Chapter 43: The Emperor Kidnapped?!

Temujin is enjoying his luxurious time in Hungary in October 4th 1938, Jamukha talks to him about the results in the Soviet Elections:

Jamukha: Brother, what are your thoughts on the Lionheart's victory?

Temujin: HAH! That faggot will never know what's coming to him.

Jamukha: Right brother, he provides free education for the poor, feeding the poor, gives free healthcare for the poor, he really is kind warrior after all.

Temujin: Why are you complimenting that faggot, remember we have our plan for Germany's future.

Jamukha: Yes brother, I will set up the pocket dimension for your training.

Temujin: Thank you brother, *Faces to Foreign Minister Ribbentrop* Her Ribbentrop, I want you to contact the faggot through telepathy.

Ribbentrop: Yes my lord *Contacts the Celestial Sensory Units in Moscow* Hello, this is the Foreign Minister of the Helghan Empire.

Koba: *Hears a German accent coming from the sensory unit* Did I just hear a German spoke?

Sensory Unit Member: Yes Mr. President, do you want to speak to him?

Koba: I would love too *Speaks with Ribbentrop* Hello, this is Koba, how may I help you?

Ribbentrop: Hello, The Emperor requests to speak to you through hologram.

Koba: Yes, Men, get ready for the hologram.

*Both Astral and Celestial beings in their respective areas perform a Telepathic Energy Hologram*

Temujin: Hello, It's been a long time Lionheart.

Koba: Hi there, Iron Spectre, what do want to speak in this matter Emperor Temujin? *In Koba's mind* (What's this sinister energy I'm feeling right now? It doesn't feel right at all, I have to admit that Temujin's base form is over, 250 million!? That's way too much for a normal state being.*

Temujin: I am going to invite you to my beautiful places in Berlin for your victory in the elections, what do you say?

Koba: I may have my day off in a few weeks, sure.

Temujin: Good, I'll be expecting your arrival in 2 weeks. *Hangs up the hologram*

Ribbentrop: How did it go my lord?

Temujin: It went well, he was soft spoken faggot, his power level is way too small for a puppy to run HEHEHE HAHAHAHA!

Jamukha: Brother, he is hiding his energy way too well, be on guard at all cost brother.

Temujin: Fine, get ready for my training Goebbels.

Goebbels: Yes my lord.

Temujin finish his training after 3 hours in his pocket dimension, then a Hungarian woman stalks Temujin while he is dressing to head home to Berlin, the Woman is about to open Temujin's hotel room, but the door opens as Temujin looks as a beautiful woman to tell her "Woman, what do you want?" The woman is excited, her devoted feelings gets more intense cause her plan a failed to sneak in, she went to plan b "Hello Mr. handsome Emperor of the Helghan Empire, can you help me carry my big luggage?" Temujin's irritation is almost out, but insist on helping her "Shit fine, where is it?" Woman replies "It's right there" Temujin is about to carry the heavy luggage, she pulls out her sleeping gas, as Temujin is getting drowsy "What the fuck?! *Goes to sleep". The Super Squadron checks the room of Temujin, he was not there, the whole Empire went full alert because their Emperor is missing, they cannot sense his energy either.

The next day, The woman drags him to the abandoned factory outside Budapest, chaining both of his feet and his hands in a strong metal chair, many minutes later, Temujin wakes up and begins communicating with the crazy woman:

Temujin: *Wakes up in a unknown factory* What the?! Where the fuck am I?

Woman: Hello my love, I've been waiting for this moment to come, it's like a dream come true!

Temujin: Come true, more like your nightmares HAHAHAHA!!!

Woman: The way you laugh makes my heart race, I really want to cut you open with my trusty blade.

Temujin: Nice, try cutting my face then woman.

Woman: I will hahahaha!!!! *The blade hits Temujin's face but it breaks*

Temujin: Hey! Aren't you going to cut my face woman!

Woman: *Shocked* If I cannot cut your face up, then will feed you with my chocolate, made with my love.

Temujin: Okay?

Woman: Before I do that, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Agnes, I like you ever since you fought during the Great War. *Continues to talk, about to get the chocolate box at the table*

Temujin:*Breaks the chains in both sides, stands up in front of her* Woman!

Agnes:*Faces to Temujin* Wow, you broke the chains all by yourself, no wonder you are called the Iron Spectre. *Seeing Temujin cracking his knuckles* Um what are you doing?

Temujin: Preparing my fist, why?

Agnes: Love *begins stabbing him with a knife multiple times, then it breaks after multiple attempts* I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, PLEASE GO OUT WITH ME DARLING!

Temujin: *Punches her, knocking her out cold* Shit, I hit her too hard.

*The Helghan Legions and the Super Squadron raids the area, finding the Emperor unharmed*

Goebbels: Are you alright my lord?

Temujin: *Carries Agnes body* Yes Herr Goebbels

Goebbels: Thank goodness, what are we going to do with the woman, she kidnapped you my lord, she deserves a harsh execution.

Temujin: No, I will find good use from her in the future, prepare for my departure for Berlin.

Goebbels: Yes my lord!

Temujin: Brother, this woman is attractive.

Jamukha: Whoa you're right brother, the way she kidnapped you has something to do with her devotion.

Temujin: That's what I feel too, I'm starting to like this woman, she tried killing me many times HAHAHAHA!

Jamukha: Hahaha, lets get you to Berlin now.

Temujin and the Helghans arrive at the airport, the people there are waving at his return after the following Kidnapping of their Emperor. 3 days later, Koba hears the news about the kidnapping, his thoughts are "Temujin gets kidnapped by woman? Man I never thought he let his guard down" Noctis replied "I'm surprised too, I think she fell in love with him." Koba replies to Noctis "You're right about that, because I read another newspaper that was updated 3 hours ago, that he is carrying a knockout woman out of the plane after their arrival, damn Temujin is really harsh on her, I hope she's okay." Noctis replies "I hope so too"

Agnes wakes up by Temujin spilling a glass of water on her face, they both communicate as follows:

Agnes: My love where am I?

Temujin: You're awake beautiful, you are in Berlin, in my Palace of Doom.

Agnes: You bedroom is big, It fits perfectly for the both of us.

Temujin: *In his mind* (This woman is violently crazy, I kinda like it, she will benefit my satisfaction soon hehehehehehehe)

Agnes: You're laughing my love, *Goes to him with a knife she found in the drawer* is their something in your mind, are you thinking of another woman?

Temujin: *Has a better idea* No woman, I have a big request from you.

Agnes: What is it love?

Temujin: Do you want to be my Empress of the Helghan Empire?

Agnes: Yes!!!

Temujin: Good, do what I say from now on, or else I will execute you for good.

Agnes: I will do anything for you love, especially I will die for you.

Temujin: *In his mind smiling* (This bitch has some nerve telling me this bullshit, but I take it) *Now using his voice* In the next day woman, I will announce it, but this is not a marriage ceremony you hear me, you will only be my Empress.

Agnes: Yes my love!

In the next day, a military parade is perform by the German Armed Forces, the Helghan Legions, The Kriegsmarine, The Luffwaffe, & The Astral Super Squadron. Temujin delivers his speech to the public "People of Germany, The Helghan Empire, I have a partner to introduce to you, her name is Agnes from Hungary, she will be my Empress, all Armed Forces, obey her command as I am, but she will have to ask me first before performing a military operations. Before President Koba of the United Federal Republic of The Soviet Union visits here, we must make sure we show him the great might of the Helghan Empire! FOR VICTORY!" The whole military chants "FOR VICTORY!" The Appointed Supreme Commander of the Helghan Legion Field Marshal Fritz Von Bloomberg, Nephew of the late General Bloomberg of the Great War tells his troops "Warriors, when the times comes in every need, do you swear you allegiance to your Kaiser and your Kaiserin?" All soldiers in the area "We will vow to protect and serve them in need!" Field Marshal Fritz Von Bloomberg replies "FOR VICTORY!" All soldiers chant "FOR VICTORY!" The anthem plays as many face at the flag. After the anthem, the military music plays, the soldiers march next to Temujin and Agnes. Agnes tells her new lover "So this is what power feels like." Temujin replies to her "Yes, a power where you can control everything in the Empire" Tanks, planes, trucks full of artillery and ammunition passes through the couple saluting them. Meanwhile in Moscow on October 13th 1938, Koba is ready to pack his thing with family to go visit Temujin in Berlin in the next chapter