Chapter 44: Time For The Berlin Olympics Part 1: The Preparation

*Warning, This Chapter will contain some extreme violent moment, thank you.*

Meanwhile in Berlin in October 13th, 1938, Temujin learns new skills coming from the forbidden book, he tells Agnes "Woman! Bring me my live dummies." Agnes replies "Yes my love!" *Brings 14 victims who oppose Temujin* All of them are afraid of what will they become on Temujin's wrath, as Temujin says "I will test this new move, it is called the Phantom's Breath, it burns souls for those who gets hit by it *The people in the area are in deep fear of what Temujin says* So shall I begin this skill, PHANTOM'S BREATH!!!! *People gets hit are screaming in pain, Agnes watches them in satisfaction, scaring the Generals and the Helghan legions outside the Pocket dimension, they continue to hear the horrors of the screaming, giving them the memory to remember for the rest of their lives, Temujin devours their souls after getting burned* Agnes stabs the dead bodies, as Temujin thinks of her "*In mind* What the fuck? This woman stabs dead meats, I still like it *Back to reality* HAHAHAHAHAHA Delicious" Agnes tells him "My love, wanna go for another rounds of victims?" Temujin replies "This will be the last one yes, this time are children" Agnes is thinking of why will he do this thing "But why children? They are way too young my love" Temujin angrily replies "Woman, I'm not going to ask you again this time, round them up here NOW!" Agnes is scared "Yes my love *Tells Fischer a favor* Bring up the children" Fischer replies "Yes Ma'am" Rommel feels extremely horrified and sad in the same time, even for Guderian and Manstein. Temujin tries a new skill "Hello children wanna play a game?" One of the children is happy and tells him "Yes sir, what are gonna play" Temujin performs "Phantom Genocidal Explosion!!! *Blows up the entire group of children to bits, then devouring their souls* Delicious I give it a 7 out of 10" Agnes knew this is too much for her to witness Temujin bloodlust, but she never wanted to leave his side.

When Temujin and Agnes got out of the pocket dimension, the Generals and the army are way too terrified of Temujin's powers, including the Astral Warriors and the Elite Warriors. Goebbels plans with the Emperor:

Goebbels: So the Berlin Olympics will be open for the public in October 18th, many athletes from over the world have gathered for training here, what are your thoughts my lord?

Temujin: They will satisfy my time yes? Come to think of it, I want to show the world leaders of my true power I'm about to show, especially for that bastard Prime Minister Noah Fucking McCallister!

Goebbels: I'm happy to hear that from our powerful Emperor! *All people in the area claps in fear*

Agnes: Darling, the Lionheart is coming, are planning on killing him?

Temujin: No, I might trigger another Great War Woman.

Agnes: Oh my bad.

Goering: My Lord, President Koba of the Soviet Union will arrive in 3 hours.

Temujin: Good, I want to show him around in Berlin HAHAHAHAHA!

Agnes: *Her Jealousy begins to swirl* Love, I thought you will only spend time with me, I will kill the Lionheart just to make you spend time with me!

Temujin: *Irritated of her feelings, begins to scream at Agnes* Woman, try to do anything to him, or else you will DRAG OUR EMPIRE TO WAR!!!!!!!!

Agnes: *Crying in tears* Okay

Temujin: Look, this moment is extremely important to me alright, please be fucking patient will you Woman.

Agnes: Yes my love.

Temujin: Good woman, now I want you to feed our puppy right there now go!

Agnes: Yes my love *begins to feed the puppy, the soldiers have no words to explain after they witness the Emperor's dominance*

Skorzeny: My lord, I want to train with you if your up to it.

Temujin: I'm itching for battle my favorite warrior.

Agnes: *She is on her jealousy mood again* Why are spending time with him now, I will kill him!

Skorzeny: HAHAHA you, petty human, try to kill me with a simple knife?

Agnes: *Pulls out a big knife and rushes to Otto* I will kill you Field Marshal Otto!!!!

Skorzeny: *About to get stab but the knife broke in half* Is that the best you can do lovestruck woman.

Agnes: *Faces towards Temujin in frustration* WHY CAN'T I KILL HIM MY LOVE!

Temujin: You can't, we energy beings are hard as steel, I promise you that will spend my time with you.

Agnes: Alright, right now I will watch your fight with this ugly ass monkey.

Skorzeny: What did you say to me Hungarian swine?!

Temujin: Whoa there Field Marshal, save it for our sparring match.

Skorzeny: Yes my lord.

*The three enters the pocket dimension*

Agnes: *watches her lover fight* I hope my love will injure this horrible bastard of a man!

Skorzeny: Let's see how far can you go my Emperor.

Temujin: Yes, I will show my new skills of Astral energy.

The fight begins with both warriors transforming to Astral Progress 3rd gear clashes with hard blows on each other. Meanwhile Koba in the airplane were having a conversation 2 hours before reaching Berlin:

Koba: What is this energy I'm feeling right now, it feels so sinister.

Ellie: I wish I can use my psychic abilities to sense the being's energy, all of you are full of mystery.

Koba: Here, hold my hand, what you're about to feel is going to be uneasy for you at first.

Ellie: *Holds his hand* Oh my goodness, I feel two people fighting in a pocket dimension.

Koba: So we Celestial beings aren't the only ones to have a pocket dimension.

Nektus: *Holding baby Konnor, tells Ellie* Ma'am, how's the feeling go?

Ellie: It is my first time sensing a Astral being's energy, it's so extraordinary.

Nektus: Yeah, we are always calm to never compare power level to another.

Koba: How's the your Military badge Captain Nektus?

Nektus: It feels good, thank you for the promotion Comrade Koba! My girlfriend is happy to see me like this, plus she will take care of our new home you gave.

Koba: You're welcome, *Faces to Noctis* Lieutenant Noctis, how's yours promotion?

Noctis: I never felt so great about this one, thank you Big brother Koba.

Nektus: It's General Koba Noctis, please address him properly.

Noctis: Sorry Big bro, Thank you Field Marshal Koba!

Koba: Hey now, you don't need to be so formal about the title.

Kobe: Hey papa, when are we going to arrive to Berlin?

Koba: In 2 hours my son.

Kobe: Papa, when I grow up, I want to be a Biologist, I want to know what it feels like to study about life.

Koba: That's good to hear my son, always follow your heart to achieve your dreams.

Kobe: *Hugs his father* Yes papa, I love you so much.

Koba: I love you too my son. *Ellie feels in awe as she watch both of her love ones hug each other while carrying baby Konnor.*

Now back to the fight, Skorzeny launches his skill the Astral Void Strike, Temujin jumps as Otto keeps on attacking him, then Temujin's hand aims at Otto, performs "Phantom Wave" A huge amount of energy waves hit Otto, he tries to deflect it, after doing that, he feels a lot of pain, knowing that it is useless to deflect it, Jamukha enters the pocket dimension to witness his brother's best moves. Agnes tells her lover "Crush his bones to dust my love!" Temujin hears it as he now aims at Otto "Time to crush his bones *Otto feels a big amount energy storing in, now in full alert to attack him with Dimensional Blades* Phantom Crush!" The attack destroys multiple Dimensional blades, then dodges Temujin with his full speed, his thoughts are "Holy shit, if I get hit by that terrifying skill, I'm going to be a dead meat for good, now I'll use this, Venom Void Raid!" Temujin sees the attack coming to him, as he launches his skill back "Hahaha, you have to hit me harder than that Skorzeny, Astral skill: Phantom Breath!" The Venom Void Raid gets burned by the Phantom Breath, Otto reacts "What the?! *Jumps up higher* That attack was used earlier, shit that energy of the Emperor feels so sinister, I have to avoid getting caught by it, I have to find a way to knock him hard" Many hours, later Otto is exhausted, as Temujin effortlessly approach him, putting his palm on his chest "Checkmate, Phantom Genocidal Explosion! *Explodes*" Otto was knocked down hard, as Jamukha heals his wounds, telling him "Thank you Lord Jamukha, I owe you one." Jamukha replies "Don't sweat it Commander, we really need you for our next plan" Otto replies "Yes, we will make sure to make our Emperor proud." Agnes is happy, she hugs him so tight that Temujin became irritated by it, Goering enters the Pocket Dimension to tell Temujin "My Lord, The President of the Soviet Union has arrived" Temujin is pleased "Good Goering, bring me the Luxury Vehicle to get him" Goering answers "Yes my Lord".

Koba arrives at the airport, the Germans are looking at the Lionheart, as they think that he is a weak fool to enter their own turf. Temujin greets him a warm welcome for the next chapter.