Chapter 40: The Fight Of The Decade Part 2: The Standoff

1 day before the fight, Grandmaster Ng Mui hears about the news, she is excited to see how far Koba can go, Zephyr tells Ng Mui "I have my Energy hologram ready" Ng Mui responds "Make sure its big enough so that the monks will watch it too, right Grandmaster Li?" Li replies to Ng Mui "Yes, I want to know what the Eagle is capable of matching up against Koba" Zephyr said "Master Li, don't we cannot compare base on power levels, it's all about strategy in winning the fight" Li said to Zephyr "Right, but for now we have to see if one of them can hit first hand" The Masters in the shaolin temple are excited to see the fight.

The Eagle Brigadiers arrive in New York, many people want to see the warrior's face in their presence, the Eagles form a Energy barrier to protect Noah from small spaces from the crowd, the crew checks in the hotel to rest up before the fight. Noah is still awake, thinking on how will he be able to open Koba's defenses, because his Wing Chun style is way too dangerous for him to get hurt. Earlier that day, Koba along with Ellie holding baby Kobe in her arms, Noctis & Nektus arrive as the many Russians have seen their President for the first time ever to set foot in New York, they cheer for him as they want him to win, they check in the hotel, as Koba tells Azarath "Hey, get some rest my friend, I have a big sparring match the world will ever see tomorrow" Azarath said "Alright my friend, a strategy can always find ways to beat anyone you like" Then Koba tells Ellie "Darling, I'm going to train for a bit before I go to bed alright" Ellie responds "Alright love, better prepare because I know you are going to beat his ass" Koba loves that words from his lover "Sure darling, I'll do whatever it takes for me to beat him" Now Koba is thinking of a strategy on how will he be able to put the Eagle down for good.

Today is the day that the two powerhouse warriors face off, before that, Noah's wife name Joanna helps him fix his warrior uniform that protects him, while Ellie is helping Koba to buckle up his warrior outfit. Many people from over the world have filled up the MetLife Stadium where the New York Giants play American football in a professional league, many energy beings from over the world uses their energy hologram to spectate Koba and Noah's fight. The World leaders also fill the seats for themselves in the VIP section, along with President Franklin and King George of Great Britain, are waiting for the two warriors to arrive, as they talk, Franklin says to George "King George, may I ask that the Eagle and his crew are responsible for destroying the Iron Spectre and his German platoons during the first and second battle of Somme? George replies "Yes, they found a way to stop their rampage, it's causing our men a lot of trouble back in that day, Noah is a strong Ethereal warrior, he leads his troops many times during the Great War to victory, I also heard that President Koba of the Soviet Union did the same thing, it's for his people who they need him the most" Franklin is happy to hear that and replies "That's good to hear that these two warriors have a common in mind, but their ways in fighting is different than it seems, we will see it first hand"

The world leaders are having a good time communicating with each other, meanwhile in Berlin, Temujin with his henchmen is watching the hologram in the big office to watch the fight, many minutes later, Ellie is sitting next to Joanna, the Ravens and The Eagle Brigadiers shake hands, after that they will watch the battle, as for now the Announcer tells the people "Ladies and Gentlemen, the wait is over, IT'S TIME FOR THE SHOWDOWN TO BEGIN FOR THE TWO WARRIORS TO STEP IN THIS FIELD IN THE METLIFE STADIUM WHERE MILLIONS ARE HEARING THIS ON RADIO, WATCHING VIA ENERGY HOLOGRAM. Introducing first, stepping out in the field, a warrior who fought the many battles of the Great War in the Western Front, from Manchester, England, fighting for Great Britain, The Eagle himself, Captain Noah McCallister! *Noah waves to the crowd as they cheer* Now introducing at the other side of the field, a warrior who fought many battles during the Great War and the Civil War in Russia, from St. Petersburg, Soviet Union Russia, he is the President of the Federal Republic of the Soviet Union, The Lionheart himself, Koba Malcolm Von Wardell! *Koba waves at the crowd* Temujin looks disgusted "The fuck is that faggot waving at, slaves? HAHAHA I'm going to pin them both harder" The Helghans will watch them fight now.

The Referee tells the both of them "Let the battle BEGIN!!!" Both of the warriors use their speed in a high level, the crowd cannot see them move at all, Ng Mui sees them with her own eyes, Li Wang is shocked to believe that how much Koba has improve his flexible abilities that hinders his speed level, also Noah is keeping up with Koba as Noah begins to punch him, but Koba deflects the punch, pulls his arm to hit Noah in the jaw area with his elbow, then hits Noah 4 times with his fist to put down from the air, the crowd is happy on what they are seeing, it's like they seeing two energy beings square one another for the first time, the other energy beings are hyped to see Koba use Wing Chun to blow Noah off to the ground, Noah gets back up and tells him "Damn, you way too strong without the transformation, let kick up some gear shall we? *Transforms into Ethereal Progress 1st gear*" Koba is happy to hear it from Noah "Okay then, Celestial Progress 1st gear!" Ng Mui in her mind "Now, let the games begin" The two energy beings now clash hard as the force of the wind hits the crowd in awe, they love on what they saw, Noah punches him many times, Koba uses Wing Chun to keep on deflecting as Noah tells him "You're not going deflect my punches forever comrade, but I will give my energy skill *Jumps backwards* Ethereal Skill: Aerial Wind Slash!" Koba reacts "*Dodges multiple strikes, but it is about to hit the crowd* No no no no no! *Deflects the energy skill* Hey comrade, be careful on who you may target next time, Oleg, Dmitri, Belldrick, use the Energy barrier to protect crowd will ya?" All of the member mention "Roger boss!" Now the big stadium's field is protected by the barrier, the fight continues as Koba strikes "Celestial Skill: Razor Flame Bullets!" Noah protects himself with his own barrier, it did not damage it one bit, then Noah strikes with a Ethereal Skill: Massive Air Rocket Launcher!" The huge skill hits Koba, but he stops it with both of his hands but it won't disappear, he tried his best to stop it, but it hits the floor and it explodes. Ellie is worried about her lover "KOBA!!! DARLING PLEASE DON'T DIE ON ME *Koba recovers on his ground with big amount of damage, exhausted* Thank heavens." Temujin in his thought about the attack of Noah "What the fuck is that move skill?! That thing damaged the faggot so badly, UGGHHHH"

Ng Mui is shocked about the outcome of the attack "No way, the Eagle's energy skill damaged Koba so badly" Li Wang replies "That attack contains a lot of energy coming from one Ethereal being alone, this guy is no joke at all" Zephyr replies to Li "I agree to that one Master Li, McCallister is a experienced warrior from the Great War, no wonder he knows what to do, let's see what my apprentice can react back to it." Going back to the fight, Noah has a plan ready, he sprints in circle as fast as he can to create tornado, the crowd is stunned to see the move, as the Ravens and Eagles try their best to secure the barrier, Koba cannot see clearly because of the strong wind caused by the tornado, Koba has no choice to transform into 2nd gear, releasing one of his signature move the Celestial Air Palm Strike with Azarath's fire manipulation to create a fire tornado shape appearance, Noah tries to stop the tornado by escaping it to Koba's area, Koba clears the Tornado with his Ultimate skill the Celestial Air Palm Strike, this time, Azarath's fire is not included, Noah gets out safely to use the Tornado Drop Kick on Koba, then Koba deflects the kick, slams him hard off the field, giving him the second beatdown, as Koba returns to his own fighting stance, many British people in their home country says "Common Eagle, get up, you are our best warrior we ever have, please you cannot lose!" Noah senses his people's call, then he recovers and transforms into 3rd gear, the air intensifies as the barrier is destroyed, the people touches one of it, it turns into dust, the Ravens and the Eagles make the barrier again, as people enjoy watching the two fight.

Noah tells Koba "Man, you drive me down again, this time, I'm going to wreck you hard like I to that stupid fool name Temujin" Temujin hears it from Noah and his thoughts are "That motherfucker has some balls to talk shit about me to that faggot, when I fight you Eagle, I'm going to break you FUCKING NECK TO PIECES!!!!" Jamukha tries to calm him down "Calm down brother, with your training with the forbidden book, you will surely destroy him once and for all in a lifetime" Temujin in a calm way now "You're right brother, I will have more energy than this motherfucker thinks if he accepts my match offer, HAHAHAHA!" Back to New York, the fight has become more intense as they both hit each with their heavy fist, now on the ground, they intensely stare at each other with a pride on their side, on the next chapter, who will be the only warrior who will claim the victory.