: I will do my best my lord.

Temujin: This plan is good so far, As for Goering, tell the other Marshal Aces you trust, command them to occupy the airfields anywhere you find in Italy once we eliminate Colombio.

Goering: Yes my Lord!

As Germany celebrates Christmas, Luftwaffe trains their pilots during a dog fight with paints equip in their arsenal, with the assistance of Astral beings, they are assign to carry out many energy blast attacks, for Temujin's idea, it will be used for air raids, to give way to the Legions to penetrate through enemy lines, while the Legions are simulating themselves during a air raid from their comrades, pushes through to destroy anything they find. Temujin trains in a phantom chamber, where Otto Skorzeny will spar against him. Otto uses his Astral energy blast to fire at multiple directions, but Temujin remains with no damage taunting Otto "Is that all you've got, hit me HARDER!" Otto is shocked, he didn't believe that his high powered energy blast did not damage him, he transforms into Astral Progress 3rd gear, rushes with high speed towards him as he punch his face but Temujin did not even flinch a bit "What?! I hit you hard my lord, even at this transformation progress did not even bother you a bit?" Temujin transforms in 3rd gear and tells him "My favorite warrior of the Great War, there is a difference between you and me. You may have a lot of energy store inside you, but those energy skill attacks will never hurt me, only a brute powerful physical skill attacks will try to hurt me, but my strength evolves on every painful physical training I endure so much *Uses the skill Astral Phantom Punch, Otto reverts back to his normal state* That is my true power Marshal Skorzeny" Temujin lifts him up after beating Skorzeny with a hard punch in the gut, as Otto wants to train more on how will he ever beat the Iron Spectre "My 3rd gear and his have different power level, something is not about the Emperor's energy, it feels more sinister than ever, it's best for me to keep on finding the opening *About to walk out of the chamber* Thank you my lord for a wonderful sparring match" Temujin tells him "Don't mention it, please make me feel pain next time!"

Otto gets out of the chamber as he and Field Marshal Erwin Rommel communicates:

Erwin: Marshal Otto, how did your sparring match with the Iron Spectre go?

Otto: I got wrecked hard by the Iron Spectre, his 3rd gear compared to mine is different.

Erwin: Yes, in the past, his power level is high to destroy many enemy battalion with his own bare hands, he even burn many French armies there and he tells them that he is cooking them like a French fries.

Otto: The Emperor is one crazy son of a bitch for murdering the French in cold blood.

Erwin: Yes, not only that, he got destroyed by the Eagles of Great Britain, the 4 Ethereal warriors overpowered him during the first and second battle of Somme, I heard he wanted vengeance on them for destroying him.

Otto: I have a question, he battled the Lionheart before right?

Erwin: Yes, The Emperor was spared by his foolish kindness, plus I too fought him in the Great War under General Bloomberg.

Otto: That Lionheart boy was weak back then.

Erwin: I know, but he trains in a far place where he defeated the best fighters in China, he has crazy abilities such as charging the whole entire battalion without being scared.

Otto: Ah I see, I sensed his energy just now, his power level is bigger than mine. Marshal Rommel, what happen to Bloomberg and Howitzer? They both have crazy energy stored in them, how did they end up dead?

Erwin: Howitzer went to Konigsberg prison to monitor the Lionheart, but he heard many rumors that his wife was cheating on him, which is false, the one who orchestrated the rumors is Koba the Lionheart, he planned to escape with the others.

Otto: I remember that day I incapacitated the Lionheart but the high command that time called me for another deployment in the western front.

Erwin: Orders are orders Marshal, we have no choice to follow them.

Erich: *Enters the office* Marshal Skorzeny, get ready for deployment for January 3.

Otto: Alright, Major Muller, prepare your men for deployment.

Muller: Yes sir right away!

In January 1, 1937, Temujin and the high members of the Helghan Legion flies off to Rome, as he is in the plane, Temujin gets annoyed by Goering eating sounds, calling him "You fat fuck, eat silently you fucking fat ass slob!" Goering in fear "I'm sorry my lord!" Temujin now tells Jamukha about the plan as they begin their conversation:

Jamukha: So how are we going to make the Fascist Italian government submit brother?

Temujin: It is either Colombio join us or die, then the army will occupy most of Italian territories for the Empire, easy as that.

Jamukha: Good idea to gain a country territory as our achievement.

Temujin: Yes brother, we are both conquerors you and I.

Jamukha: Hell yeah brother, lets drink beers.

Temujin: HAHAHA Gonna love that drinking shit brother.

Temujin and his Legions arrive after 4 hours of flight, the Italian government officials welcome them in good arms, Temujin in telepathy mode contacts Fischer and Skorzeny "Men, get ready for the takeover in 2 days, I will soon open the Phantom Portal for you all to occupy every land you take" The two are waiting for his signal, while waiting, they are enjoying their time communicating with each other, while Temujin goes to a luxurious hotel in Rome, as he enters a beautiful suite, he loves jumping in the bed, eating a lot of hotel food, the employees tried their best to entertain Temujin while he is there.

In January 3, 1937, Colombio meets with Temujin along with the officials, talking about the alliance in the conversation:

Colombio: My country is strong to ally with your empire Herr Rudendorf.

Temujin: Sir Giovanni, I love your open arms to ally with us, *Raises his energy on hold at Giovanni's face* I want you and your country to surrender to the Helghan Empire, the best way out of this is to surrender it, or you will die along with it.

Colombio: I knew it! Men! Prepare for battle! *10 seconds later* Where are the men of this building?!

Temujin: It seems my warriors have take it a little too far.

Giovanni: You won't get away with this! *Gets hit by the Phantom energy force* AARGGH!!! YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS! *Dies*

Temujin: My work here is done *Calls the entire army through telepathy* All warriors, proceed phase 2 now!

The Astral Super Squadron & the Helghan Legions have taken many lands as they want, the Luftwaffe already lands many planes in the Italian airfields, the Italian soldiers don't know what to do anymore. 4 days later, the Italian people are panicking in the streets because their dictator is dead, as Temujin with a microphone speaks in a speech "People of Italy, I have freed you from this madness, join my Empire and the army to conquer what you always want, as a bonus, you will have more jobs for the unemployed people of Italy, the minimum wage will be better than the last time especially for conscripting for the army also, do fear us, as we the liberators of your stupid leader Colombio did nothing but cause more pain and misery to you country, we are now the true Empire the world has ever seen!" The Italian people claps at his speeches when he says that he promise to raise the minimum wage. Many months have passed to June 1937, the Eagles are worried about the Italian government as they think that the dictator, the sensory units manage to pass through the blocking energy waves that was caused by the Astral warriors, as a member of the sensory unit tells Captain Noah "Captain, we managed to pass the energy waves, we heard that the Colombio is dead, The Helghan empire occupied most of the territories of Italy, but the people there are happy" Noah is horrified of the news, he tells the government in London, but they cannot do anything because it might trigger another world war that will cost lives like the last time, it's best for them to sanction only on Germany for doing these treacherous acts. When Temujin hears the sanctions, he is not scared at all, instead he threatens them with more violence of blood on their streets, the French and the British cannot further anger Germany. Temujin wants to expand his Empire in the next chapter.