Chapter 42: The Campaign

Koba returns home to Moscow where many people are waving at him for his arrival, many people want to shake his hand, be at his presences to make their moments precious, Koba sees them, joins the crowd as they cheer with joy, knowing that Koba loves to protect his people. Now in 1933, Koba hears the news that Temujin has become a Chancellor, he is happy to hear it from him, but he also heard that Temujin is purging many communist supporters in Germany, he also knew his energy level is becoming higher than they last met during the Great War, then the energy waves get cut off due to the Astral sensory units that are responsible for blocking the signal waves. However Ellie tells him "Darling, my physic abilities can help you get through it" Koba replies to her "I will find time my love, but now is not the right time, we might get into trouble." Now Koba's instinct tell him about the dangers if he was about to get caught, it's best to avoid the alterations.

During Christmas in 1933, Koba takes a big break from the Government work, as he look at the bookshelf, he finds the Reminiscences of Vladimir Lenin, as he reads through it, "*Reads the memoirs* I, The Great Vladimir Lenin, want to save the Russian people from the incompetence of the Imperial Romanov Family" Moving on to 1897 "*Reading the exile part* I was arrested for sedition, they put me to exile, in Shushenskoye for three years, I want to tell the people to fight against the Imperial Family in the government, after that, I met the most beautiful woman in the universe, Nadezhda Krupskaya, then we moved to Western Europe, where I became a prominent theorist in the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party. The real reason why I want these Romanovs to be destroyed because they execute my brother! My thirst for revenge was stronger that time, that's why I want to spark the rebellion" Koba's thoughts on the exile part "Comrade Lenin, we have the same feeling but a different story, but I regret killing Howitzer and Bloomberg, revenge sometimes feels wrong, I let my emotions get the best of me" A public servant appears in the presidential office "So, you are reading his memoirs" Koba's reaction "Comrade Bulganin, you're supposed to leave the building for your family right?" Bulganin replies to him "You too Comrade, I see you are curious about his past" Koba replies to Bulganin "Yes Comrade, I want to tell you the truth behind his personality" Koba wants to know "Alright, what is he were back then?" Bulganin explains "He is cruel, but Stalin is more of a monster than he is, we are glad that you and the Ravens stop the Great Purge" Koba's thoughts on his words "I never knew about it, he was hiding his true intentions all along, it's the same thing, Communism would just take everything away from the people, that's what I don't like the most, all I wanted is the people to have freedom, but the law has to stay, because no one is above it" Bulganin loves his words "That's the words of wisdom coming from the Lionheart himself" The two continues to read Lenin's memoirs.

In 1934, Koba senses a powerful energy wave coming from the western side, as the radio plays from Berlin, it was cut off, Koba tries to get through the waves, but it's to strong enough to block it, Ellie and Koba will have a conversation:

Ellie: Do you need something?

Koba: The Radio is not working at all, If we use the Energy hologram, we still might get caught, but I heard rumors about a terrorist attack on berlin, they say it was the communist group who burned the Reichstag.

Ellie: Ok, do you still need my energy darling?

Koba: I would love to hold your hand my darling.

Ellie: *Puts baby Kobe sleep, then holds Koba's hand* Alright all set!

Koba: Alright, Celestial Skill: Sensory Camo Hyperdrive! *Reaches the Opera in Berlin without Astral Sensory units finding out* We can sense it now.

Ellie: It looks like he is about to begin his speech.

Temujin in Berlin: Good morning people of Germany, I have a something to say, the government must support our new procedures against terrorism, The Reichstag must support the Enabling Act.

Koba: The Enabling act? What does that mean?

Ellie: I don't know my love.

Temujin in Berlin: This act will be your opportunity to hand power for those who can control it effectively, from now on, all legislations will be handle by the Helghan Administration, which will have sole rights, to make a constitutional changes, freedoms of speech, association, the press, are temporarily suspended, *All high officials are panicking about the changes, many disagree with the terms* most communication rights via telephone, citizen energy sensory communication, radios, are revoked!

Ellie: Revoking all kinds of communication? Is he gone mad or something?

Koba: Temujin is taking his plan to the next step, I can feel it.

Temujin in Berlin: The government assumes the right to intervene in any situations, *Vice Chancellor Peter face is starting to disagree with the terms* I'm doing this to restore absolute order *People are still disagreeing with terms continues* The rights to drop laws passes from the Reich President, to the Chancellor, I OFFER THE REICHSTAG, THE PEACE FOR GERMANY!"

Koba: What the fuck, Temujin is insane! What is he even thinking?

Ellie: His method are getting out of hand my love.

Vice Chancellor Peter in Berlin: Never, if you respect our constitutional rights!

Goering in Berlin: Vice Chancellor please remain at your seat!

Koba: Goering is telling the Vice Chancellor to remain to his seat?! What the hell is going there?

Ellie: I cannot put these into words anymore darling.

Koba: I feel you love.

Temujin in Berlin: *Speaks to the Vice Chancellor* I will take any refusal, as a state of opposition!

*Koba and Ellie are in confusion*

The people: This is unacceptable, he is not respecting our freedom at all

The other people: Yeah, I feel that he wants to take over.

Temujin in Berlin: Gentlemen you must decide, will it be PEACE OR WAR!

*Goering stands and sings the national anthem of Germany*

*Others who are not a Helghan Member sings along*

Koba: *Waves his skill off* My goodness gracious, I can't believe this.

Ellie: Most of this actions is more like a dictatorship feeling.

Koba: I agree with you in this darling.

The couple cannot do anything about this matter, so they move with their lives as Ellie returns to her shift as a Professional Nurse to help the patients in their care, while Koba will lead the government in making the Soviet Union progress. In October 16th, 1936, Koba and Ellie have their second child which is a boy, Ellie name him Konnor, Ellie tells Kobe "Kobe, meet your baby brother Konnor" Kobe looks at Konnor with a big smile "Hello, I'm going to be your big brother, I'll make sure you will be safe with me" Noctis and Nektus are happy, as they wave at him, the baby suddenly stops crying, and Koba is like "Whoa, you guys are like baby whisperers" Nektus is like "No I'm just waving that's all hehe" Noctis is like "I never thought of doing that thing but I consider that as my ability now haha" Ellie tells the boys "Oh boys, you really love doing these stuff, Darling, will you hold Konnor?" Koba replies "Yes I will *Holds Konnor* I feel that you will be the smartest boy, because I can feel your heart burning in passion" The Family is happy about the newborn child.

Early in 1937, Koba wants to make sure everyone gets to vote in a oncoming election next year's August, Koba made rules about the election is during the term is 8 years, the president can get 3 terms, vice president as 3 terms, and 12 senators getting 3 terms if they win. The people want him to run again as president because he is the one who freed them from communist rule, Koba accepts the challenge once again to run for President. There are two candidates who are willing to challenge Koba in the next elections, the name is Nikolai Bulganin, a friend of Koba during the Civil War in Russia, another one is Sergei Blaskovich, a comrade whom he fought with Koba during the Civil War, they wish to lead the country with their heart as they campaign to many places. The three candidates travel across 15 states of the Soviet Union, meeting many people, giving them speeches about on how they are going to make the country progress. For Koba's thing, he lets the people follow his Wing Chun movements, the people loves doing this activity, where he deliver his speech, the people are happy that he made a lot of accomplishment through out his years as the First President. It is election day in August 23rd, 1938, the people are peacefully voting, following instructions, many are discipline enough to place it on the box.

Meanwhile Temujin in the Helghan Empire is in Hungary having fun swimming in the pool, the Hungarian girls fall in love with his personality and his strength. He heard about the Russian Elections, his thoughts of the election "What? That faggot is running for second term, pathetic HAHAHA!" Goering in the pool eating many burgers and beer "My Lord, the people love the Lionheart, he is strong enough to beat your arch nemesis McCallister" Temujin replies to Goering while he is eating in the pool "Shut the fuck up you fat ass slob, but at least that faggot brought McCallister down, that bastard deserve that shit HAHAHA!" Goebbels tells Temujin about the Annexation "My Lord, we fully secured Italy, Egypt, Libya, Turkey, Austria, and Hungary." Temujin is happy about the results "Good work, how about Greece?" Goebbels replies "My Lord, it will spark another war, please think about it." Temujin is disappointed "Fine, you are such a skeletor Goebbels" Goebbels takes that as a compliment "Thank you my lord!" In Temujin's mind "If that faggot wins, I'm going to challenge him in a duel, I want to know how far I can go HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

The results are set in October 3, 1938, when they see the billboards all over the Soviet Union, Koba wins as a landslide against the two candidates, Temujin's thoughts are "Hahahaha, watch out faggot, I got your big ass now! HAHAHAHA!" In the inauguration day in November 12th, 1938, Oleg speaks to the public in the Red Square "Today, your winner, and still the President of the Fe-, no The United Federal Republic States of Russia, Koba Malcolm Von Wardell!!!" The people cheers for him while Koba waves at the crowd knowing that his actions can help the people in need. Temujin now trains his way to make Koba suffer someday in the next chapter.