Chapter 38: The Rise Of Federalism, The Land Of Steel

In August 19, 1930, Trotsky's health is beginning to decline harder just like Lenin than ever because of the Great Depression struck last year, causes him more stress, he is having so much difficulties in choosing on who will be the one to lead the country. In August 21st, 1930, Koba in his new home outside Moscow, holding baby Kobe in his arms, he wants him to become better person than his father, knowing anything what is right for others. One of the Government Officials in Moscow went to Koba's house to inform him about the health of Trotsky, Koba is worried about his health once again, brings Ellie and Kobe to Trotsky's office.

The Wardell family arrives after a 12 minute drive to Kremlin, as they enter the room where Trotsky is laying down in a bed in sickness, as the General Secretary & the Grand Premier begins their conversation:

Leon: Ah, my favorite person in this country, I'm happy you came to visit me Comrade Lionheart.

Koba: Comrade Leon, Please take more rest for now, I will be the one to handle in your absence.

Leon: I know you can, but the doctors told me I only have a few days to live.

Koba: WHAT!? You didn't tell us about this Comrade Leon, you should have take a break while we can handle the Great Depression.

Leon: Yes, but I was a fool to think I can do anything, that's why I brought you here, oh you have a beautiful child, what's his name?

Koba: Kobe Comrade

Leon: Ah, a name of a strong warrior I see, The reason I brought *coughs way too much*

Koba: Here drink some water.

Leon: *Drinks water* Thank you Comrade, The reason I brought you here is I already make a decision, to make as my successor to lead our country.

Koba: What? I can't do this, this is a big responsibility I can have, it's too much, you should chose like Comrade Gregory or Comrade Nikita.

Leon: I can't, I see the good in your heart Comrade, that's why you are best suited for this position. *Coughs hardly*

Koba: Oh no no no no DOCTOR, Please send one of the Doctors now!

Leon: It's alright Comrade, you must swear a oath now while I still have my strength.

Koba: *Ellie is about to cry while watching his lover swear the oath* Alright, I will do it.

Leon: Repeat after me, "I, state your name, do solemnly swear"

Koba: I, Koba Malcolm Von Wardell, do solemnly swear...

Leon: that I will faithfully execute the Office of Grand Premier Of The Soviet Union, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the Soviet Union.

Koba: *Begins to cry at the weak state of Trotsky* that I will faithfully execute the Office of Grand Premier Of The Soviet Union, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the Soviet Union.

Leon: Congratulations, our new leader of the Soviet Union. *Looks at the window filled with a beautiful blue sky* Ah my time has come. *Coughs even more louder*

Koba: NO NO NO NO Doctor! Please send the doctor now!

*The Doctor arrives, performing a CPR on Trotsky, after countless times, but Trotsky dies in happiness, his wife hugs his lifeless body, as Koba, Ellie, and the others in Trotsky's room mourn Leon's death*

Koba: *Closes Trotsky's eyes to rest* I promise I will lead our people to the future.

Ellie: Darling, you are now our leader of our country, I love you.

Koba: I love you too Darling, I will protect our country.

Almost all people of the Soviet Union mourns the death of Leon Trotsky, one of the founders of the Soviet Union and the Red Army. On the other day, Koba is arranging his documents in his office, he finds a book of Karl Marx, it talks about communism, after reading the most of the pages, he is shock to realize that the Government owning most of the properties of the people instead of the people. He decides to change the country's system that can work well to the people, and changes the flag into a quad color type, the white above represents peace, the blue on the middle means the leader that leads the people, the Red represents the freedom of the people in Russia, as for the yellow star is in the middle of the flag inside the three colors, representing the motherland itself. In August 28th, 1930, people attends the funeral of Leon Trotsky at the Red Square. The Ravens perform their speeches on how Trotsky has affect, teaches them about the true aspects of being a responsible person.

In September 4th, 1930, Koba is about to deliver his speech in a grand meeting in Kremlin:

Koba: *Arranging the microphone* Thank you everyone for believing in Comrade Leon's work on transforming our country around, since we have many moments we have during the Civil War, our Motherland bleeds because of the incompetence of Monarchy, I learn that communism is not the answer to our solutions, *The people are confused on why Koba said that* The solution is to give people of what they deserve, a home, a food to eat in the table, when I was a small child, I barely have anything to eat since the era of Monarchy, during my days as a soldier in the Great War, Monarchy is continuing to starve the people to death, even communism cannot solve this since almost all Governments in different states have own most of the properties, that's why I have a vision, to lead our people to the future, protecting our children means securing our future, that why I will reform this Government into a federal state, if you wish to leave the this new Federal system, I won't stop you all, you can do what ever you want.

The leaders of the Ukrainian state: *Stands up* I prefer to stay united with our Motherland.

All of the head of the States: We all wish to stay and make our country evolve to a better place.

Koba: Thank you all, it means a lot to me, now I will change the name USSR to the Federal Republic States of Russia.

All of the people: *Claps at his changes, they love the idea that it will make things better*

Many days later, Koba analyses the economy of the country while Ellie holds her baby watching Noctis and Nektus training to protect their love ones, he notices that the Soviet Union is behind in the rest of the world, in order to avoid the Great Depression, Koba orders one of the Government Officials in Kremlin to call a specialized labor expert from the United States to help fuel their industrialization. Many Farmers trained the inexperience to do their parts better in farming, students who work hard to pass the board exams, and industrialists are working hard to make the country run better. Koba signs the contract where the country will continue to collect most of the goods for the market to rise above so more people will feed themselves. The industrial production increases even more because many factories are built in each states, it ensures that the Mother Russia will be more independent from the international economy. Unemployment rates in the Russia begins to drastically decrease because many people get hired for their skills, more train tracks, bridges, infrastructures, road buildings, and more people are coming to United Russia to invest big.

Ellie watches Koba in the bedroom, writing many things for the country, also reading contracts before signing them, Ellie tells him "Darling, take some rest for a while and come to bed" Koba is relieved and jumps straight to her and making love for each other. On the next day, Koba and Belldrick spars while Ellie and Anastasia watches their husbands fight, after that they wen on a double date with their children, along with the family of Oleg, Dmitri, Nikita, and his bestfriend Gregory. They all have a great time each other in Christmas, eating more food and drinking. Before Koba goes to bed with Ellie, Koba is sensing Temujin's energy once again, as he is growing stronger with a sinister intent, Koba became more curious on how he attain so much power, he goes to bed to sleep in peace.

In the next morning, Koba reads the newspaper that Temujin is running for president along with General Paul Von Hindenburg, his old friend and enemy in the battlefield. Koba is surprised about it as he is curious about the Helghan Administration, their true agenda, but he doesn't want to get distracted by it, he trains to control the flames that Azarath control, they both became closer day by day talking about life. Now Koba's challenge begins in the next chapter.