Chapter 41: The Fight Of The Decade Part 3: Going Higher

tis Belldrick compliments his rival Koba on how his performance go against the Eagle Noah McCallister "*Flashback* Hey Koba, you are getting stronger everyday why? I tried everything in my power to best you, but you energy level is far greater" Koba in a flashback replies "Belldrick, you are way too impatient when it comes to rush downs, when you find a opening, that's the time you strike harder than you can ever imagine comrade" Belldrick replies "Fine, I will win next time, don't forget it Comrade Koba" Koba replies "Sure comrade, we will spar if we both have time okay, first we have to make our country progress in lowering poverty" Belldrick replies in a calm matter "*Shakes hands* Yes comrade, our people will be happy for our success in the future" Oleg tells Belldrick "You got bodied again Savage, man you need to drink some milk sometimes hahaha!" Belldrick is irritated by Oleg's joke "Man fuck you Comrade Oleg, at least I can carry heavy loads than you" Oleg replies "Right, we should head back to work Comrade" Back to the present, Belldrick is happy at those moments he had, then Oleg snaps "Yo big boy, Koba and Noah are still in a intense standoff again" Belldrick looks at both of them "Holy shit, these guys are still at it? I could survive 20 minutes against Comrade Lionheart, man I never thought Captain McCallister would be this powerful against him" Dmitri screams "Yo Boss, beat his ass right now!!!!!!" Nikita replies to Dmitri "Nice words of encouragement dick face, hahaha, *Faces towards Koba* BOSS BEAT HIS ASS NOW!" Gregory in his mind "My Bestfriend, for all these years, you have become to strong, your heart is for the people in need, that's why I believe in you, you change the world forever" Koba hears the words "Roger that!" Oliver from the Eagles tells his crew "Man those guys always say bad words, but anyway, Boss LOOKOUT!"

As Oliver screams at Noah that Koba is about to hit him with flame balls, Noah dodges them, the fire at his area explodes to smoke, he cannot see Koba but he can sense his Celestial Energy, but he keeps moving way too fast, as he punches Noah in the face, going out from the smoke, now jumps towards him at full speed to perform a Celestial bicycle kick, hitting Noah again to the ground, the Eagles are shocked to see this kind of new strategy from the Lionheart, as David tells Noah "Boss get up!!!!" The people in Great Britain "YOU CAN DO IT!" Noah now transforms into Ethereal 5th Gear, the first Energy being to surpass the 5th since Field Marshall Dmitri Sidirov in the Great War, Dmitri is surprised that someone has finally break the limit, meanwhile Temujin's thoughts are "What the fuck?! this bastard finally did it, faggot, beat his ass please!" Now going back to fight, Noah now unleashes the heavy air waves, causing Koba to lose his balance to get flown by the air, then he will use the Ultimate Skill to finish Koba, the whole crowd is on their feet, the Ravens are in fear of Koba and Belldrick says "What the fuck, McCallister's energy is getting higher than expected" Dmitri says "He is charging his energy to finish our Boss, I don't know how will our Boss survive this kind of attack?" Ellie is in tears and says "NO!" The earth in New York part is now filled with a hurricane, as the storm rages in New York, Temujin's thoughts are "Oh shit, this is the skill that almost fucking killed me long ago, this faggot won't survive this one now, it's over for him now" Now Noah executes "Ethereal Ultimate Skill: Hurricane Airstream Rush!!!!!" Now the football field got destroyed by the skill as it was used to attack Temujin, Ellie crying for her lover "No, I cannot accept this, *Ellie screaming as the people looked at her* MY LOVE, WHERE ARE YOU PLEASE DON'T DIE ON ME PLEASE!! DARLING!!!!!!" Franklin says to King George "My Goodness, this fight way too intense" King George replies to Franklin "Yes Mr. President, that's what the Eagles are trained for, to fight to execute everything in order to succeed, looks like the Lionheart cannot survive this kind of attack"

In a huge crater, Koba's wound have become worse than ever, as he hears his lover screaming for him, now Koba is about to do one thing "Hey Azarath, mind lending me your energy for a while?" Azarath says "Sure friend, here you go, use it wisely" Now his body glows as he jumps back to the ground, as he already transforms into Celestial Progress 5th Gear, shocking the Eagles as Ethan says "WHAT?! IMPOSSIBLE, NO ONE SURVIVES THE HURRICANE AIRSTREAM RUSH FROM THE BOSS" David's thought are "I thought so too Captain Ethan, this Lionheart fellow is something else" The Ravens are shock too as Belldrick's thought are "No way, our Boss survived, damn you are a hard motherfucker to kill" Gregory replies "Alright Boss, lets go!" Dmitri's thoughts "Damn he really did it, 5th gear is a hard process to control, our Boss is the best there is" Temujin's thought after the aftermath "WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST WITNESS GOEBBELS?! THAT FAGGOT SURVIVED THE ULTIMATE SKILL OF MCCALLSITER?! BUT HOW?!" Goebbels replies "I had the same question too my Lord" Goering's thought are "Man, this guy is something, I wanna eat food now!" Temujin tells Goering something "Goering, fetch me my beer you fat fuck, hurry up before I kick you fatass!" Goering rushes to fetch his beer "YES MY LORD!"

Now back in the fight, Noah tells Koba "You're the first warrior to survive the Hurricane Airstream Rush, this time, I will try my best to bring you ass down for good Lionheart" Koba replies "Hehe, thanks for the compliment Eagle dude, bring it on!" Now the two clashes with heavy multiple fist at each other, the crowd is still watching the scene, the people in the Soviet Union are cheering, hoping for the match to continue. Noah releases the Cyclone waves trying to outbalance Koba, but Koba walks through it as Noah say "What, he can step through it?! Now the Eagle launching multiple strikes, as Koba gets hit, then he punches Noah in every body parts, as he is feeling the pain, Koba use the Sledgehammer Strike, bringing Noah down once again, he is angry now, he releases the tornado swirling around, now Koba plans to strike him with his ultimate skill, charging his energy as the Gregory says "Hey comrades, I sense that our Boss is charging a lot of energy" Nikita's thoughts are "He is beginning to find a way to launch his ultimate skill"

Now Noah will use his Ultimate skill again, now the hurricane appears once again, Ng Mui says "Oh no, The Eagle will launch his ultimate skill again, the energy he possesses is way too much to handle" Li replies "Yes, but how will Koba respond to it?" Back to the fight, Noah tells him "It's over Lionheart *The skill about to hit Koba* You're finished!" Koba lays down on the field and launch his ultimate skill "*Noah faces at Koba* PROMINENCE CANNON!" The beam breaks the barrier, clears the hurricane with it as it reaches to the outer space. Many people saw the bright beam that came from New York reaches up to the sky, as Temujin too is shocked as he see the beam, asking Goebbels "What was that Herr Goebbels?" Goebbels replies "I believe that bright beam came from New York, that high powered energy skill came from the Lionheart himself" Temujin replies "WHAT?! THAT BIG?!" Goebbels reply "Yes my Lord" Temujin's thoughts are "That faggot has some nerve showing off his power, I will rival that power someday". Meanwhile in Southern China, Ng Mui, Zephyr, Li Wang, and the monks saw the beam, not from the hologram, but in the sky itself, they are surprised as they saw it. Li's thought are "That Prominence Cannon is no joke at all".

The people are in silence, both wounded warriors are nowhere to be seen until the smoke is clear, Noah is knockout hard by the beam, Koba is still on his knees exhausted way too much, the announcer tells the people "The match is over! The winner is Koba The Lionheart Wardell!!!!!" The people cheers way louder than before, the Soviet people are cheering and happy to know their hero wins, Great Britain accepts defeat after the match. Temujin is mixed with emotions after the fight, the monks and the grandmaster are celebrating Koba's victory. Koba helps Noah up on his feet, putting his arm around his shoulder, as Noah tells him "Hey, congrats on beating my ass, you are a hard bastard to be put down with" Koba replies "Hey, don't mention it comrade, any way the people enjoy watching out fight" Both warriors wave at the crowd while they are cheering for them.

The two strong warriors are in a Hospital for treatment, Ellie is still crying that her husband is hurt, Koba tells her "Hey, don't cry, I will be alright" Jonna is also crying at Noah because he is badly wounded. After 5 days, they are ready to go home, Noah tells Koba "Hey, I want a rematch soon, this time I will beat your ass." Koba replies to him "Sure, you can count on it comrade." The Ravens and Eagles part ways as they now go home to their country to continue their normal life.