Chapter 37: The Annexation Part 2: The Unexpected Turn Of Events

Temujin's dream is far from coming true, he wants to take Egypt as his next annexation for the Helghan Empire, he plans along with his men in a luxury hotel in Rome:

Temujin: Gentlemen, I want Egypt and its treasures, help me plan to expand our empire without alert the French fries and the British dickheads.

Goebbels: My lord, most of the treasures are inside the tombs of the previous Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, they have curses, traps set inside the pyramid, how are you going to get them all out?

Temujin: It's simple, I will only be one to enter it.

Jamukha: You're crazy brother! You will have a curse from those things you retrieve.

Temujin: Do not worry brother, I'm immune to all curses with the power of the Forbidden book I learn.

Fischer: My lord, we don't want to lose you, it's best we only occupy the whole lands of Egypt.

Temujin: Do not make me repeat it Fischer!

Fischer: I'm sorry my lord!

Goebbels: So Egypt will be our next target, but the those Democratic bastards rebels are still troubling the whole country of Egypt.

Temujin: We will destroy silently, by the power of Astral Super Squadron's best warriors who good in stealth.

Skorzeny: I love the idea my lord, you are one the smartest ones around.

Temujin: Thank you my favorite warrior, We will get the Egypt in no time and we will cut off the British supplies in Crete too.

Goebbels: My lord, it's best not to engage against the British Navy occupying the island because we may start another world war.

Temujin: You're right about that Herr Goebbels, I have to choice to use the Phantom Teleportation Portal.

Many months have past, many Italians work hard to make more war machines for the Helghan Empire, as Temujin trains with the best Helghan warriors around him, they became stronger everyday, British and its allies have no idea what is going on in Italy, why the people there have support the Helghan Empire, they have not received any bad news. The King George of England meets Eagles, he wants them to spy only inside Rome to do a investigation in the country. Noah and crew successfully land in Rome without detection of the Astral Super Squadron in the area, Oliver sees the view of the International airport, he is in shock "Guys, take a look at these" The eagles look at the plane's mirror to find out that hundreds of war planes from the Luftwaffe is present, as David says "*Silently speaks to avoid attention* Oh my God, Boss, this is not good" Ethan tells David "Do not worry Captain David, we are only here to investigate, we should not get their attention through our energy at present, we have to stick it in a old way, stealth" Noah replies to the team "Captain Flamethrower is right, but first we must wear this mask, like the Ravens did during the Great Purge in the Soviet Union, if we begin our mission, we have to wear it as soon as possible" Oliver replies to the Eagle "You're a genius boss, our identities will not be expose to the Iron Spectre and his evil goons". Now they are going down the stairs as they are rounded up for inspection, the Eagles pass through them, now all of them wears shades to look around, the Italian citizen look happy ever since their late dictator Colombio died from Temujin's wrath.

2 hours later they find a big factory where a lot of people mostly work there, when they went inside, they see many workers building tanks, armored vehicles, trucks to transport supplies, and guns. Noah has something to say to the crew "No, this can't be, Germany is rearming themselves, no wonder the Astral beings have cut the Energy waves off our track" David replies to Noah "I'm afraid you're right boss, we must report this to the High Command in London". After Investigating the factories in Rome, Ethan senses a powerful energy nearby the Luxury hotel, when the sneak through the best room in the hotel, they cannot believe what they have see, it's Temujin and his powerful warriors around, Oliver tells the crew "Guys, we should get out of here while we can, they are too strong for the four of us" Noah replies to Oliver "No Captain Flamethrower, we must know their intentions, you know why we are here for right Captain?" Oliver replies "You're right, we have to lower our energies". Temujin is finish with his meeting with the high officials of Italy, after they leave, the Generals went in along with Goebbels, The Eagle Brigadiers cannot hear this meeting because Field Marshal Erich Von Manstein use a energy skill to prevent the Energy beings from hearing from the invisible barrier, as Ethan is about to touch the window, he touches the barrier instead, they can no longer get any information from Temujin's meeting with his best Generals. Oskar Fischer senses something outside the window, as Temujin ask him "What is bothering you dickface?" Fischer replies "I'm sensing a small Ethereal energy, coming from that window over there" Field Marshal Rommel tells Temujin "May I do the action My Lord?" Temujin happily replies "As you wish Commander Rommel" Rommel fires a big energy ball that aims at the window, the Eagles suddenly sense the incoming attack as they dodge it, now their energy is exposed, Temujin orders "Astral Super Squadrons, Helghan Legions assigned in the building, BEGIN THE ASSAULT ON THOSE FILTHY RATS NOW!"

The Eagles are making a run for their lives to give the information to the High Command in London, the Astral Super Squadron attacks them with energy blast, the soldiers begin firing their guns at them as well, this event turns into a fierce chase down, they continue to run as Noah calls in the Royal Airforce to get them out of Rome without their identify, The Eagles steals the car, as many armored vehicles beginning to strike them down, as the Eagles attack back while David driving, using his energy blast to eliminate the ones in front of them, it takes 6 minutes for them to reach the unknown airfield outside Rome, a big plane without a logo landed safely without alerting the Luftwaffe, Now they lost them as they leave Rome without harm. Temujin went berserk after soldiers failed to capture the unknown Ethereal beings, Temujin orders "Men, we will leave in 5 days for Egypt". 3 days later The Eagles explained what happened in Italy, he is horrified of the news, the King orders the entire armed forces to rearm for the possible war in the future, also telling President Albert of France to rearm their soldiers as well. Temujin knew this was going to happen, he want them to be prepared for the worse to come.

In November 12th 1937, The Helghan legions swarms the entire Egyptian lands with the Teleportation Portal, many hours later they already conquered Egypt in a full surprise with alerting the British and the French, as Temujin arrives at the Great Pyramids of Giza, he says to his crew "Men, watch and learn" Temujin unleashes his energy blast, destroying one of the Limestones, he enters the pyramid as the traps occur, Temujin dodges all of them knowing it was like his training exercise, after going through multiple traps, he reaches the King's chamber, where he finds many gold of the previous Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, after opening the Tomb, he finds a Gold necklace worn by Khufu, the former Pharaoh, his dark spirit appears as he speaks to him "My child, you have dodged many traps that I set for intruders, you are a clever one aren't you?" Temujin "Is that so, weakling" Khufu angrily replies "YOU BRAT! I WILL POSSESS YOU RIGHT HERE HAHAHAHA!" The spirit enters the body but Khufu is unable to possess him, he gets out and Temujin tells him "I'm immune to getting possessed by stupid evil spirits of this world, thanks to the Forbidden book I read many years ago, also I'm immune to curses as well." Khufu is terrified of what he has heard from him "The Forbidden Book?! No way, you shouldn't have survived that after reading its pages, once you read a single page, the person dies from unnatural causes from it" Temujin says to him "I didn't die from it, it choses me from the start, I'm going to eat your soul now" Temujin unleashes enormous amount of waves that is pulling Khufu in as he screams in horror "AARRRGHHH NOOOOOOOOO!!!" Temujin with a full satisfaction "Delicious, now i will destroy this old fucking triangle piece of shit" The pyramid blows into pieces, he goes to the other pyramids to suck all of the Pharaoh's souls, as all pyramids are open for the Helghans to steal the treasures for Temujin's rise of his own fortune. Jamukha tells Temujin about the treasures he find "Brother, you're not dead at all, the curse should have killed you, I guess the Book protects you from being cursed after all." Temujin replies in happiness "Yes brother, next all treasures inside the pyramids of Egypt will ours for good!" During Christmas, Temujin relentlessly destroy many pyramids, making the people the country fear him so much that all they have to do is keep quiet. Now all the fortune belongs to Temujin, he also gave Jamukha many more of the Treasures.

Temuijn returns to Berlin in February 28th, 1938, as their people chants a homecoming of their strong Emperor, then he receive a great news that the government of Austria and Hungary surrenders their country, making Temujin more happy than ever. In March 11, 1938, soldiers of the Helghan Empire occupies most of the land of Austria and Hungary, the people cheers for the Helghan Legions who are trained through out their childhood with strong propaganda about Germans are the elite warriors. Now more war factory are built to kill, Temujin is getting stronger in every training, the time where he will plan his next move in the future.