Chapter 45: Time For The Berlin Olympics Part 2: Fueling The Heat

Temujin meets his old friend since the Great War has ended, both of them went face to face one another, the people there are watching the two stare at each other for 2 minute, after that, they shake hands like a normal gentlemen and begin to talk:

Temujin: Ah my old friend Lionheart.

Koba: It's an honor meet you, it's been a long time since I last saw you in Lake Naroch.

Temujin: Yes, I will never forget those day anyway hahaha, I hope you enjoy stay in Berlin Lionheart, the World leaders will come later on.

Koba: Got it, thank you Emperor Temujin.

Temujin: Don't sweat it.

*Otto Skorzeny appears to stare down at the Lionheart*

Koba: Marshal Skorzeny

Otto: Marshal Lionheart

Koba: Hey man, I know what you did to me back there Koenigsberg.

Otto: Yes, it feels satisfying incapacitating you back then, but now, your energy is way beyond measure.

Koba: Through training Marshal Otto, I will protect my people with my life.

Otto: Really? I highly doubt that Lionheart.

Temujin: Now now Gentlemen, there is no place for a fucking argument okay.

Otto: Yes my lord

Temujin: You are dismissed Marshal Skorzeny.

Otto: Yes my lord *Leaves to the car*

Temujin: I'm sorry that one of my favorite warriors try to make you uncomfortable.

Koba: Don't worry, I'm fine.

Temujin: That's good to hear Lionheart.

After the two warriors have a good chat, now Koba and his family went to one of Temujin's luxury cars to pick them off to the Hotel, after they arrive, Koba begins to talk to Ellie about Berlin:

Koba: Ellie, Berlin is a beautiful place.

Ellie: Yes my love, when are we going to explore?

Koba: Tomorrow will be a good time for the both of us only, Nektus and Noctis will watch over Kobe and Konnor.

Ellie: I'm happy to hear about that, I hope Anyanette will be fine taking care of Nektus' new home.

Koba: Yeah

*Koba Beginning to have flashbacks in 1931*

Koba: *Sees Anyanette in a cementery* Hey Anya!

Anyanette: Hey *Cries for her Father's death*

Koba: I'm sorry about your Anya, Comrade Ariandel is a good man, a fierce warrior, I will never forget that time he taught me new things in life.

Anyanette: Thank you, I'm happy that my Father had done so much for the country, especially impacting your life President Koba.

Koba: You're welcome, hey come to think of it, I saw you and Nektus together at the carnival last week.

Anyanette: Yes, I never have the courage to tell him my feelings, but he did confessed to me, I was a happiest girl the world.

Koba: I'm glad to hear it.

Nektus: Hey Anya! I'm sorry about Comrade Ariandel's passing.

Anyanette: Thank you Nektus *Hugs each other*

*Back to the present*

Koba: I'm sure Nektus will be a better man for Anyanette.

Ellie: Yes, come to bed with me.

Koba: *Cuddles her* I love you, good night darling.

Ellie: Goodnight my love.

In the next morning, Noctis sees many Helghan soldiers marching in the streets, telling his big brother "Hey Big brother, come look at this" Nektus stares at the window "Holy smokes, why are they hitting the street vendors" Noctis replies "We have to stop them now!" The two warriors rush to help the vendors from the ravaging Helghan Legions, they stop the huge group, the Platoon leader did not want to escalate things with the Russian officers because they are high rank than them, plus they knew they are Celestial beings, the Leader says to the platoon "Men, our orders is to not engage a fight with the Russian Officers, so it's best we leave them now go on!" The Helghan platoon left the scene, the people there are happy that the two saved them from the Helghans as Noctis tells them "Are you alright there?" The women are happy and replies "Thank you, those men are scary, they think they own this land" Nektus tells them "Don't worry ma'am, we will make sure your all safe as long as we are here beside the hotel" A woman tells Noctis "*Shyness but eager to ask his name* Sir, what's your name?" Noctis replies to her "My name is Lieutenant Noctis, may I know your name?" The beautiful woman repplies "My name is Ingrid, thank you for saving my mother." After they have a good conversation, Noctis and Nektus left as Ingrid starts to be more curious about the Noctis. Nektus tells his little brother "Wow Noctis, a cute girl ask your name after you put your body behind her, I think she likes you Noctis hehehe" Noctis replies "Man stop teasing me brother, any way we have to reach the stadium, Big brother Koba and others have reach there in time now." Ng Mui explores with Zephyr and Li Wang, they enjoy the view of the beautiful city as they all bump into each other.

The Reunion was a unexpected and they start a conversation:

Ng Mui: Oh my, you boys have grown up. Those ranks suit you well.

Li Wang: The boys improved by protecting the women out there.

Noctis: You saw us there?

Zephyr: Yes, that is one of the most bravest thing I have ever seen, this Empire feels sinister because they violated the Treaty of Versailles, plus, I keep seeing more soldiers everywhere we go.

Ng Mui: That's right, we hide our energy so that the Astral Super Squadron won't notice a strong energy.

Nektus: Is that so, then you must be here to watch the Olympics?

Li Wang: Yes, we are here to have a good time.

Noctis: Great let's head now to the stadium, they are going to start soon.

All of the Celestial beings arrive at the Berlin Stadium where the Helghans built, Koba is happy to see his Masters again, Temujin notice a Celestial energy coming from Koba's side, tells Goering "Marshal Ace Goering, time to change the plan" Goering replies "Yes my lord *Calls one of the planners of the Olympics* Change of plans, go for phase blue". Noctis got mad at the Emperor because the soldiers everywhere are causing so much violence in the streets, Ng Mui sensed a powerful and sinister energy coming from Temujin, telling Noctis "Boy, don't do anything reckless against the Emperor" Noctis in anger "No *Goes to Temujin* Koba tells Noctis "Boy! Stop now" Noctis is at the presence of Temujin, The Iron Spectre stands as the Soldiers, The World Leaders, and everyone look at Noctis face to face with the Emperor, Koba and the others can't do anything to stir things up. Temujin tells Noctis "Boy, do you have something to say to me?" Ingrid is one of the attendance at the crowd, sees her new crush go face to face with the Emperor "Noctis?! Please don't do something reckless!" Now Noctis tells the Emperor "Why are causing so much violence in the community, what do they do to deserve this kind of treatment!!" Koba still stood in fear, as Temujin says "these fools have oppressed my throne for so long" Koba tells Noctis "That's enough Noctis, come here now!" All of the people are silent as they witness one of the most powerful beings have had a scene, Temujin makes the announcements "Ladies and Gentlemen, After this events that will last for 15 days, I will hold the biggest event, still here at this beautiful stadium of course, I challenge that Lieutenant brat to a duel!" This shocks Koba and the people in the stadium especially Prime Minister Noah McCallister, as Noctis replies to Temujin "I accept this honorable challenge!" Koba can't believed that the fight will happen. Many contestants are introduced with a different country, they vow to try their best to bring home gold medal. The different sports is so entertaining, many people cheer for their country contestants to win gold medals, many congratulates them for doing their best even at silver or bronze.

After a exciting event of the first day comes to an end, the three Grandmasters part ways for a while, the Koba and Noctis have a private conversation about the scene that happened earlier:

Koba: Are you crazy?! The Emperor will kill you, I feel that intention coming from his heart.

Noctis: Don't worry General Koba, I will never back down from a fight!

Koba: Shit, I guest I have no choice but to train you at this time. *Calls the Kremlin Hall* Vice President, can you hold the position while I'm gone for another 15 days.

Zinoviev: Yes sir, I will do my best to govern our people, take care Comrade Lionheart.

Koba: You too Comrade Zinoviev *Hangs up the phone* Alright, let's get you to training.

Noctis: Yes sir!

Nektus: My goodness brother, I think you are doing this on purpose just to impress to that cute German woman Ingrid.

Noctis: *Blushes* Shut up big brother! I'm doing this for the people.

Koba: I love your guts Noctis, let's go.

The training begins as Koba teaches Noctis most of his Wing Chun moves on a wooden dummy, then the Energy Skills that he learned from the past, plus the strategy to overcome Temujin's powerhouse skills. Meanwhile Temujin is in his pocket dimension training with Jamukha and Goebbels. 14 days later, after many harsh hours of training, Temujin's words are "That brat will suffer my wrath, watch out Lionheart and Eagle, I will show what real pain looks like HEHEHE HAHAHAHAHAHA" Agnes like the angry Temujin "Man he is so sexy when he's pissed off, so dreamy" Meanwhile at the hotel, Koba tells Noctis "Tomorrow is your big day Lieutenant Noctis, show the Iron Spectre what your made of." Noctis salutes and replies "Yes Sir!!!" Ingrid hopes "Please Noctis, don't die, please live for me!" The two warriors are ready for the biggest event in the next chapter.